"Consciousness?" When Lin Xiao heard Mo Yu say that he was conscious, he was immediately happy. I'm afraid my consciousness is more than ten times stronger than that of ordinary people. In that case, can you have the same ability as Mo Yu?

"Well, consciousness." Mo Yu nodded, slowly looked at Lin Xiao and continued, "I know you have strong consciousness and good physique. But you don't have strong mental strength. It's not because you're not strong enough, but on the contrary, you're too strong."

"Too strong?" Lin Xiao can't laugh or cry. What does it mean that this is too strong. Is it difficult that you are too strong but inhibit your spiritual power? If so, it would be too oolong.

Mo Yu saw Lin Xiao crying and laughing, smiled and continued: "your consciousness is too strong, but your body is too weak, so your spiritual power has not awakened. If you awaken, it will do too much harm to your body."

Lin Xiao nodded after listening. Lin Xiao knew that his spiritual power was too strong, but his body was not strong enough, because Lin Xiao didn't deliberately exercise his body. He was imperceptibly influenced by his own cultivation skills. Lin Xiao said slowly, "what's the matter with you? Your magic can even affect me."

"Me?" Mo Yu smiled and continued, "I'm just the opposite. I'm too weak. Both consciousness and physique are too weak. But maybe God took care of me and made me mutate, resulting in my spiritual awakening. I still remember when I woke up, all my little goldfish died. They were killed by my spiritual power."

Lin Xiao nodded, but his heart was full of shock. Is the spirit so terrible that it can kill creatures in space? Lin Xiao thought to himself that he would call ye Zifeng later and be sure to ask him if he has any skill to forge his body.

"Here we are." Seeing that he had reached the farm, Lin Xiao parked the car directly at the door and stuck at the door. Turning to Mo Yu, he said, "to be on the safe side, don't let others in." Some things are better not to let others know.

Mo Yu also nodded. Now the door is empty, and the original security personnel stopped their life activities because of modi's unconsciousness, so they can only stand aside foolishly. Lin Xiao could feel that these security personnel just lost the ability of life activities, but there were still signs of life in their bodies.

Mo Yu took Lin Xiao through the front hall and stood at the door of the corridor. Lin Xiao stopped and said, "are you sure there will be no butterflies flying in the sky or scorpions climbing on the ground in this corridor?" Lin Xiaoke still clearly remembers this place. It is here that modi showed his skill of poisonous insects. Now he is still afraid to think of it.

Seeing Lin Xiao's appearance, Mo Yu also smiled gently and said, "don't worry, don't say that elder brother is unconscious and can't control these things. Even if he is still awake and knows your identity, he can't do such a thing. You are his only junior brother."

Lin Xiao shrugged his shoulders and said in his heart. Who knows? This elder martial brother is such a bully. Who knows if he will come up with some inexplicable things to hit himself. However, when Mo Yu said that modi was unable to control now, he was relieved and went forward.

When he entered modi's room and opened the door, Lin Xiao was very uncomfortable with the smell of death. The wood spirit bead in the body was ready to move, but this time, it couldn't be suppressed. Suddenly, the green light soared, and Lin Xiao was surrounded by the green light.

Mo Yu was blinded by the green and yellow light. He thought that something had happened to Modi, but Mo Yu could obviously feel that this was a pure life energy, not death energy. Mo Yu remembered that it was Lin Xiao's energy. He quickly stretched out his hand to hold Lin Xiao and shouted, "what's the matter with you?"

Although Lin Xiao wanted to hide his possession of wooden beads, he really couldn't hide it now. Now he can't control the energy overflowing from the breath of death. Every meridians and acupoints are full of this vitality energy. Although it is said that this energy does no harm to the body, Lin Xiao can't bear too much energy now.

"There's something in my body that I can't control now." Lin Xiao knows that now is not the time to hide. He can only admit it and see if Mo Yu has any way.

Mo Yu heard Lin Xiao say this and quickly stretched out his hand to hold Lin Xiao's hand, but the green light was too dazzling. Mo Yu really couldn't open his eyes. Mo Yu quickly shouted, "you hold my hand and import energy into my body. I was born a container and can bear it."

Lin Xiao was shocked when he heard that Mo Yu said he was a container, but the situation was urgent. Now he had no better way. Lin Xiao groped around and finally held Mo Yu's hand. He quickly passed the energy to Mo Yu.

With the passage of time, the energy was slowly transferred to Mo Yu, and the green light was also slowly darkened. The life energy riot of Lin Xiao's explosive body, which was almost hurt, finally subsided.

Lin Xiao looks at Mo Yu who has absorbed life energy and finds that Mo Yu's face is also flushed. It seems that it is still difficult for Mo Yu to absorb the energy of the mulingzhu riot. Lin Xiao finally recovered his mind, looked at Mo Yu and said slowly, "are you okay?"

Mo Yu didn't answer, but his face flushed and gradually turned blue. In the end, both eyes were going to overflow energy. Lin Xiao thought that the extra energy was unbearable for Mo Yu and had hurt Mo Yu. Lin Xiao hurriedly wants to suck the energy out of Mo Yu's body. After all, it's his own business. It's absolutely impossible for Lin Xiao to let others bear it for him.

Mo Yu saw that Lin Xiao wanted to absorb energy again. He quickly shook his head and pushed Lin Xiao away. Later, he spit out a green bead of light from his mouth. When Lin Xiao saw it, he was shocked and speechless. He could clearly feel the energy filled in the light bead.

"All right." Mo Yu breathed heavily, handed the light beads in his hand to Lin Xiao and said slowly, "these are the energy you just spilled and passed to me. I condensed them into light beads that can be absorbed."

Lin Xiao can't believe that his ears can absorb light beads?

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