No one expected that Lin Yi would not pay attention to the Disha League and dare to say such words. If it was introduced into the ears of the senior management of the Disha League, it would be a battle today.

"If so, I knew that the leader would not give in, let alone just a local evil alliance. I'm afraid even sixteen top-ranking forces may not be able to make the leader shrink back."

Han Qing shrugged, expecting something.

"Now, Lei family, I'll give you another chance to choose, surrender or death?"

Lin Yi's voice was still calm. However, no one dared to belittle him anymore, because Lei Heng's body on the ground was the best proof.


Hearing Lin Yi's cold voice, everyone in the Lei family was ugly and silent.

Some people are unconvinced and want to stand up and shout, but when they see Lei Heng's body, they suddenly look pale and dare not stand up. Lin Yi even Lei Heng says to kill. Will they be merciful to them?

"We surrender."

At this time, a voice suddenly came from the camp of the Lei family, which surprised everyone. Subconsciously, he turned around and saw Lei Xing, the elder of the Lei family.

Unlike Lei Heng, who was once arrogant and didn't know it, Lei Xing now knows that their Lei family's biggest card, Disha League, can't threaten tianmeng at all. Before, Lei Heng mistakenly thought that Lin Yi would be afraid of Disha League and didn't dare to fight him. Therefore, under a misjudgment, he went down the yellow spring in advance.

Lei Xing has lived for a long time. Now he has a noble status. Naturally, he doesn't want to die for no reason. It's too uneconomical, so he takes several close friends to admit defeat.

"Very well, elder Lei, congratulations on making the right choice. From now on, you will be the owner of the Lei family and be responsible for managing the size of the Lei family."

Hearing Lei Xing pleading for mercy, Lin Yi also flashed a smile in his eyes. He immediately said a faint word, which surprised Lei Xing. He didn't expect that his active obedience would have such benefits.

Although the Lei family has become a vassal of the tianmeng alliance from now on, he has become the owner of the Lei family. He can get and use more resources than before. This is definitely a great good thing for him, which directly dilutes the previous fear.

"Thank you, league leader. From now on, Lei Xing will take the league leader as the leader, implement the league leader's guidelines, manage the Lei family well, and make the Lei family the top fighting force of Wentian alliance, so as to share the worries and solve the difficulties for the league leader."

Lei Xing said respectfully immediately.


After listening to this, the people around looked at each other, and they couldn't help but despise it. It's estimated that the elder of the Lei family is so spineless. Lin Yi just randomly arranged the Lei family for him to manage, so he respectfully looks like a pug.

"So best."

Lin Yi nodded with satisfaction. "In that case, Xia Yang arranged to arrange all the experts of the Lei family in the wild mountain. The resources of the wild mountain are very suitable for their cultivation. As for those who don't obey orders... Kill them directly."

What he said was very plain, as if he were talking about eating and drinking water, but it was such a simple and casual words that made everyone present feel cold.

Those who don't obey orders naturally refer to those Lei family experts who took the position of Lei Heng. If they don't listen to the management of tianmeng, and don't mention any punishment and rules and regulations, they will directly kill them. This kind of iron hand is shocking.

"Yes, alliance leader."

Xia Yang nodded respectfully and took orders. At the same time, his heart was a little bad.

He couldn't help thinking of Lin Yi's order to kill Lei Heng just now. However, Xia Yang was worried about the Revenge of Disha alliance. He hesitated and didn't dare to do it immediately. Finally, Lin Yi did it himself. He was worried that this would make Lin Yi underestimate him. This is not what Xia Yang wanted to see.

"I finally got rid of the Lei family."

Lin Yi's mouth is slightly crooked. In fact, Lin Yi is not interested in these experts of the Lei family, so it doesn't matter whether to kill them or not.

However, Lin Yi is looking forward to the cultivation method in the hands of the Lei family. According to zero, as long as he gets the cultivation method, many experts who ask tianmeng can have the method to step into the third level.

There are ten layers of Qi practitioners. The gap between each layer is very large. Just as the second layer can easily crush the first layer, the Qi practitioners who reach the third layer can also crush the second layer.

If you fight for strength, maybe the strength of tianmeng can't compete with Desha alliance at present. However, if many experts of tianmeng can collectively step into the second level, or even a few people step into the third level, let alone a Desha alliance. Even some weak top-level first-class forces, Lin Yi won't be afraid of half a cent.

"Let master Lei come to see me."

The next day, after Lin Yi finished his training and walked out of the cave, he directly asked his hand to inform Lei master that Lei Heng was dead. Today's Lei master is naturally the former dog leg Lei Xing.

"Alliance leader, are you looking for me?"

After a while, Lei Xing came over and looked at Lin Yi. With a respectful expression on his face, he said very carefully, "after moving the Lei family to the wild mountain yesterday, I specially told the Lei family that there was no conflict with the people who asked tianmeng. Everyone is very dutiful."

Lei Xing was afraid that Lin Yi wanted to trouble him, so he quickly explained.

"I know. I didn't call you this time because of this."

Lin Yi smiled, waved his hand and asked Lei Xing to sit down. After thinking about it, there was no ink at all. He directly asked, "Lei family leader, I think there were several Qi practitioners in the Lei family. Should there be practice skills in the family?"


Lei Xing's face suddenly changed. Just now Lin Yi told him to sit down. I thought I wanted to have a good relationship with him, and then a Huairou policy or something.

However, Lei Xing never thought that Lin Yi's purpose was not to win over the Lei family, but to cultivate their skills.

As an upper class force, Lei Xing's heart is very clear that the reason why the Lei family can make a famous house in Qinglong city is that the skill is absolutely indispensable. If it is not for the skill, the Lei family is probably not as good as the previous burning sun.

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