Later, it must be that both mother and son can't keep it.

Li Mengru went to check the situation, and immediately his eyebrows were twisted into a ball. Seeing that the situation was wrong, Lin Yi hurried to have a look. Indeed, the situation is not optimistic.

"Lin Yi, now there is massive maternal bleeding. For the sake of insurance, I suggest only one. Either stop bleeding and let my mother survive, or have a caesarean section. But in this way, my mother may die." Li Mengru said.

Lin Yi didn't speak. He checked the situation carefully again and said, "the fetus is also life. I hope we'll try our best to save the two."

Li Mengru said, "I know. I also want to save both. But now the problem is that you and I can't solve this situation. If maternal bleeding is like this, may both be saved?"

"No problem." Lin Yi nodded heavily.

Li Mengru looked straight into Lin Yi's eyes, as if he saw an unknown flame in his eyes.

"Prepare the operating room." Li Mengru said.

Operating room

"Mengru, let me do your cesarean section and hemostasis. Just concentrate on your work." Lin Yi said.

Li Mengru nodded and breathed deeply.


Since Li Mengru can be the director of gynecology at such an age, her professional level is naturally impeccable. Caesarean section is just a piece of cake for her. The most difficult part of this operation is to stop bleeding. Lin Yi was also the first time to stop bleeding for pregnant women. Naturally, he was very cautious. He directly grasped ten silver needles with both hands.

"Mengru, the attending doctor will write my name later." Lin Yi suddenly said. This means that the patient is fully responsible by himself, regardless of Li Mengru's affairs, including the possible death of the pregnant woman.

"Don't be distracted, let's start!"

In this operation, what Lin Yi has to do is to seal the relevant blood vessels and prevent the flow of blood with the progress of Li Mengru's operation. This is also a challenge for Lin Yi.

That's why Lin Yi said that the attending doctor should write his own name and let himself take full responsibility. Because Lin Yi is not completely sure that he can seal the blood vessels perfectly.

Of course, Lin Yi can also follow Li Mengru's plan and only protect one. But the baby is innocent. He doesn't even open his eyes to see the beauty of the world. Is it fair to let him die? If you protect the baby, it's something Lin Yi doesn't want to do. Just like yourself, do you want this baby to lose his mother at birth? Lin Yi knows what it's like to have no parents' love, so Lin Yi decides to fight for it.

Li Mengru doesn't have time to argue with Lin Yi about who the attending doctor should be. After all, let's go through the current difficulties first. Li Mengru gently waved the scalpel and began his performance. The scalpel stained with blood is like life in Li Mengru's hands. It is a dance of life, fascinating and respected.

Lin Yi looks at Li Mengru's operation process, and the silver needle in his hand keeps changing its position. At this moment, it seems that Lin Yi is like a real doctor, not that careless ruffian.

The nurses and anesthesiologists around them were stunned by their tacit cooperation and superb technology.

Four hours later, they came out of the operating room.

Lin Yi took off his mask and found that the mask had been completely soaked with sweat. The pressure of this operation is even greater than that of Su Mengying. At this time, Lin Yi found that what he learned is not very powerful, but just a bit of medical fur. Such an operation, if it is Ye Zifeng, can be completed by one person.

Li Mengru also took off his mask, looked at Lin Yi and smiled blankly. Just now in the operating room, Lin Yi's serious appearance made Li Mengru feel that the man in front of him was really excellent.

"All right, don't laugh. The attending doctor will give it to me. I still need to study this case carefully. I won't be so embarrassed next time." Lin Yi said.

Li Mengru nodded and said, "here you are. Let's go. Let's go out first."

When they returned to the office, they were tired and paralyzed. They looked at each other and smiled.

This may be the sense of achievement of being a doctor. I was tired for four hours, but I saved two lives. Similarly, I also saved a family. This is not felt by other professions, and it is this sense of achievement that makes countless young people work hard in the direction of medicine.

"Dong Dong Dong." Someone knocked at the door. Lin Yi and Li Mengru quickly straightened up and sat down. After all, these two people are leaders now, and their image should be maintained.

"Please come in." Li Mengru said.

A little nurse came in and said to Lin Yi, "Dr. Lin, the pregnant woman has been sent to ICU. You haven't given a doctor's order on medication and other aspects. Look."

Lin Yi slapped his head and forgot this.

"Give me the list." Lin Yi said to the little nurse.

The little nurse handed Lin Yi the list and pen in her hand. Lin Yi took it over, brushed it a few times, and wrote down the follow-up treatment drugs for pregnant women on the list. And signed his name. Gave it back to the little nurse. After the little nurse got the list, she smiled and said, "then I'll go. Go on."

Li Mengru and Lin Yi were embarrassed.

After the little nurse walked out of the door, she didn't go directly to the pharmacy to get the medicine, but went to the dean's office and opened the door of the dean's office.

"Very good, Xiao Zhang. You did a good job."

"Thank you, Dean. Then hurry up. I have to go to the pharmacy to get the medicine."


It turned out that behind this medical order, there was a carbon paper, which rubbed down Lin Yi's signature, and all this was arranged by president Tang Bowen. The purpose is very simple. It is to compile and correct the medical order and let the pregnant woman have an accident. Then investigate Lin Yi's responsibility, let Lin Yi leave the hospital, and even send him to prison. In order to get rid of Lin Yi, Tang Bowen is taking a person's life as capital.

"All right." Tang Bowen handed the doctor's order to the little nurse.

After getting the revised doctor's order, the little nurse went out of the dean's office directly. Unexpectedly, director Li pushed the door open when he was about to open the door. The two men hit each other.

"Director Li." The little nurse called in quickly.

Director Li didn't take the little nurse seriously. With a light grace, he went to Dean Tang Bowen. The little nurse hurried away. In a panic, she dropped Lin Yi's real medical advice at the door of the dean's office.

"Director Li? What can I do for you?" Tang Bowen asked.

Director Li replied, "well, there's an operation. We suggest that Lin Yi come and take the lead. Our doctors really don't have the ability."

"Lin Yi? He's a gynecologist. Why does he always have to help you with thoracic surgery? What do you people eat? Was it the people's hospital that came in through the back door?" Tang Bowen was a little angry.

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