Han Ying's face still kept the distortion just now, but she said in her mouth, "I'm fine. You follow your. If you cover your eyes and treat me, think I'll suffer more."

"It's said that it's medical treatment. Who can think more?" Lin Yi gives Han Ying a white look, but Han Ying doesn't see it.

"Do it quickly. Don't talk nonsense." Han Ying impatiently urges Lin Yi to take off her clothes.

The air suddenly stopped. Han Ying's white and firm chest was exposed in front of Lin Yi. Just now she said "sit still". At this moment, Lin Yi's little heart "Dong Dong" kept beating.

It's the first time I've seen a woman naked, and it's still a great beauty. The beautiful lines have been ignored. The material body organs have deeply attracted Lin Yi's eyes.

Finally understand the experience of the sentence "don't say no, but the body is very honest". Lin Yi also obviously feels that there has been a slight change in one of his body organs.

"What's the matter? Why don't you do it?" Han Ying thought something was wrong and asked.

Lin Yi was woken up by Han Ying's voice. He came back to his senses. There was some moisture in the corners of his mouth. God, he drooled. Lin Yi quickly wiped it off with his hand. If Han Ying knew it, it would be great.

It's better to start from the back. Lin Yi thought, moved to the back of Han Ying, confirmed the silver needle and began to apply the needle.

"Just now I was making preparations. Don't talk. It's already started."

Lin Yi said humbly, hoping not to arouse Han Ying's suspicion.

Although his behavior just now is completely contrary to what he said to Han Ying, he thinks it belongs to normal physiological reaction. He is a young man in his early 20s. Han Ying is also a beautiful woman with national color and beauty. He occasionally has some reverie when wearing clothes, let alone a beautiful woman who takes off her clothes.

Lin Yi forgives himself and warns himself that he is seeing a doctor. He can't think about it any more, and then focuses on injecting Han Ying.

Han Ying slowly opens her eyes, because her body doesn't feel, and Lin Yi doesn't talk to her anymore. She doesn't know that Lin Yi is behind her now.

Pure curiosity opened her eyes to see if Lin Yi was as honest as he said.

When she opened her eyes, she didn't see Lin Yi. As soon as she turned her head and looked at Lin Yi, she hurried back, and the temperature on her face began to rise.

"What's the matter? Do you feel anything?" Lin Yi thought Han Ying's body had responded and asked excitedly.

Han Ying hesitated and said, "no, no, I, I just look at you. What are you doing?"

The temperature on Lin Yi's face also slowly rose. He focused on the needle. "What can I do? Isn't this a needle for you? You should relax. As I told you before, don't be nervous and don't be impatient."

"Do you want to continue tomorrow after the injection today?" Han Ying asked.

"Yes, your poison is more serious than I thought." Talking about Han Ying's illness, Lin Yi gradually came down naturally.

"Well, tomorrow, tomorrow..." Han Ying's question was incomplete.

Lin Yi is also a Leng boy. He doesn't understand Han Ying's meaning. "What do you want tomorrow?"

Han Ying closed her eyes again and said, "do you want to take off your clothes tomorrow?"

Lin Yi paused for a moment and then said, "I should. There are clothes. The effect is not good."

Han Ying stopped talking and didn't close her eyes. Since it wasn't the last day, she had to convince herself to accept it as soon as possible. It was healing. It's no big deal. Her mind can't be too narrow. Han Ying comforted herself in her heart.

The needle in the back has been completed. Lin Yi moves to the front and stares at Han Ying's eyes. Han Ying also stares straight at him.

Lin Yi and Han Ying's faces are red again. They have tacitly shifted their attention.

"I'm going to go on. If you feel anything, call it out." Lin Yi bowed his head and said.

"I see." Han Ying also said calmly.

Lin Yi wholeheartedly used the silver needle, pushed it in and pulled it out, and exchanged it at different acupoints. The beads of sweat on his forehead were obvious and arrogant, falling drop by drop.

Han Ying saw all this very clearly. She remembered that when she met Lin Yi for the first time, she pretended to be ill and asked him to treat herself. Lin Yi saw at a glance that she was pretending to be ill and later cheated him back to Xuanfeng hall. He didn't complain.

This is the first time he has treated himself. To be exact, it is detoxification. He didn't pay much attention to it when he helped others. It turned out that he looked so handsome when he saw a doctor seriously.

The idea in Han Ying's heart startled her, too. Could it be that she was angry with Lin Yi? No, no, absolutely not. Han Ying denied it in her heart.

"Ouch." Suddenly, Han Ying shouted.

Lin Yi suddenly raised his head, "what's the matter?"

"Just there, just there was a little pain." Han Ying bumps into Lin Yi's eyes and is a little shy.

Lin Yi thought for a moment and moved the needle back to the place where Han Ying just shouted pain. It was two fingers wide under his chest. Lin Yi also sealed the surrounding acupoints, and then used the silver needle to practice Kung Fu.

"Ouch, ouch." Han Ying shouted again.

Lin Yi then increased his skill. Soon, he saw two things running around under Han Ying's chest. Lin Yi blocked their way back, forcing them to move towards Han Ying's wound.

Then, the two insects ran out of the wound again, with dark red blood, and then flowed out.

The two insects are different from the one yesterday. Their shell is ice blue. They have only one eye and a sharp thorn in their mouth.

This is today's harvest, Lin Yi thought, wiping the sweat off his head.

"I think the pain just said is itchy." Han Ying said to Lin Yi.

"Really? Do you have any other feelings?" Lin Yi asked.

"No more." Han Ying was also disappointed. After treatment for two consecutive days, she was only itchy, and it was only one part. Her eyes were dim again.

Lin Yi helped her suck the blood from the wound and cleaned it up. Then he helped her dress and said, "don't be anxious and don't lose heart. This is progress. Take your time. I'll cure you and I'll accompany you."

Han Ying glanced at Lin Yi, but he didn't look at her. If Lin Yi had feelings for himself, it seemed a good choice to be with him at last. Han Ying's mouth aroused a shallow smile.

"Well, I have to ask Uncle Guo to let them in. He has to judge these little insects." Lin Yi put Han Yingping back and lay down, smiled and said to her.

"Well, you go." Han Ying also smiled at him.

Such a gentle Han Ying is also good. Lin Yi's heart was slightly bitten by something.

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