"Zhai Shao, you don't have to emphasize again and again that I cheated ruoyao. Even if Xiaomei's identification is effective, it can only show that we framed you, not that I cheated ruoyao. The two prescription lists I wrote can be checked, absolutely no problem." Lin Yi said.

"Dr. Lin, you are a professional. We can't find your flaws in medication. However, it doesn't mean you didn't cheat Yao Mei." Zhai Jie still doesn't let go.

"I've been invited by the Su family to be her private doctor. If I like the Su family's money, my visit fee has been a lot. What do you say is my motivation?" Lin Yi asked zhaijie.

Zhaijie smiled and said, "Dr. Lin, do you think I'm a three-year-old? No one will think too much of money. You're just going to cheat Yao Mei's trust and try to make su Zhai's marriage impossible. Then you try to make Yao mei love you. Yao Mei is the only child. When you get Yao Mei, you get the Su family indirectly."

"Zhai Shao, you seem to be talking about yourself. Why don't you say that your zhais want to swallow the property of the Su family, so they let you marry ruoyao. Finally, when both Mr. Su and Mr. Zhai are old, the wealth of these two families will be yours." Lin Yi retorted.

"Ha ha, I'm different from you. Our Zhai family is rich enough and powerful. Marrying the Su family is just to add icing on the cake, but you're different. If you have the Su family, you'll turn a pheasant into a Phoenix." Zhai Jie said in a sarcastic tone.

"Master, madam, director Liu of the municipal hospital is here." Aunt Xing came in, followed by a familiar figure.

Lin Yi recognized it, director Liu Guoli.

Su Haotian met him and came to Mr. Su's bed. "Director Liu, please go. My father is in a coma again. Look, do we send him to the hospital right away?"

Liu Guoli smiled and said, "don't worry, Mr. Su. I'll have a look first."

Liu Guoli took out the stethoscope, put it into old man Su's clothes, left and right for a while, then opened his eyes and looked at it. His expression immediately became serious: "Mr. Su, old man is much more serious this time than before. You can't move him casually."

As Lin Yi said, Zhai Jie glanced at Lin Yi with disdain. Seeing Lin Yi nodding his head in relief, he snorted coldly again.

"Now you should believe me. Help me immediately, or I'm afraid it's too late." Lin Yi came forward and said.

Liu Guoli also recognized the voice of an acquaintance. Turning around, he saw Lin Yi, "Dr. Lin, you're here." Then he turned to Su Haotian and said, "Mr. Su, if I had known that Dr. Lin was here, I wouldn't teach. Dr. Lin is much better than me."

When Su Haotian heard Liu Guoli say this, he was surprised and asked, "so director Liu also knows Dr. Lin."

Liu Guoli nodded and gave a brief introduction to Lin Yi's previous treatment of patients they could not treat in the municipal hospital, as well as Lin Yi's performance at the international research conference. People felt that they were blind to Taishan.

"All right, stop gossiping. The old man can't wait." Lin Yi is worried again. People who don't know still think that old man Su is his relative.

Su Haotian took everyone out and left Lin Yi an independent treatment space.

"We're all out. Who knows what he'll do in there." Zhai Jie is still a little unconvinced.

"Why don't you stay and have a look?" Lin Yi invited.

"I'm afraid you won't see anything if you stay." Su ruoyao despises Zhai Jie.

"Jie'er, since director Liu said Dr. Lin was ok, let's not be suspicious. We'll wait outside." Su Haotian spoke, and zhaijie had to restrain.

Lin Yi treats old man Su in the room. Su Haotian and others are waiting downstairs. Su ruoyao is standing at the door and pacing back and forth.

As time passed, Lin Yi had not come out, and everyone's heart was still hanging.

Suddenly, the door opened. Lin Yi wiped the sweat on his forehead and came out. Su ruoyao grabbed him and asked, "how's my grandpa?"

Lin Yi put his hand on Su ruoyao's hand, patted it gently and said, "don't worry, it's no big deal."

At this time, everyone came upstairs.

Su Haotian asked, "can we go in and have a look?"

Lin Yi nodded and said, "yes, but he hasn't woken up yet. He just stabilized. Later in the week, I will give him an injection every afternoon. Seven days later, he will fully recover."

Su ruoyao ran in, took master Su's hand and kissed again and again. Su Haotian and Li Qian also went in and looked at master Su's serene appearance and smiled comfortably.

Su Haotian came out and said to Lin Yi, "Dr. Lin, I have to trouble you for the next week."

Lin Yi shook his head: "this is what I should do."

"Dr. Lin, although you cured old man Su, it doesn't mean you didn't cheat sister Yao and give her medicine. These things haven't been clarified yet." Zhaijie deliberately reminded Su Haotian.

"If you find evidence that I did those things, I'm willing to let you do whatever you want." Lin Yi said.

"Jay, this is not the time to say this. Don't worry, I will find out these things, but the most important thing now is to cure grandpa's disease." Su Haotian said to zhaijie.

Zhai Jie replied reluctantly, "Uncle Su, the matter has not been found out. You still keep him here. Aren't you afraid of what will happen in the future?"

"Don't worry about this. I'll deal with it myself. I'll interrogate Xiaomei myself." Su Haotian seems to be giving zhaijie a guarantee.

"But your wedding may be postponed." Su Haotian continued.

"What?" Zhai Jie asked, "Uncle Su, these things are none of my business. You heard what Xiaomei said. Lin Yi framed me." Zhaijie thought Su Haotian was suspicious of himself and was unwilling to fulfill his engagement.

"Jie'er, you misunderstood. I don't doubt your meaning. It's just that grandpa loves Yao'er the most. He is the one who wants to see Yao'er get married, but he's ill. Six days later, it's the fifth day of next month. According to Dr. Lin, Grandpa hasn't fully recovered, so let's postpone the wedding first." Su Haotian explained.

If Su Haotian hadn't said so, Lin Yi didn't find out. It turned out that one week later, it was the scheduled wedding day between Su ruoyao and zhaijie. This time, he really didn't mean it.

But Zhai Jie thought Lin Yi was intentional, but he said thoughtfully: "Grandpa is naturally an important figure we can't lack in our wedding. However, there's no need to postpone it. If Grandpa happens to be fine, he can come directly to attend; if he doesn't recover, the wedding can also be regarded as a celebration for Grandpa. Maybe Grandpa will be fine as soon as the wedding is over."

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