After Lin Yi hung up the phone, he was thinking about lying down, but he found that there was no quilt on the sofa. Sighed and said, "who is the master of this family?" Turn around and walk to the bedroom, ready to get a quilt.

Lin Yi pushed open the bedroom door and was immediately frightened by the scene in front of him. Su Mengying kicked the quilt! Of course, the point is not here. The point is that Su Mengying doesn't know when to take off her clothes! And his limbs diverge, and his sleeping appearance is extremely indecent. Now in front of Lin Yi, Su Mengying is only wearing close fitting clothes, which is extremely tempting.

Although Lin Yi thought not to, his body was very honest and his eyes couldn't control. He looked at Su Mengying's body. His body was unconsciously close to the bed. When his evil hand was about to reach Su Mengying, Lin Yi suddenly reacted and what he was doing! Quickly retracted his hand.

"Color is empty, color is empty." Lin Yi murmured in his mouth, then reached out and covered the quilt for Su Mengying again. There was no such beautiful scene in front of him, and Lin Yi's heart beat a little slower. Take the quilt on the other side and run away. Lin Yi doesn't want to stay in this room. If Su Mengying kicks the quilt again, he can't stand this feeling.

The night passed. Lin Yi was woken up by Su Mengying. Of course, Su Mengying had dressed at this time.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Su Mengying carries the baked bread and hands one to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi thought, how can you be so tempting. Of course, Lin Yi didn't dare to say it. He just nodded and said, "it's not bad."

Su Mengying knew when she saw Lin Yi's crooked neck. He probably didn't sleep well last night. She smiled and said, "OK, eat quickly and go to work after eating. Isn't there another operation today?"

Lin Yi nodded. There is another operation, and it is very important to help Su Mengying regain her confidence.

After a simple breakfast, Lin Yi and Su Mengying came to the hospital. As soon as he entered thoracic surgery, director Li welcomed him and said, "you will be the director of my thoracic surgery in the future. I will be your assistant. I promised you at the beginning, but now I have done it." After that, he found that Su Mengying was also behind him and continued to say, "President Su, are you?"

"President Su came to help me finish the operation. You can arrange it. The operation will begin in an hour." Lin Yi is very adapted to his status as a director.

Su Mengying also nodded in favor. When director Li saw Su Mengying nodding in favor, he nodded and said, "OK, I'll arrange it now. You go and prepare. President Su didn't know much about the patient before, so let's go and understand it now."

Su Mengying nodded and followed Lin Yi to the operating room to prepare.

"Don't tell me. You look really good in this surgical suit." Lin Yi said.

"Don't be poor. Tell me about the patient." Su Mengying pretended to be relaxed, but her hands still trembled. Of course, Lin Yi also saw it.

"It's not a very difficult operation. It's just a thoracic tumor resection. It must be a piece of cake for you." Lin Yi said, took Su Mengying's hand and continued, "calm down. You are president Su, the president of the people's hospital."

Su Mengying felt that her hands were surrounded by a burst of warmth. She felt a lot of peace of mind at once, but she still had no way to tell herself that there was really no problem. She was just preparing now, and she was already so upset. If she was already operating later, holding a scalpel and being illuminated by a shadowless lamp, could she be so calm? Su Mengying doesn't know.

"Let's go. It's ready." Lin Yi glanced at the time and said.

Su Mengying took a long breath and nodded. He walked into the operating room with Lin Yi.

"Relax, it's okay." Seeing Su Mengying with a scalpel nearby, Lin Yi can't help shaking his hand. He can't help but say something comforting.

"I... I..." Su Mengying understood very well, but she couldn't try to calm herself down. Under the illumination of the shadowless lamp, Su Mengying seemed to return to the original scene and situation. Su Mengying is also holding a scalpel, full of confidence, but because of her small mistake, she destroyed the happy life of the whole family. In her mind, the child's cry seemed to be in her ear. Su Mengying really had no way to pick up the scalpel again.

Lin Yi looks at Su Mengying and puts down the scalpel. She gently hugged Su Mengying from behind, grabbed her hands with both hands and said, "I must have forgotten it for so long. Now I'll teach you by hand and watch it." Then he grabbed Su Mengying's hand and opened his chest to the patient.

Although Su Mengying has a slight resistance, Su Mengying really has no extra strength to break free at this time. He had to follow Lin Yi and open his chest to the patient bit by bit. However, with the progress of the process, Su Mengying had the memory of doing this operation for other patients in her mind. Little by little, she had the joy of those patients after their recovery. Although I made mistakes, I also saved many lives.

At this time, the door of the operating room opened, a doctor came in and said, "director Lin, there is a new patient whose chest is pierced by a foreign body. You need to go there."

"OK. I'll come right away." Lin Yi let go of Su Mengying and said, "you can do it. I'll go first."

"Ah, ah!" Su Mengying said, "in case..."

"Not in case." Lin Yi dropped this sentence and left the operating room.

Su Mengying sighed and looked at her hands, but found that her hands had not trembled for a long time. The corner of Su Mengying's mouth under the mask rose slightly and said, "Xiao Zhang, come and help us, let's continue."

Lin Yi walked to operating room 2 and asked, "what's the patient's situation?"

"In the car accident, the patient was inserted into his chest by the window." The doctor said, "it's in operating room 2 now. Director Li has passed."

"OK." Lin Yi nodded.

Operating room 2

Lin Yi changed into a surgical suit and said to Director Li, "as usual, I am responsible for hemostasis and you are responsible for repairing blood vessels and other parts."

"OK. No problem." Director Li nodded.

With that, five silver needles appeared in Lin Yi's hand.

After the operation, Lin Yi and Su Mengying walked out of the operating room at the same time. Seeing Su Mengying's relaxed face, Lin Yi smiled and said, "President Su has returned?"

"Thank you." Su Mengying said.

"Then I'll be the director of thoracic surgery for you." Lin Yi smiled.

"Then the dean will be for you?" Su Mengying replied.

The two men looked at each other and smiled.

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