The situation in the disaster area is very bad. The news from the disaster relief team of the people's hospital led by director Li is that at present, there are at least 100 cases of minor injuries and 10 cases of serious injuries in the disaster area, which are only dug out, as well as the villagers who are still buried under the debris flow. I'm afraid the people's hospital can't accept so many patients this time.

Lin Yi and Su Mengying both received this notice, but there was nothing they could do. Neither of them was qualified to refuse their request for survival. The first batch of injured people are approaching. They must go down and prepare immediately. As for what reception is excessive and what load is not what Lin Yi is considering now.

Lin Yi and Su Mengying stood in the emergency department waiting for the first batch of wounded to come. Lin Yi said, "president, aren't you afraid?"

Su Mengying chuckled, "what are you afraid of? If I fall, don't you still have you?"

Lin Yi smiled and nodded. At the same time, he turned to the medical staff in the emergency department and said: "I know you are all ready. Most of you are tired dogs, but the salary is very small. I know you can stay here because of your love for the profession of doctor. President Su is here today to stand on the United Front with you. Now the wounded will arrive soon. Move!"

Lin Yi's words made the emergency rescue personnel excited. As we all know, emergency is the most oil-free place. However, whenever there is a major disaster, emergency is the first department to bear the brunt.

Although the disaster relief team was composed of personnel from various departments, the emergency department accounted for more than half of the disaster. Lin Yi knows very well that this disaster relief operation is the primary battlefield. You must boost your morale.

Of course, Su Mengying also listened to this paragraph, gave Lin Yi a meaningful look and smiled gently. Lin Yi said close to Su Mengying's ear, "it's all played in TV dramas."

"Director Lin, director of Su hospital, the first batch of wounded people have arrived!" A doctor rushed in and said.

"Finally?" Lin Yi nodded and then shouted, "all personnel are ready to receive the injured. The minor injury should be quickly bandaged and sent away. The seriously injured should directly contact other department experts for consultation, and then transfer. Don't stay in the clinic!" Although the situation was urgent, Lin Yi still considered the number of patients. With so many injuries, the most terrible thing may be cross infection.

After hearing Lin Yi's orders, everyone moved one after another. Lin Yi also took part in the first aid. Due to the debris flow, most patients have blood loss, either light or heavy. However, Lin Yi's hand acupoint hemostasis is just right, which is applicable here. Of course, the hemostatic effect can't be replaced by any instrument.

Just as Lin Yi was busy, a nurse suddenly rushed over and said, "director Lin, the famous chest cavity is sunken and has hurt the internal organs. Now he has been sent to thoracic surgery. So far, only you can do this operation. See if it is..."

Lin Yi sewed the last needle on the patient, put down the needle and thread, and said, "no problem, I'll go there now." With that, she turned her head and said to Su Mengying, who was treating the wound of another injured person, "Madam President, I have to go first. You hold it here first, and I'll come after the operation." Su Mengying nodded, and Lin Yi turned to the operating room.

On the first day of the disaster, Lin Yi and Su Mengying were busy until midnight and finally stopped. At this moment, the hospital has reached a state close to full load. This is the first day of the disaster. The hospital is already running at full load. Lin Yi and Su Mengying finally had time to rest and sat down in the corridor.

"I don't know what's going on with the disaster relief team." Su Mengying understands that the disaster relief team goes deep into the front line of disaster relief and must be in the most dangerous moment all the time, so she will be particularly worried.

After such a busy day, Lin Yi was also a little tired. He leaned against the wall and said, "don't worry, director Li can certainly handle it."

In fact, Lin Yi is also very worried about the situation there, but it is true that Lin Yi has no spare energy to worry about other places. As far as the current situation of the hospital is concerned, gynecology and pediatrics have divided half of the wards for disaster relief. A banner dividing line is drawn in the middle, which has become two departments.

Li Mengru is naturally very busy. You should know that there are many pregnant women in gynecology. Pregnant women have just given birth, so they are weaker and more susceptible to infection. However, the situation forces them to take out half of the wards for disaster relief. Disinfection and isolation of these things is enough for Li Mengru to be busy.

Su Mengying stood up and said, "go to my Dean's office. There's not much time to rest. I'm afraid the second batch of wounded will arrive. Things will only get worse and worse. Be prepared."

"Yes." Lin Yi nodded and followed Su Mengying to the dean's office. I'm afraid the whole people's hospital has only the dean's office without patients.

The next day, just before dawn, the second batch of wounded had been delivered. Lin Yi is busy again. But there are too many wounded in this group. Lin Yi is really going crazy. The silver needle he carried was not enough, and his hands were even trembling. Lin Yi shouted, "go upstairs and ask them to come down and help! Anyone who has learned first aid can come down. Don't be a fucking boss."

Su Mengying frowned slightly because she found that it was the second day of disaster relief, but she had never seen a figure of someone, that is Zhou Liwei. As a director, he turned his back on it? Su Mengying asked, "Lin Yi, have you seen Zhou Liwei?"

As soon as Lin Yi listened and thought carefully, he was immediately angry. Indeed, I didn't see Zhou Liwei. Lin Yi didn't speak and walked directly to Zhou Liwei's office. Su Mengying couldn't call Lin Yi. She stamped her feet in a hurry. "At this critical time, Lin Yi, don't make trouble." Su Mengying said silently.

Lin Yi goes to Zhou Liwei's office and kicks the door open. He sees Zhou Liwei seeing a patient. Lin Yi, without demur, directly reached out to his patient and felt the pulse. He immediately exploded and scolded, "Zhou Liwei, are you having a problem with your brain? How many days do you need to see a diabetic patient? Do you not know the following situation? You are going to sit here as grandson, are you throwing it away?"

Zhou Liwei looked embarrassed, but he didn't know what to say.

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