Han Ying gave him a white look: "you don't even believe me."

"Of course not. If I really don't believe you, I won't tell you. I'm just afraid that it will leak after I say it, and I know it alone. It's safer." Lin Yi explained.

"I think you just don't believe me. You don't believe uncle Guo. You don't believe everyone." Han Ying said angrily.

Hearing that she raised her voice again, Lin Yi was so frightened that he hurried forward and asked her to keep her voice down: "my Miss Han, keep your voice down, but you're right."

"What point?"

"I really don't believe everyone here." Lin Yi smiled and whispered to Han Ying.

Han Ying instantly understood Lin Yi's meaning and didn't haggle over what had just happened. However, she still couldn't understand some places.

"Do you think I'm involved in Gu and uncle Guo?" Han Ying felt that she was disrespectful to Uncle Guo when she asked this.

Lin Yi nodded, "yes, in fact, they are suspicious. However, I can't say what degree they do respectively. Therefore, some things must be kept secret. Only the two of us know."

"When did you begin to doubt uncle Guo?" Han Ying asked another question.

"In fact, when I found these ashes on the mountain in the afternoon, didn't you ask me why I squatted outside uncle Guo's door just now?" Lin Yi looks at Han Ying again and asks.

Han Ying nodded and said, "yes, you always avoid the topic and don't answer."

"I'm verifying my conjecture, but it can't be regarded as exact evidence. Guo Shugang asked Fang Er to tell him all about our going out today, and specially stressed that we can't miss any details." Lin Yi blinked mysteriously.

"But what does this mean?" Han Ying didn't understand, "maybe uncle Guo just cares about you."

"If you are concerned, I said when I was there just now that I didn't find anything today. Why did he deliberately ask Fang er? Don't you believe me?" Lin Yi asked.

"Maybe he just thought what if you didn't notice something?" Han Ying tries to find a loophole in Lin Yi's speech.

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "it's impossible. He clearly doesn't trust me. He thinks I'm not telling the truth, so he asked Fang Er to tell all the details. He needs to infer what I know."

Han Ying still refused to believe it. "I've lived here for some days. Uncle Guo doesn't look like the kind of person you said."

"He is a master of using poisonous insects. He can't solve the poisonous insects in your body. He doesn't even know what kind it is. Don't you think it's fake?" Lin Bian continued to analyze for Han Ying.

"He said before that this is a mixed poison. He hasn't met it before. Before you came, he also tried to remove the poison from me, but he didn't succeed." Han Ying is still defending uncle Guo. In her opinion, uncle Guo is not as scheming as Lin Yi said.

"I didn't say that it must be him. I just think some things are unreasonable and unreasonable." Lin Yi said.

"Moreover, if he really wants to harm me, he can ignore me after I am poisoned by insects. Why should he specially find hawksbill to hang it on my chest to prevent the toxin from spreading again." Han Ying gave another example to illustrate her idea.

"It's really a strange place, but as I've said, I didn't say it must be uncle Guo's poison. I just thought he might have some accident intention to hide from us." Lin Yi said solemnly.

"What's up?" Han Ying asked.

"How can I know? If I know, maybe many things have been solved." Lin Yi sticks out his tongue.

"If you want to prove your guess, you'd better find more evidence." Han Ying lifted her head, put a wisp on her finger and played in a circle.

Lin Yi nodded. "Of course, that's why I said it should be kept secret. Besides, aren't you familiar with the taste just now? Don't you remember?"

Han Ying's eyebrows tightened. "What do you mean, should I be familiar with the taste?"

Lin Yi looked at Han Ying in a daze, shook his head and said, "forget it, you'd better rest early. I'm going to go too. I'll talk about what's going on tomorrow."

"Wait, why do you talk half way? Say it quickly. What's the smell?" Han Ying doesn't want to stay up all night trying to figure out what it tastes like.

"I really don't remember? The dark red blood flowing out of your body is mixed with the smell." Lin Yi said helplessly.

Han Ying's eyes suddenly lit up, "yeah? I said I was very sensitive when I smelled it just now. That's the smell. You cared when you collected them."

"Besides, let me tell you one more thing. Just now, I confirmed one more thing." Lin Yi deliberately lowered his voice again, approached Han Ying and said, "I've smelled this smell from Uncle Guo."

Han Ying looked at Lin Yi in surprise. Her mouth became an "O" word. "Did Uncle Guo ask you for my blood, so..."

"No, the dark red blood flowing from your body has a strong smell of blood in addition to that smell. What uncle Guo smells is a simple smell without impurities." Lin Yi said with certainty.

"Are you sure?" Han Ying asked again.

Lin Yi nodded and said, "I'm sure I've been to Uncle Guo's house once before. In order to ask about the poisonous things forced from your body, I smelled the smell at that time, but I can't remember what the smell is. I just feel very familiar. When I found the ashes on the mountain today, I feel very familiar, and it's not the first time."

"So you remember, did you smell it in Uncle Guo?" Han Ying answered.

Lin Yi nodded and said, "yes, it's him. When I called him to my house to study the dark red blood, I mentioned it once and asked him if he smelled anything. He said no. later, I asked him again in his house, and he still said there was no smell."

Lin Yi paused for a moment and then said, "it's not too strange that traditional Chinese medicine like you and me, who mostly use acupoints and needles, can easily smell it. He is a Miao doctor who needs to identify all kinds of herbs by his nose all year round."

"So you began to doubt him?" Han Ying asked.

"Yes, I'm not saying that he must be the one who poisoned the insects, but he's suspicious. That's for sure. I must find out what tricks they're playing." Lin Yi looked at the paper towel in his hand, clenched his teeth and said firmly.

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