At this time, Su Mengying's eyes were firm, her words were sonorous, and her whole body had an inexplicable aura, which was subdued. After all, Su Mengying must have her own uniqueness to sit in this position. Su Mengying is not a vase.

Su Mengying's voice calmed down one after another. They all looked up and looked at Su Mengying. Su Mengying looked at the death of the old man in the window, turned to look at the doctors below, and sighed heavily.

"Just now, all those who are 50 meters around here are allowed to stay. They are not allowed to go home or deal with other people outside here." Su Mengying knew very well that all possible routes of infection must be isolated now, "of course, including myself."

As soon as they heard this, they immediately fried the pot. Originally, doctors are a high-risk profession. There are many infectious diseases in the hospital itself. Su Mengying said that everyone began to be in danger. I'm afraid they were infected with some strange infectious diseases because of a crowd? The crowd began to agitate.

Su Mengying saw the reaction of the people and hurriedly said, "please rest assured, it's not an infectious disease, but for the sake of insurance, you don't go back tonight. Send a text message to your family. It doesn't take a long time. You'll know what's going on in 12 hours."

After the girl's situation in the ICU, Su Mengying has fully understood the attack habit of this kind of thing. It usually happens in 12 hours, with some basic symptoms.

When they heard Su Mengying's words, they were more suspicious. The more Su Mengying said that it was not an infectious disease, the more they felt that it was an infectious disease. Su Mengying was just comforting everyone.

Su Mengying looked at the noisy people below. She was also a little angry. She couldn't explain to you what it was. Once explained, it would cause panic. Su Mengying shouted, "quiet! Quiet! Everyone first!"

The people who had been talking about it all quieted down when they heard Su Mengying's almost broken voice. They looked up at Su Mengying, who was a little ill mannered. They also looked at each other. They had never seen Su Mengying so ill mannered. Today is the first time.

At this time, Su Mengying didn't care about what form, and continued to shout: "everyone is a doctor. I hope you can wake up. This is not a terminal disease. I just hope you can cooperate with my work and make you as safe as possible."

Seeing the situation, Mo Yu quickly echoed: "yes, we are all doctors. We all know about these diseases. We all know that these things are not monsters. We should try our best to avoid large-scale transmission. Besides, not everyone is infected."

When they heard what they said, they nodded one after another. My heart was also excited. I was a doctor and was born to fight against the disease. How could I scare myself before seeing the disease? What kind of doctor is this?

Su Mengying was a little relieved to see the cooperation of the people. Fortunately, it's night and there are not many people in the hospital. Therefore, for now, the area of possible infection is still relatively small and easy to control.

But this is not a long-term way after all. Su Mengying raised her head and looked out of the window, but she thought to herself, "Lin Yi, come back quickly."

Conference room of Kyoto Hotel

Lin Yi has come out of the second room. It took only 30 minutes, because the problem in this room is relatively simple. It is just congenital stagnation of meridians. If it is put in modern medicine, it may be a problem that can not be solved at all, but Lin Yi studies traditional Chinese medicine.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the study of meridians can be said to be the ancestor of Western medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine studies and explores every meridian, so that the context and function of each meridian are clear to traditional Chinese medicine.

As a user of silver needles, Lin Yi naturally knows how to solve the problems of these meridians, so he just gave the patient a pass of acupuncture and moxibustion.

Lin Yi walked out of the door and looked at the room again. He found that on the far right, that is, the first room where Bai Yan entered, the flag at the door was still there, that is, Bai Yan was still in the first room and did not complete the diagnosis.

Lin Yi also frowned. It shouldn't be. In terms of the strength of white eye, how can he have completed two items, but white eye hasn't completed one? Or is it true that white eye is so unlucky that he meets a patient he can't solve at all?

Lin Yi stood still, as if thinking about something.

The top ten contestants and judges at the bottom were stunned by Lin Yi. Originally, I thought that Lin Yi only had solid basic skills. Even if he was better when it comes to real medical treatment, he should not be too abnormal.

But the fact is that these people here were shocked. Lin Yi is not only abnormal, but also very abnormal. Through the horn, everyone heard Lin Yi's diagnosis of the patient and summarized the characteristics of Lin Yi's medical treatment.

"Fast, hard and accurate." These are the three points.

Lin Yi's questions to patients are simple and often ordinary, but Lin Yi can find something different from them and find the cause. He is very confident and never doubts his judgment. Therefore, his speed will be so abnormal.

Seeing Lin Yi standing there, Zhang buqun also asked aloud, "what's the matter?"

Hearing Zhang buqun's inquiry, Lin Yi shook his head slowly and said, "it's all right." Then he reached out, opened the third door and went in.

Zhang buqun certainly knows what Lin Yi is doing standing here, and he knows that what Lin Yi thinks is the same as what he thinks. It's the same problem. That is, why haven't even the first patient been diagnosed?

Because the patients entered the side room at random, Zhang buqun didn't know who the patients in the fifth room were. In his impression, there was such a problem that Zhang buqun was helpless and could only sigh.

Is it true that white eyes met? If so, Zhang buqun doesn't know what to say. It's a bit of luck.

Lin Yi walked into the room and saw the patient lying in bed. He smiled and reached out to take a pulse for the patient.

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