In Li Mengru's office, Lin Yi is standing at Li Mengru's desk and honestly explaining all the things and details of this trip to Yunnan.

Including how Li Xiang brought amu back with his help. Lin Yi was very calm when he talked about it, but Li Mengru broke out in a cold sweat after listening to it.

Indeed, Lin Yi's trip to Yunnan was very dangerous. That gun battle really nearly killed Li Xiang. Later, if Lin Yi hadn't arrived in time to stop the leader, I'm afraid it would be another gun battle. If so, the outcome would be hard to say.

"So you said you almost killed yourself when you went on a trip?" Li Mengru is really in a cold sweat. He almost can't see his brother. Can he not be afraid? "You can really play!" Li Mengru was really angry, turned his head and said angrily.

"Actually, it's not that dangerous. Isn't it all right?" Lin Yi said carefully. He was afraid that his carelessness would annoy Li Mengru. At that time, he would really be out of food and go away.

"Not so dangerous?" Li Mengru suddenly stood up and shouted, "what else? Go to war in a tank? I said Lin Yi, even if Li Xiang is not sensible, why are you so ignorant? Can't you stop him when he does these things?" Li Mengru is really afraid. If something really happened to Li Xiang, or to Lin Yi, how should he live and deal with himself after he learned the news!

"I didn't know before. I want to know. Can I let him do this?" Lin Yi quickly explained, but he was thinking, "sorry, Xiangzi, I can't stand it. I have to sell you first."

In fact, Lin Yi knew it, but Lin Yi didn't expect a gunfight. But as far as the current situation is concerned, if Lin Yi says he knows what Li Xiang wants to do, he doesn't have to continue talking. Li Mengru will certainly stop talking to himself.

A woman's weapon is the most deadly. Ignore you. Lin Yi can't handle it either.

Li Mengru was still very angry, didn't speak, turned and sat down again.

Looking out of the window angrily, Lin Yi was already thinking about how to clean up Li Xiang when he went back. Lin Yi breathed a long sigh of relief. It seemed that he had passed the customs. He continued: "Mengru, Li Xiang is not..." Before he spoke, Lin Yi's mobile phone suddenly rang. He took it out and saw that it was su Mengying's. Lin Yi quickly answered it.

"Lin Yi, are you still in the hospital? There's a patient in your thoracic surgery. Xiao Li happens to be doing another operation. No one outside your chest can do it. I can't divide the time here. If you're still in the hospital, go quickly. If you're not in the hospital, I can only call Fu Hong." Su Mengying's anxious voice came from the other end of the phone.

There was a lot of information in this speech, and Lin Yi was a little confused after listening to it. Who is Xiao Li?

Is he the acting director during his resignation? No one can do this operation? What kind of operation is this. Fu Hong? Is that doctor Fu who had surgery together this morning? How can this work!

Lin Yi finally grasped the key point. It is absolutely impossible for his patients to operate on people who completely don't respect the doctor. Lin Yi quickly said to the other end of the phone: "I'm still in the hospital. I'll go there now“

"OK. As soon as possible“

Lin Yi hung up the phone and said to Li Mengru, "don't be angry, Mengru. I have an operation on my hand now. When I get off work in the evening, I'll take you to dinner to celebrate my reinstatement. I'll go first." after that, Lin Yi rushed to the thoracic surgery in a hurry. Li Mengru's tight face also had a little smile, "he was reinstated. That should be celebrated. “

Lin Yi was walking in the corridor of thoracic surgery, looking at the CT film, and asked the nearby nurse, "what's the specific situation of the patient“

The nurse replied, "the patient is a 12-year-old female. She was stabbed in the chest by a dagger and stabbed two centimeters into her heart. She had a shock and recovered after administration. She is now in operating room 2“

"OK. "Lin Yi didn't say much. He went directly to the operating room. According to Lin Yi's preliminary judgment, the patient should be a heart damaged recovery, which is not very difficult. As for the lack of a doctor, it is because the doctors of thoracic surgery are just doing a training of cardiopulmonary transplantation, so Lin Yi can only come to do the operation. Although Lin Yi is not as skilled as doctor Fu in heart surgery repair, But there is absolutely no problem.

After Lin Yi changed his clothes and disinfected, he stood in front of the operating table. At this time, he found that it was the little girl who gave himself braised meat on the hospital bed!

Why, the little girl who was jumping just now is stabbed by a dagger in her chest. All this makes Lin Yi feel a little unreal, but Lin Yi now knows that this is the reality. He must start immediately in order to save the little girl's life.

Lin Yi looked at the position of the dagger and said to the assistant next to him, "pay attention to the patient's blood pressure and blood oxygen. I'm going to pull out the dagger." then, for the sake of safety, a silver needle has appeared in his hand and pierced the little girl's chest.

"Three, two, one." when Lin Yi silently recited one in his heart, his hands suddenly worked hard and pulled out the dagger. Fortunately, there was no massive bleeding, so the next step was to repair the blood vessels. Lin Yi took a breath and shouted, "knife. “

The repair of blood vessels is almost halfway through. When Lin Yi is checking the blood vessels behind with his internal force, he suddenly finds that the little girl's heart has a congenital defect. If Lin Yi is right, I'm afraid the little girl will have periodic chest pain and syncope. Lin Yi smiled and said in his heart, "just for your plate of braised meat."

Lin Yi is ready to treat the little girl's heart disease, but the congenital defect is not a problem that can be solved with a knife. Lin Yi seems to have the smell of braised meat in his mouth. Such a naive and kind-hearted child should not be tortured by illness. As Lin Yi thought, he drew anger from the wooden pearl, attached it to the scalpel and sent it to the little girl's heart.

Three hours later, all blood vessels of the heart were repaired, and Lin Yi finally completed the operation. Of course, it was overfulfilled, because he not only repaired the little girl's blood vessels, but also repaired her heart completely. When the little girl wakes up, he will find that he will never have chest pain again. At the same time, even breathing is much smoother than before.

Lin Yi walked out of the operating room. Through the window, he found that the sun was going to set again. This day feels short. But Lin Yi enjoyed it very much.

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