How could Lin Yi let the little boy leave so easily? Lin Yi still remembers that he took a hard bite on his arm and infected himself with Jie through this wound, which shows that the little boy is absolutely connected with this parasite!

At least it shows that there is this parasite in the little boy's body, but I don't know why. The little boy looks very healthy. At least, he is very healthy physically. As for psychology, he looks very abnormal.

Lin Yi grabbed the little boy's arm without mercy, because Lin Yi always felt that the little boy in front of him was not a simple child, but always had a strange feeling lingering in his mind. I'm afraid the child was not simple.

Lin Yi stands up. The small parasites on his arms have been removed by himself, which shows that the method he thought is really useful, but it can only be applied to himself. For other infected people, Lin Yi has no way to filter his blood with internal skills, and Lin Yi doesn't want to expose his strength.

Although the small parasite has been removed, the right arm is extremely sore at this time. After all, he filtered the blood at his shoulder joint, which makes Lin Yi more or less uncomfortable. But uncomfortable is uncomfortable. If you let the little boy go, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find him again.

Lin Yi stood condescending, stared at the little boy and said slowly, "where's your family?"

When the little boy saw Lin Yi looking at himself so ferociously, his two eyes also turned rapidly at this time. They were still leisurely. At this time, they were ferocious again. They roared at Lin Yi and looked like they were going to bite Lin Yi again.

Lin Yi looked at the child and went crazy again. He also quickly raised his just injured right hand, pressed the little boy's two hands and buckled his backhand. The whole person stood behind the little boy. At the same time, he locked the little boy's movable hand joints to prevent him from hurting people again.

Lin Yi drank, "I ask you where your family is! If you are so crazy, don't blame my men for being merciless!" Lin Yi doesn't want to be bitten by the child again. It feels terrible. But to be honest, Lin Yi is really full of questions about the child in front of him.

It's forbidden here. Why is there a child? Besides, although there are some villagers in the scenic spot, they all live outside. How can this little boy appear inside? All this shows that this child must be unusual.

But the little boy didn't seem to hear what Lin Yi was saying. He continued to struggle, and even turned his head to roar at Lin Yi, like a zombie. And Lin Yi is like his food.

When Lin Yi saw the little boy like this, he wondered. Can he say that the child can't speak? After Lin Yi joined the WTO, he also heard that many wolf babies said that children were taken away by wolves, but they did not eat him, but supported him. When they grew up, they were human wolf hearts.

But the child in front of him obviously doesn't look like a wolf at all. And at the beginning, Lin Yi heard children talking.

As soon as Lin Yi looked up, he suddenly saw a dead fish in the middle of the pond. There was just a blood hole in the middle of his body.

Lin Yi also immediately understood that the child rushed over for such a dead fish to return to the pond? No, maybe the little boy doesn't know that the fish is dead.

While Lin Yi was thinking, the little boy had already run away. He pulled hard. Lin Yi's sore shoulder joint could not bear it. He immediately released his hand and let the little boy escape.

"I like grass." Lin Yi yelled and scolded. He also showed a silver needle in his hand. At this time, it's not time to be kind. When it's time to do it, Lin Yi flew out and directly stabbed the little boy's back.

The little boy was stunned and stood where he was. Suddenly, with a puff, he fell down, lay on the ground and didn't move any more.

Lin Yi rubbed his shoulder. Then he walked slowly forward, turned the little boy over, face up, and looked at him carefully.

The child in front of him is really not simple. This power can directly break free from Lin Yi's shackles. Although Lin Yi has been injured, it is by no means something that a normal little boy can do.

Not only that, the little boy's thinking seems to be very simple and rough, just like a beast. But the fish released in the pond shows that the little boy still has some love.

Lin Yi now just wants to check the child's condition, but he has no choice but to heal himself just now. The consumption of wood spirit beads is too large, and his internal skills are also consumed by more than half. He can't afford to support it. Now find out what's in the child's body.

However, after Lin Yi looked at the child and bit himself, he was able to let Jie, a parasite, enter his body. Lin Yi also judged that Jie was also parasitic in the child.

Lin Yi sighed, pulled the child from the ground, carried him on his back, and walked to the door.

Up to now, we have to take the children away first, and then talk about how to solve the problem when we return to Jinghai city. When the little boy just got on his upper body, Lin Yi also yelled and scolded: "I can't see the grass. It's so fucking heavy."

Lin Yi bumped, carried the little boy on his back, and walked to the door step by step.

After the pass again, the soldier also came back from running, and it was still the team leader. He was surprised to see Lin Yi carrying out a little boy from inside. He hurried forward.

When Lin Yi saw the team leader coming over, he also prepared a speech in his heart.

The team leader asked, "comrade, this behind you is..."

Lin Yi smiled and replied, "I came in to find him. Fortunately, I found him. I went out first. You did well. I'll apply to the top for a reward." After that, Lin Yi also took three steps and hurried out of the checkpoint.

The soldier looked at Lin Yi's far away figure and said to the small captain next to him, "Captain, who is this man in the end and wants to apply for a reward for us?"

The team leader shook his head, but he seemed to think of something again. Another hat hit the soldier on the head and scolded, "there's a lot of nonsense to save you. Do you still have strength? Cross-country, three kilometers, go!"

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