"Ask tianmeng."

The leader of Desha alliance slowly raised his head, and his eyes paused slightly on the plaque asking tianmeng. Immediately, a cold light flashed in his eyes, but he still hasn't forgotten the hatred of that day.

"After today, we will never ask tianmeng again, and these three words will completely disappear from Qinglong city and become history."

The giant shark smiled coldly and glanced at the high-rise defense buildings of tianmeng. When he saw some of them, his face froze and showed an unbelievable look.

"Xue Bi, how can you still be alive?"

Boss giant shark was shocked to see one of the middle-aged beautiful women. It was the previous generation of the owner of Mingxin martial arts school. Boss giant shark always thought that the other party had been killed by himself. Now, he even watched the other party live intact.

"Hum, you old man hasn't died yet. How can I die?"

Xue Bi, the old owner, is also red eyed at the moment. This is exactly what the so-called enemy is particularly jealous when they meet. She immediately clenched her fist, jumped down with a flash of her body, and stared at boss giant shark, "dare you fight?"

"Afraid you won't?"

Giant shark sneered. Now he's half on the fourth floor. Will he be afraid of each other? It's really funny. Although I don't know how the other party survived, Xue Bi was not his opponent at the beginning, and now it can't be.

Thinking of this, the giant shark rushed out without thinking about it, but when the two really fought, he changed his face and realized that it was bad. He fled quickly, but Xue Bi still took the opportunity to draw with a dagger and broke an arm. He couldn't help screaming, but he also fled back.

"How is that possible?"

Everyone is unbelievable. Boss giant shark is one of several experts in the second-class forces. I thought he would crush each other when he came out, but I didn't expect that he almost died in the hands of the other party. How could this happen?

"Damn it, the wife broke through the fourth floor of the Qi practitioner."

The voice of the giant shark made many people's faces change. The three-tier peak of the Qi practitioner seemed to be only one step away from the fourth tier, but this step was immeasurable.

"How can we break through the fourth floor? Can't we kill her when so many people are besieged?"

The leader of the earth evil alliance took a swipe at the corner of his mouth, and then said a cruel word. Immediately, he waved his hand, and the leaders of the four forces went up together. With many third level experts of Qi practitioners, he besieged Xue Bi and wanted to kill him.

"Let's help, too."

Xia Yang sneered, then jumped down with Xue Yun, Nie yuan and other fourth level masters of Qi practitioners, and immediately made a quick move, which surprised everyone. In the past, all kinds of third level masters of Qi practitioners were completely tortured and killed, and there was little resistance.

"Do it."

The other masters of the four forces did not dare to delay. They immediately pulled out their weapons and rushed up.

"You go too. There is no need to worry about this war. Even if the top and first-class forces come, don't be afraid, because we are also first-class."

Lin Yi didn't know when he had stood on the high platform and ordered coldly.

In an instant, thousands of Qi practitioners directly killed them and surrounded the people of the four forces in a siege attitude. This scene shocked countless people. I thought the four forces could easily crush tianmeng. I didn't think it was the opposite.

"Today, the League once again announced one thing."

Lin Yi's voice sounded like thunder. "Since today, Wentian alliance will no longer be a second-class force, but will be advanced to the 17th first-class force in Qinglong city. It has the right to supervise the whole Qinglong. Disha alliance, giant shark, Qinghong and Yinyu give you two choices, either serve or die!"

Surrender or die!

This is not the first time Lin Yi has said it, but none of it is as shocking as today.

Because, just now, the Lord of Wentian Alliance said that from now on, Wentian alliance will no longer be a second rate force, but officially enter the ranks of top-level and first-class forces.

How dare he say that?

"Ask the heavenly alliance leader!"

The leader of Disha alliance and others were besieged, but after hearing Lin Yi's words, they felt trembling. It seemed that they couldn't believe that the other party had such courage.

"The 17th top-level first-class force? It's really ridiculous. I don't know who gave you the courage? Ask tianmeng for boldness and be punished."

At this time, a cold hum sounded, and soon several figures appeared. Looking at their fairy demeanor, they seemed to be a great power.

"Ah, look at the signs on them. They are the people of Tiangang alliance, a top-level first-class force. It is said that Tiangang alliance is in the middle reaches of the top-level first-class forces. It is much more powerful than the Lin family and Hongmen. I didn't expect them to come."

"I've heard for a long time that there seems to be some connection between the Desha alliance and the Tiangang alliance. One Tiangang and one Desha. I don't think it's true. The Tiangang alliance comes out for the Desha alliance."

"It's over."

Everyone around talked about it.

"Elder, help us quickly. Ask tianmeng about its heinous crimes. All the following crimes must be destroyed to make an example."

Seeing the arrival of the master of Tiangang alliance, the leader of Disha alliance was as excited as a dog when he saw his master.

"Hum, in that case, you dog should die first."

Lin Yi snorted coldly, and a silver needle shot directly at the leader of the Desha alliance. The leader of the Desha alliance subconsciously wanted to resist, but at the moment, he had no time to be seriously injured and was directly killed by a silver needle.


Everyone around took a breath. Lin Yi killed the leader of Disha alliance in front of the experts of Tiangang alliance. Is this an initiative?

"Tiangang alliance, are you sure you want to participate?"

Lin Yi asked coldly.

What about Tiangang alliance? It's just a top-level first-class force. In the past, he could have scruples about Lin Yi, but now he doesn't need it at all. If the other party dares to participate, he doesn't mind letting the other party know his strength.


Seeing Lin Yi's lack of face, the master of Tiangang alliance also showed anger. However, after seeing the suddenly increased power of tianmeng, he didn't dare to take action at will. He investigated Lin Yi and knew that this guy was crazy.

"Today, Disha alliance, giant shark, Qinghong and Yinyu are all annexed by Wentian alliance. If Tiangang alliance wants to fight, I will ask tianmeng to accompany me."

Lin Yi said coldly.

"Damn it."

The elder of Tiangang alliance clenched his fist and couldn't help but want to fight, but he was pulled by a man behind him. The man pointed to the corpse of the alliance leader. The elder of Tiangang alliance looked down and suddenly his pupils narrowed and thought of some possibility.

A month ago, the man who killed the young master of Hongmen and the two elders used a silver needle?

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