"Lord!" A member of tiandaozong ran in.

"What's the matter!" Shangguan lin'er looked up and saw that it was the weather scout of tiandaozong.

"There is a big storm in the north, the wind direction is from west to East, the damage level, the damage level..." the spy began to stammer.

"Say it!"

"Level 10!" The spy said it. He didn't want to say it, but it's true.

"How long is the storm expected?"

"Five hours!"

Shangguan lin'er nodded, "continue to observe and withdraw back half an hour in advance!"

"Yes!" The spy retreated.

Shangguan lin'er looked at everyone. "Lin Yi, I'll go out. Please explain the news to everyone. Wait for me to come back."

Of course, Lin Yi knows where Shangguan lin'er is going. He just goes to the town to tell those people that a big storm is coming.

I just wonder that there is no news in the weather forecast. Are all the experts at the meteorological observatory asleep?

When Shangguan lin'er walked down the street and told everyone that the storm was coming, no one believed him.

More people laughed at her. Don't be silly. Others took out their mobile phone to show her the weather forecast. Even those vassals of tiandaozong asked Shangguan lin'er not to joke.

Shangguan lin'er shouted in the street alone. No one was willing to stop and choose to believe him. Just when she was about to collapse, Lin Yi hugged her from behind, "don't be afraid of me!"

There's daddy Zhuo's little girl next to him.

"Girl, will you go home with your sister later and pick up your father!"

"OK." The little girl didn't say anything. If Shangguan sister was kind to her, she would unconditionally believe her, because the person in front of her wouldn't hurt her.

"Lin Yi, take them away!" Shangguan lin'er pushed Lin Yi. It's less than an hour since the storm came.

"What about you! Are you going to face it alone?" Lin Yi looked at the woman in front of him. When did she become so stupid.

Shangguan lin'er would never have been like this before. Now she is the leader of Tiandao sect. She wants to share weal and woe with all her people.

"I'm not going!" Lin Yi said lightly, "Ya Ya, take your father to the manor. Someone will pick you up there!"

Ya Ya left with interest. At her age, she actually understood a lot. Lin Yi followed Guan lin'er. Now she doesn't want anyone to disturb them.

In this way, Lin Yi hugged Shangguan lin'er and sat quietly in the square.

Sure enough, after ten minutes, people outside began to shout, "run, the storm is coming!"

As soon as you look, it's not. It's dark in front of you. A big storm is coming like a dragon.

"Lord, what should we do!"

"Lord Shangguan, we are wrong. How should we live now?"

"The storm is really coming. We should have listened to tiandaozong."

Lin Yi looked at these people coldly. If he remembered correctly, as soon as he got the news, Guan liner ran to tell everyone. This is conscience. What happened to these people.

Shangguan lin'er was silent at the moment. After a long time, she stood up. "All people with a basement, please open the basement and let everyone go in and hide, and then come out after avoiding the storm."

At the critical moment, everyone wants to live.

"My family has!"

"My family also has!"

There are about seven or eight people in the basement. Only one or two people are really willing to let them in. The others run home and hide when they hear the news.

"Don't panic, listen to me!" Shangguan lin'er's voice drowned in the crowd.

"What's the use of listening to you!"

"Listen to you, can you save everyone's life?"

"I knew that tiandaozong existed in vain! Indeed!"

Lin Yi really lost hope for these people. Are these people's consciences dogs?

"Can you listen to me!" Nangong lin'er was hoarse, but no one wanted to listen to her.

Lin Yi couldn't help it. With a little gold finger, he burst the pot in the crowd. "Can you hear her finish! We won't stop anyone who wants to die later!"

At this time, Shangguan lin'er choked and said, "the manor of tiandaozong is large enough to bear all of you. It's still time. Everyone will go with me!"

Of course, there are people who don't follow them. For these people, Lin Yi shook his head. There is an old saying from ancient times, "the king of hell wants you to go in the third watch and never leave you in the fifth watch!"

For these people, I have nothing to advise.

Shangguan lin'er didn't have time to persuade them to ask for more blessings. In this way, she took a group of people to tiandaozong's manor.

Finally, we arrived at the manor ahead of the storm.

"Don't panic. Go into the basement. There is plenty of water and dry food."

At this time, Shangguan lin'er was standing there looking at the town that had just come back. It was obvious that the storm had swept there.

"Are our people out there?"

"No more!"

"OK, go to the basement!" Shangguan liner issued the final order.

Then he went to the door alone, closed the door himself, then went to the second floor, and closed all the windows on the third floor.

When she went downstairs and saw Lin Yi still pestling there, she asked suspiciously, "why don't you go in!"

"I'm waiting for you!"

In a simple sentence, I was waiting for you, and immediately let Shangguan lin'er burst into tears. To say that Lin Yi is really a magical man, he just coaxed Shangguan lin'er with a short sentence.

In this way, Shangguan lin'er leaned against Lin Yi's arms. They didn't enter the basement until the storm was coming.

At this time, the basement was already overcrowded and filled with everyone.

"Brother Lin, are you okay with your sister-in-law?" It's a fat man.

"Fortunately, it's no big deal. Are all the brothers here?"

"It's all there." Several voices came from the corner.

That's good! Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief and was finally able to slow down.

"Bang bang!" After two loud noises, there was the sound of broken glass, and then you could feel the houses trembling overhead. The tremor lasted about two hours before it slowly stopped moving.

The saved people began to appreciate it.

"This time I've lost the Lord!"

"Yes, good Lord Shangguan!"

"I said, I believe there is absolutely nothing wrong with tiandaozong!"

Lin Yi sneered, everyone is a hindsight.

But some people take it for granted, "he tiandaozong must save us. If he doesn't, everyone will be cold and have to change sooner or later."

Lin Yi couldn't help but go up and slap him.

"Everybody be quiet!" Shangguan lin'er walked to the front.

Lin Yi admires her very much. She is the one who stands on the cusp of the storm every time. Most of the time, she performs better than men. Maybe it's because she calls Shangguan lin'er.

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