Lin Yi smiled awkwardly and said, "nothing. Thank you for your concern. I fell asleep last night."

An aunt looked at Lin Yi with a smile and whispered, "Dr. Lin, to tell the truth, my daughter-in-law is not here. It's hard to sleep?"

Lin Yi was stunned at first. Later, he realized what aunt meant. Aunt was referring to Han Ying.

How can I answer? It may be better if I don't say anything.

Lin Yi then shut up and smiled without saying a word. He just waited for these people to leave and cured his neck with a needle, so that those who came to look at him would not have a question: will Dr. Lin still be ill? Seeing this, Lin Yi felt uncomfortable all over.

Now it was quiet. Lin Yi took out the needle, pressed the other hand around his neck, found the acupoint and prepared to apply the needle. Suddenly, a female voice came.

"Lin Yi, are you there? Han Ying, are you there?" The sound is familiar. Lin Yi's needle is hanging in the air. Just wait for the girl to come in and see who it is.

After questioning, footsteps sounded, and then Su Ruo Yao's face appeared.

"If Yao, why are you here?" Lin Yi was a little surprised.

"Why can't I come? Let me see you. I haven't seen you for a long time." Su ruoyao didn't treat himself as a patient or an outsider. He sat down next to Lin Yi in the clinic area.

Su ruoyao sat down and looked left and right.

"What are you looking for?" Lin Yi also tilted his neck and asked.

"What about Han Ying? Why didn't you see her? Did you go out?" Su ruoyao asked suspiciously.

Lin Yi continues to tilt his neck and tells Su ruoyao where Han Ying is going.

"Is she alone?" Su ruoyao can't believe Lin Yi will let Han Ying go so far alone, and all kinds of facilities are inconvenient.

Lin Yi nodded reluctantly: "ah, otherwise, Xuanfeng hall can't be watched."

"Isn't there a wind elder? Aren't you worried that she will be in danger?" Su ruoyao asked with concern.

Lin Yi said with a very reassuring smile, "no, it's safe to be looked after by friends of the old generation."

"You are so hearty that you dare to let such a beautiful girl go out by yourself, and you don't know how long she will go." Su Ruoyao make complaints about Lin Yi.

"All right, stop talking. You sit outside for a while. I have to fix my neck first." Lin Yi urges Su ruoyao to catch up.

It's not that someone is nearby. Lin Yi can't apply the needle, but he's afraid that other people's voices will interfere with him during the needle application process.

"What happened to your neck?" Su ruoyao seemed to react. Lin Yi always talked to her with his head tilted.

"I fell asleep." Lin Yi replied calmly.

"I think this is retribution. It's Retribution not to go with Han Ying, ha ha." Su ruoyao said and ran out of the treatment area.

This girl's film is so unpleasant to hear. Lin Yi glanced at her obliquely and began to treat herself.

Five minutes later, Lin Yi came out. He twisted his neck with his hand. After confirming that there was no problem, he greeted Su ruoyao.

"If Yao, you really have nothing else to do today?"

Su ruoyao turned his eyes at Lin Yi. "What can I do for you? Why don't you expect me to be better. I didn't promise to invite Han Ying to dinner before. I wanted to say that I'm fine today. Just come and see the result."

"You can also invite me to eat. I can help her with this." Lin Yi joked.

Su ruoyao said to Lin Yi after "hey hey" twice: "well, I really don't need you to replace her. Wait until she comes back."

Lin Yi seemed to be hit by something suddenly. He patted Su ruoyao on the shoulder and asked, "if Yao, you won't... Have to go too? Say something else?"

Su ruoyao shook his head silently and said, "Lin Yi, what gave you such an illusion?"

Lin Yi immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "it's not good, it's not good." Lin Yi was influenced by one farewell after another a while ago. Now as long as an acquaintance appeared, he felt that he had come to say goodbye.

"Lin Yi, why? I don't think Han Ying is here. You look strange." Su ruoyao frowned and said his question.

Lin Yi giggled, "there's nothing wrong. I'll be fine if she's not here."

Su ruoyao doesn't talk, laughs but doesn't speak.

After they sat and chatted for a while, several migrant workers who looked like doctors came in. Lin Yi knew he was going to be busy and asked Su ruoyao to sit by himself.

Su ruoyao shook his head: "I was going to ask you and Han Ying to go out for a big meal. Now she's not here. Let's wait next time. You're busy first, and I won't disturb you."

After that, Su ruoyao waved goodbye and walked outside the gate of Xuanfeng hall.

Lin Yi is busy seeing a doctor and has no time to continue to accompany her. He goes along with her and says goodbye to her.

"Lin Yi, I think you should go and see Han Ying. She is a girl. Many things are still inconvenient." Su ruoyao left such a sentence before he left.

I also wanted to go, but when she left, she entrusted Xuanfeng hall and fengyixu to me. I was lack of skills. Lin Yi shook his head at the door helplessly.

Lin Yi is looking ill. Feng Yixu comes over with a piece of paper in his hand.

"Lin Xiaoyou, Ying'er has written again."

"No, so soon, we released the pigeon this morning." Lin Yi opened his eyes wide in disbelief. His eyes were not big at all. Now he looked a little funny because he was propped up.

"It's definitely not a reply to the letter we sent to that one in the morning. It's another one. It may be one day later than that one." Feng Yixu quickly explained.

As soon as Lin Yi finished his work, he took Feng Yixu's letter and read it. It turned out that the Miao stronghold is now divided into two groups. On the one hand, he is willing to promote and integrate with the Central Plains and ancient medicine; On the other side, he strongly opposed opening the door to the outside world, insisted on closing the door and being isolated from the outside world.

Han Ying went at a bad time. Lin Yi thought and said his thoughts to Feng Yixu.

Feng Yixu shook his head: "the differences between the two groups have always existed. There is no problem when Ying'er goes, but she goes to study, which may intensify the contradiction between the two sides. Now I'm thinking whether to ask her to come back first?"

"Han Ying seems to have a lot of information. The more they don't want to involve the Central Plains, the more interested she is. She decided to stay for a while and learn everything she wants to learn." Lin Yi repeated the words in Han Ying's letter.

Feng Yixu's expression was a little uneasy: "just because of this, I was worried that she would be young and cause trouble."

Lin Yi put his hand on Feng Yixu's shoulder and comforted him. "Don't worry, Han Ying is so smart and knows how to be measured. Moreover, she just studies. It's a big deal not to let her touch, so as not to hurt her."

Feng Yixu's expression eased down, "I hope so."

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