Lin Yi's heart sank when he heard this. What's the matter? He just went out and broke out such an unlucky thing. Shouldn't he go away today?

Lin Yi looked depressed and sat back, waiting for the driver to restart the car on the road.

People around couldn't sit still one by one. Several middle-aged men simply jumped out of the car and checked the cause of the fault with the driver. Some women complained.

"What's the matter? This car is fine. Why doesn't it leave suddenly?"

"Yes, I haven't encountered such a situation on this route."

"It's said that this area is not peaceful recently. Can someone deliberately set a trap?"

"Really? How terrible."


Women, you and I talked happily. The wind blew a few words, and Lin Yi just listened to them.

Lin Yi smiled and shook his head. The world is not as chaotic as everyone imagined. Then he took out the book he had brought out before he went out. Although Feng Yixu had said that it didn't need much Miao Gu knowledge to treat Han Ying's injury this time, Lin Yi always had a studious character. In addition, this event made him very interested in this mysterious nation.

The previous sleepiness has been eliminated by the noise around. Just at this meeting, Lin Yi can hold the Buddha's feet temporarily. Lin Yi thinks and reads it.

Lin Yi doesn't know nothing about "Gu". This is an ancient sorcery. In the earliest period, it was passed on to women rather than men. Women mostly used it to give it to their lover. If the lover betrayed himself, he would die because of being poisoned by Gu.

Some poisonous insects that can't be named are used to make Gu. At the beginning, they are very small. They will be inadvertently put into the human body without being known. When Gu hair is released, the insects fleeing from the human body are extremely fat.

Seeing this kind of insect crawling out of their body, some timid people will be scared to death.

The method of "Gu therapy" is also a unique product of the Miao people. According to the principle of "attacking poison with poison", the combination of Gu and poison, combined with the heart formula of Gu Shu, can not only remove the original poison gas, but also strengthen the body and replenish the body.

However, not everyone can use this "Gu therapy". If you are careless, you will be poisoned and your life will be worried.

Seeing this, Lin Yi couldn't help thinking that Han Ying was also using Gu this time. She did not operate properly and attracted Gu to her upper body. However, if so, she couldn't have known what Gu was, and she just went there. In the early stage of learning, she couldn't have come into contact with those uncommon Gu.

Lin Yi thinks more and more that Han Ying is dangerous. He looks up and sees that the driver and some passengers are still checking and repairing. It seems that it will be one day later than the scheduled trip. Lin Yi prays silently for Han Ying.

Lin Yi was in a trance. Suddenly, several loud drinks sounded around him: "go up, come on, come on, come on, if you don't want to die, go up."

Lin Yi regained his consciousness and saw the driver and the enthusiastic passengers being driven back to the car by several Biao men. The men had tattoos on their arms, evil faces, sticks and long knives in their hands.

It's over. What's the situation? The elder sisters just said it was really not peaceful. Lin Yi said silently in his heart.

He was not afraid of these bandits, but felt that it would take some time. Han Ying was still waiting for him. He was eager to have a pair of wings. At present, he was even more angry when he saw these people.

"Fight, rob, come on, hand over all the valuable things." The man who took the lead in talking seemed to have drunk. He was floating and spoke with a tremor.

Several other people also rushed over, kicked and hit with their hands. They kept shouting, "give me your money quickly, come on."

Lin Yi's hand touched the inner pocket of his clothes. He brought a lot of cash.

Originally, I planned to bring a card, but as soon as I heard Feng Yixu's description, there was no shop in front of the village and behind the village. The bank card may not play a role, but I still brought cash in case there was a place where money was needed.

As a result, they didn't expect to kill such a group of people on the way. If they knew that Lin Yi had so much money, they wouldn't easily take the money and leave. Then Lin Yi should have no way to get away and find Han Ying.

However, the other party is now crowded and does not know the strength of the other party. It may be difficult to rely on Lin Yi alone.

A sneaky guy saw Lin Yi's dazed little eyes, pointed at Lin Yi with the stick in his hand and said, "you, what are you holding in your hand, take it."

Lin Yi raised his eyes along the voice, just in front of the guy's eyes, "me?" Lin Yi pointed to himself.

"Nonsense, it's you. Come on, there's something good in the bag. Bring it."

With that, the guy approached Lin Yi step by step. Lin Yi was silent and held the bag tightly.

In fact, there is nothing in the bag, just a few clothes and the book Lin Yi read just now. Lin Yi wants to lead him to beat himself and try his skill by the way. It's really not possible. He can only apologize to the car man. With his skill, it's too easy for him to escape alone.

The guy was really fooled. He reached out and pulled Lin Yi's bag to his side. Lin Yi still didn't let go and felt his strength.

Unlike a martial artist, Lin Yi decided in his heart, then released his hand and was robbed by the rat eye guy, but Lin Yi's strength still made him fall back to the ground and roll.

Seeing this, the other big men picked up the rat eyed guy and shouted at Lin Yi, "you boy, don't die. I have to kill you today."

As he said this, the drunk held up his long knife and chopped at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi stood still waiting for his knife to fall. The elder sister next to him who just said a small word shouted with fear. Lin Yi still looked at him calmly.

Just when the knife was only 5cm away from Lin Yi's head, it stopped in mid air.

A closer look shows that Lin Yi's two important fingers pinched the drunkard's wrist holding the knife. The drunkard began to cry "ow" and take over. As soon as he loosened his hand, the long knife in his hand fell. Lin Yi's head deviated and his hand took over, the knife fell firmly in Lin Yi's hand.

Lin Yi let go again and pushed the drunk back. The man sat down directly and fell down with his gang of accomplices.

The people on the bus cheered repeatedly. The middle-aged men who had just gone down to see the fault of the car stood behind Lin Yi and were ready to attack with Lin Yi at any time.

"Good boy, you wait. Let's go together." The thieves and bandits rushed up, and the scene was immediately chaotic.

Before they rushed to the front, the back stopped first, and then the front stopped. Before we knew the situation, we heard one after another shouting, and then the thieves fell to the ground one by one.

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