"Fang'er, is it only the villagers who know there is such a small mud pit in this place?" Lin Yi asked.

"Yes, every family here has a location map of the whole village. There are some unobvious pits, swamps, and some traps for catching rabbits and wild boars. There will be obvious signs on the map." Fang Er nodded and explained everything.

"Then I know." Lin Yi said to himself.

"What do you know?" Fang Er still doesn't know why.

"Ah, nothing. Let's keep looking forward." Lin Yi said, bypassing the small mud pit and moving on.

Last night, the shadow was really careful. There was no trace left along the way, but that's exactly what it means. That person must be from the Miao village. Otherwise, according to Lin Yi, the speed and posture of the other party when he ran away last night. If it was an outsider who didn't know there was a mud pit here, he would certainly step in here, or fall in and can't get up, but at least there would be a trace, But according to their inspection today, they don't even have a footprint.

It hasn't rained recently. Although the dirt road is dry, it won't have no marks where he steps, unless he only wears socks and no shoes.

Lin Yi snapped his fingers and looked suddenly enlightened.

"Lin Yi, I didn't find anything here." Fang Er approached Lin Yi and said helplessly.

"Forget it, let's go back first. After lunch, we'll go to the place where Han Ying picks herbs." Lin Yi has found something, so he doesn't need to stay any longer.

When they returned to Uncle Guo's house, lunch had been served, and Han Ying was sitting next to the table, as if waiting for everyone to arrive.

"We're back. Oh, I'm so tired." As soon as Fang Er entered the door, he poured himself a glass of water and drank it. Then he remembered Lin Yi, poured another glass and handed it to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi took the water, said thank you, and drank it all in one gulp.

"How's it going? What's the harvest?" Han Ying asked. Her eyes wanted to see Lin Yi through.

Before Lin Yi could answer, Fang Er continued: "I didn't find anything. I doubt whether Lin Yi was wrong. Maybe it's just a wild boar. There will be wild boars running through the door from time to time."

"How is it possible that there is still a great difference between human shadow and animal shadow? How can you read it wrong?" Han Ying didn't believe that Lin Yi would read it wrong and explained to Fang er.

"I didn't find anything anyway. It's estimated that someone will go to see it next time. I can't find anything else except the footprints left by Lin Yi and me today." Fang Er sat at the table with his head on his hands. It seemed that he was already hungry.

Uncle Guo came out from behind and saw Lin Yi standing, while Fang ER and Han Ying were still standing. He smiled and said, "move chopsticks and eat. What are you doing?"

Fang Er immediately smiled on her face, took the chopsticks and began to eat.

Uncle Guo coughed twice. "Fang Er, why are there no rules? The guests haven't moved their chopsticks yet. Why did you start eating?"

Fang Er also realized his impoliteness, put down his chopsticks and dared not chew the food wrapped in his mouth.

"It doesn't matter. We've been here for so long. Where are the guests? Uncle Guo and fang'er, let's eat together. Don't be so polite." Lin Yi smiled and picked up the chopsticks.

"Sorry, there are only Fang ER and me on weekdays. The child is used to it. Don't mind." Uncle Guo explained.

"Usually it's just you two? Who was the aunt who fed and dressed Han Ying before?" Lin Yi asked as he ate.

"Oh, I asked the villagers for help. Fang ER and I are both men. It's impossible for us to do these things, so please the aunt at the head of the village." Uncle Guo said naturally.

Lin Yi nodded and continued to eat.

After lunch, Lin Yi sends Han Ying back to her room to rest.

"I want to go, too." Han Ying walked to the door of the room and turned to Lin Yi.

"Have a good rest first. I'll do all these things." Lin Yi stretched out his hand and wanted to pat her on the shoulder, but he felt it was inappropriate, so he put his hand behind his head and touched it.

"I sit and wait. I feel sick and can't sit still." Han Ying refuses to go into the room obediently. She carries her hands behind her, trying to persuade Lin Yi to take her with her.

Lin Yi looked around and motioned Han Ying to get closer.

"I've found something today. If you wait at home, I'll tell you when I get back in the evening."

Seeing Lin Yi's mystery, Han Ying gave him a white look: "Lin Yi, if you use the same move twice, it won't work. I thought I would be fooled?"

"It's true this time. It depends on whether you believe it or not?" Lin Yi looked serious.

Han Ying looked at Lin Yi for a moment and asked, "really?"

Lin Yi nodded, "I won't lie to you this time."

Seeing Lin Yi's serious look, Han Ying decides to trust him again.

Lin Yi and fang'er go out together and come to the place where Han Ying collects herbs. There are many longxucao that Han Ying needs to pick that day.

Lin Yi squatted down, picked one, pinched it in his hand and observed it carefully. There was a faint fragrance. It had to be someone who knew herbal medicine. After changing to a layman, it was a wild grass.

"Lin Yi, did you find anything?" Fang Er couldn't wait to come forward and asked.

Lin Yi shook his head: "No."

Fang Er sat aside and waited quietly.

Lin Yi threw away the asparagus in his hand and pulled out the grass for a while. Suddenly, he saw a trace of burning. It was not obvious, and it was completely burned. It was gone at all.

Lin Yi turned back and pretended to be casual. He glanced at fang'er. He looked in the opposite direction. He didn't know whether he was in a daze or what.

Lin Yi turned his head and touched the burn mark with his hand. For at least a week, Lin Yi put his hand in front of his nose and smelled. In addition to the smell of ashes, there was a familiar smell.

Lin Yi couldn't remember what it was like for a moment. He took out a small piece of paper towel with him, gently rubbed the residual ash he had just touched into the paper towel and wrapped it, and then quietly put it into the bag.

Such burn marks cannot be caused by accident or natural factors. Someone must have done it deliberately. What is the purpose to cover up? What is it to cover up? Lin Yi fell into thinking.

"Lin Yi, Lin Yi." I don't know when Fang Er came to Lin Yi and shook his hand in front of him.

Lin Yi thought again, "ah, what?"

"Did you find anything?" Fang Er looked curious.

"No, alas, it seems that nothing can be found from these places. We have to reconsider other ways." Lin Yi showed some frustration.

"Oh, really? I think so. It's been so long, even if there's nothing." Fang er said.

"Let's go back. It seems that today's trip was in vain. It's hard for you." Lin Yi took Fang er's shoulder and thanked him with a smile.

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