After having a good meal in the conference hall, Lin Yi and Bai Yan went back to their room and agreed to go to the imperial capital together in the evening, which can be regarded as a distraction before the game tomorrow afternoon.

Lin Yi took a nap. When he got up again, he found that it was dark. Lin Yi also felt relaxed and happy. He had not had such a good rest for a long time. Although he was playing now, it seemed that his treatment was not too bad.

Lin Yi pushes open the door and walks to Bai Yan's room. He knocks on the door and finds that Bai Yan immediately comes to open the door. It seems that the boy is also awake. He doesn't know whether he is happy because he has got a good result or because his voice has recovered.

At this time, it is obvious that white eye has been waiting for a long time. When he opened the door, he was dressed and ready to go. Also, Bai Yan spends almost all his time on the prairie. Although he occasionally goes to the big city next to the prairie, where is more prosperous than God. Taking advantage of this competition, white eyes also want to see more.

Lin Yi looked at the white eyes in front of him and couldn't help laughing. In order to be afraid that his white hair was too attractive, white eyes also specially wore a hat to cover all his white hair. It seems that white eyes are well prepared. Lin Yi smiled and said, "let's go."

They also looked at each other with a smile and walked towards the elevator.

The elevator door opened slowly, but out came a man who had a lot of resentment with Lin Yi. It was no one else, but Gao Xuecheng, who barely passed the test.

Gao Xuecheng was obviously embarrassed to see Lin Yi, but he didn't know what to say. After all, Lin Yi has proved his ability in the competition this morning. Although Gao Xuecheng doesn't study traditional Chinese medicine and doesn't understand the competition between the two people, Liu Chenhui knows it!

Lin Yi can force Liu Chenhui to surrender directly. Can this strength be low? In comparison, I am a little dwarfed. I am the last one and barely pass the pass. In front of me, these two have won the first and second respectively. How can I offend myself?

To tell the truth, Gao Xuecheng is also a little ashamed. He even boasted that he wanted to make Lin Yi look good. Now he is embarrassed and embarrassed.

Seeing Gao Xuecheng, Lin Yi smiled, leaned slightly and said, "you go first."

Lin Yi gave way to Gao Xuecheng mainly because he is in a good mood now, and Gao Xuecheng has not done anything too much. In addition, there is no reason to let the people in the elevator wait for him to go in and come out again.

Lin Yi is not a stingy person. As long as Gao Xuecheng doesn't do anything, Lin Yi doesn't need to be hostile to Gao Xuecheng all the time.

Obviously, Gao Xuecheng didn't expect Lin Yi to make way for himself. He also hurriedly said, "thank you. Thank you." He hurried away, like a soldier who fled.

Lin Yi also scratched his head when he looked at Gao Xuecheng's back. Does he look so terrible? Turning his head, he found that white eyes had got into the elevator to wait for himself. Also hurried to follow up.

The imperial capital is indeed a prosperous capital, with neon lights flashing everywhere, and no place is dark. Although Jinghai city where Lin Yi is located is also a prosperous city, it is somewhat dwarfed by the imperial capital.

White eye is the first time to come to such a place. He is particularly curious about everything around him. He looks here and there. What's more embarrassing is that he almost walked into the red light district of the imperial capital. Lin Yi looked curious and sweaty. He was a gentleman. How could he enter such a place?

Bai Yan was also curious. Why didn't Lin Yi let himself in and quickly typed such a line on his mobile phone: "what's the matter? Can't you go in here to play?"

Lin Yi is a little embarrassed. The children from the prairie are simple. They don't know where the red light district is. Lin Yi couldn't tell him directly. He could only make up a lie he didn't believe: "white eye, do you have money? It's too expensive. I don't have enough money."

The white eye scratched his head and took it out again and again from his pocket, but he didn't take out anything for a long time. It was a little embarrassing, but the small eyes also turned. He typed and said, "let's not buy the head office, let's have a look."

"Uh." Lin Yi wants to knock on the forehead twice. How can he turn so fast at this time?

Seeing Lin Yi's appearance, Bai Yan smiled mysteriously and typed such a line on the mobile phone screen: "I knew you lied to me and didn't want to take me to play, did you want to go in alone?"

"I wipe." Lin Yi is sweating on his forehead. Why don't you go in and play by yourself? How is that possible? I'm a man with a girlfriend. Lin Yi was also helpless. He bowed his head and whispered in his white eyes.

I saw white eyes, his face suddenly became ugly, turned around and left. I didn't want to enter the red light district anymore. Lin Yi also smiled and hurriedly followed up. What did Lin Yi say? In fact, it's nothing, but it just explains what the red light district is.

Suddenly, the white eye also stopped in front of a big screen. Lin Yi looked at the white eye and suddenly stopped. He was also a little curious. He hurriedly asked, "what's the matter?" Lin Yi is afraid that he will go to the bar again. It will be endless at that time.

White eyes pointed to the big LED screen.

Lin Yi goes with the trend and sees that this screen is just the publicity screen set up by the cinema below. It shows Stephen Chow's version of "journey to the west", and the publicity language is also a little exaggerated. Nostalgic version, take your lover to see a journey to the West and go back to play the bound iron fan princess!

Lin Yi also smiled. Since it's a movie, it's no problem. He patted his white eyed shoulder and said with a smile, "are you interested? Let's see a movie." Although it's strange to watch a movie with an old man, it's better than going on fooling around like this!

White eye also nodded and walked towards the door.

Lin Yi stood at the ticket window and shouted, "two tickets."

"There are only two left, couple seats. 200." The sound from the ticket window made Lin Yi collapse.

Couple seat?? Lin Yi looked back at Bai Yan and just wanted to ask him if he could change the game, but seeing Bai Yan's sincere eyes, he was not warm at heart. He bit his teeth and said, "buy it. Swipe the card!"

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