Lin Yi smiled, dropped his armor and made a sign to put his horse over.

Isn't it obvious enough? That means you don't need armor to deal with you.

The young man was thinking, is the man in front of him an expert? Although I didn't see anything clever in the big fight just now, it's true that I have great strength.

"Come on!" As soon as the voice fell, the young man had already made a move. A set of fists with fierce attack and fast speed came out.

Lin Yi didn't respond and was thrown out.

"You are so vulnerable!"

"It's not over yet!" Lin Yi stood up and gave the young man a bad beating. Then he secretly used his golden finger. With a little, the young man flew out.

"Lin'er!" The old man lost his voice and ran over.

"Lin'er?" Lin Yi smiled, "what a feminine name. It matches your gender!"

They all laughed, "brother Xiao Lin, good job!"

Lin Yi blinked, "little idea, where is this!"

The young man got up tremblingly, and his helmet fell off. Lin Yi still controlled the strength of his finger. He didn't take his name. There's no need.

Looking at the young man's long hair floating in the wind, "lin'er?", See if you just hit, "your chest..."

My God, "Why are you a woman!" Lin Yi cried out.

The military man and woman in front of him are clearly a woman. He just wears a helmet and doesn't pay much attention to his military uniform.

"Ha ha ha!" The old man smiled, "untie! This is the little girl. I'm sorry to offend you. I'll make amends for you."

Lin Yi doesn't know what medicine the old man sells in his gourd. It's not practical to step down the steps like this.

"Please!" The old man greeted everyone and hurried into the house.

Sure enough, the living room was already full of dishes.

"Old man, why do I think you deliberately caught us?" The fat man looked at the table, and the saliva had long been left on the floor.

"Yes or no, you don't know that there will be a big storm in this Tibetan area right away. It hasn't been for several years, so they went out to drive the cattle out for a walk this afternoon. They saw you on the way, hehe."

"So he tied us up?"

The old man smiled awkwardly. "I'm just afraid you don't cooperate. I won't make amends for you."

The old man took the lead and drank up the wine in the glass, "try the wine just brewed!"

"Uncle, can you tell us what tiandaozong is?" It's still a fat man talking. This guy is gnawing at a big sheep leg and talking indistinctly.

"In fact, our organization has been established for a long time. At first, it was only used to govern the whole Tibetan area around us, including Qiangtang, for hundreds of years."

"Similar to the jurisdiction organization established before, it is only civil, isn't it?" Lin Yi asked.

The old man nodded, "yes, we protect the security, economy, trade and other things that should be considered in this Tibetan area. We will help."

"Isn't it all owned by the government now?"

"Yes," said the old man, "because of liberation, many people have separated from tiandaozong and live their own lives. We don't care. We are also very happy to be self-sufficient."

Lin Yi has heard that tiandaozong is an organization, the spontaneous armed force of the people, and the last shield to guard the Tibetan areas. In fact, many people still care about tiandaozong. After all, the influence of hundreds of years has been deeply rooted.

"No, father Zhuo in the town is ill again." A guard of tiandaozong rushed in.

"Take me quickly!" The woman named lin'er put down her chopsticks and got on the horse.

"You'd better sit here. Hurry up." Lin Yi looked at lin'er. "I'm a doctor. I want to save people. Hurry up."

Lin'er was hesitating whether to get on or not. Finally, she hardened her head and got into the car.

As soon as Lin Yi pulled the accelerator, the car blew out.

"By the way, I don't know your name!" Lin Yixian was bored and began to chat up the female fist bully.

"Shangguan lin'er!" The woman said reluctantly.

"Shangguan lin'er, very good name." Lin Yi said to himself.

The car slowly drove to the town. Lin Yi wondered that there was still a small town here. "Although the sparrow is small, it has all kinds of internal organs."

"What are you talking about!" Shangguan lin'er looked at Lin Yi puzzled. She felt that this man was like a psycho. She didn't know what strange things she was talking about.

"I said, isn't this a no man's land? Why is there a small town? It seems that life is good!" Lin Yi said it again.

"Otherwise, do you think we have nothing here, all grass houses, broken stones and broken roads?"

Yes, tiandaozong's manor is an exception!

"Where's father Zhuo?"

"Just turn ahead."

After getting out of the car, Lin Yi looked at a row of bungalows and vaguely heard a cry.

"What's the matter, how's father Zhuo!" It's Shangguan.

"Lord Shangguan, my father is almost out of breath now." A girl told Guan lin'er in tears.

"Ah Hua, go get the oxygen cylinder!" After ordering Shangguan lin'er, she entered the house.

Father Zhuo is lying in bed, his whole face is red. This is a symptom of hypoxia, but

"Don't touch him!" Lin Yi rushed up and knocked off Shangguan lin'er's hand. "Do you want him to die?"

Shangguan lin'er looked at Lin Yi with a hostile face. It is estimated that she was almost ready to draw a knife.

"Get out of the way, he's short of oxygen now!" Lin Yisa opened his hand and looked at father Zhuo. "The situation is not optimistic and ignorant!"

Then a silver needle pierced father Zhuo's lung.

"Hoo Hoo!" Father Zhuo's face finally eased and he was able to breathe. Now, he just kept vomiting and bleeding while breathing.

"You!" Shangguan lin'er points to Lin Yi.

"You what you! Get out of the way if you don't want him to die!" Lin Yi said and stared at Guan lin'er, "don't get in the way everywhere!"

Lin Yi does have a way to save people. It's needless to say. Father Zhuo's breathing gradually stabilized. Lin Yi pulled out the needle and told the people below, "gently press the wound and it will be loose in five minutes. As for vomiting blood, it will be good in a while. This is residual in the lungs!"

Then Lin Yi turned and went out.

Shangguan lin'er looked at Lin Yi, a strange man, sadly, "can you still do medicine?"

"Do you think everyone is as ignorant as you?" Lin Yi looked indifferent.

"You!" Shangguan lin'er couldn't say a word when she was angry.

"By the way, I didn't expect you could save people in addition to catching people," Lin Yi said casually.

Shangguan lin'er just wanted to argue, but Lin Yi choked back.

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