"We can find uncle Guo and come to his room openly. Now there is no one in the room. If you do so, it will cause unnecessary misunderstanding and even trouble." Han Ying was a little anxious. Seeing that Lin Yi didn't mean to look back, she was worried that someone would come and see her later.

"There will be no problem. Even if Uncle Guo comes back and finds us in his room, we can say we came to find him. When we see that the door is open, we think there is a thief or something, so we go in and have a look." Lin Yi blinked at Han Ying tactfully.

"But..." Han Ying was still very worried, but Lin Yi interrupted her before her worried words came out.

"OK, there will be no problem. Don't worry. I have it." Lin Yi has turned his eyes to Uncle Guo's room. He examines it carefully and smells it with his nose.

In fact, he had been in this outer room during dinner just now. If there was any smell, he should have noticed it long ago. Lin Yi thought, but he was afraid that the smell of the previous food would block their smell, so now he smelled it carefully.

However, there is still no harvest.

Let's go to the inner room and have a look. The poisonous things found in Han Ying's body are also put here. Lin Yi thought and tried to push the door of the inner room.

There was no movement. It seems that the inner room is locked.

"Well, let's go back first, or go to fang'er to find uncle Guo. It's reasonable to wait outside. If we go into the inner room, we all think we're looking for something, which will arouse suspicion." Han Ying comes to persuade Lin Yi again.

"Don't worry, we can't get into this inner room. It seems that it's locked." Lin Yi withdrew and said to Han Ying.

"Really? That's good." Han Ying breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this. Maybe just now she was worried that Lin Yi might break into the inner room, and uncle Guo just came back and bumped into her. I really don't know how to explain.

"Don't you think it's strange?" Lin Yi asked with a frown.

"What's strange?" Han Ying didn't understand what he meant.

"In the absence of people, the door of the outer room is open, and the door of the inner room is locked." Lin Yi expressed his doubts.

"What's strange about this? There's nothing to see outside, but there's something important in the inner room, so you should lock it." Han Ying explained solemnly.

"Just because there is nothing outside, Guo Shuping's daily activities should be carried out in the inner room. Since the inner room is locked when he comes out of the inner room, why not lock the doors of the outer room together?" Lin Yi cannot be persuaded by Han Ying's words.

"Maybe I just forgot when I went out?" Han Ying felt far fetched when she said this.

"Definitely not." Lin Yi said.

"Why is that?"

"Because there were important things in the inner room, but the people who asked him to go out shouted in a hurry, he had to lock the important inner room and hurried out." Lin Yi said with certainty again.

"Maybe, but it's useless for us to think about these here. We still have to find uncle Guo to know." Han Ying stood up and looked at Lin Yi.

At this time, there was a slight sound of footsteps, followed by a voice. It was too late to run. Lin Yi and Han Ying simply sat upright on the chair in the outer room, waiting for someone to open the door and see them.

Footsteps and voices stopped outside the door. Maybe he saw that the crack of the door was bigger than before he went out. He was worried and doubted.

The door was gently pushed open, like the caution and caution of an adventurer when he first entered a strange place.

Seeing Lin Yi and Han Ying sitting inside, the door pusher heaved a sigh, and then a familiar voice rang.

"It's you. You scared me. I remember that I closed the door tightly before I went out, although I didn't lock it." Uncle Guo put his hand on his chest and said with a smile.

"Uncle Guo, why don't you lock your door when you go out? Lin Yi and I thought there was a thief in your room." Han Ying met uncle Guo, took his arm and said with concern.

"All the people living in the Miao village are their own. There won't be thieves. Don't worry. I just went out in a hurry and didn't lock it." Uncle Guo explained.

Uncle Guo was in a hurry to go out and didn't have time to lock the door outside. Lin Yi and Han Ying heard this and looked at each other for a few seconds.

"Uncle Guo, since there will be no thieves, how did you get a fright when you saw the door open just now?" Lin Yi was also frank and outspoken. Uncle Guo was stunned by one sentence.

"Ah, I thought some wild animals came in. As you know, it's not surprising that we live in the deep mountains and forests." Uncle Guo dare not look into Lin Yi's eyes. It is said that when people lie, they will deliberately avoid the eyes of the questioner.

"There are wild animals. Uncle Guo, you'd better lock the door when you go out. Han Ying and I are afraid when we come. Fortunately, the door of your inner room is locked." Lin Yi deliberately mentioned the back room.

Uncle Guo smiled and said it was all right. He approached the inner room and opened the door. Lin Yi and Han Ying naturally followed in.

Lin Yi smelled the smell again. Although he didn't know what it was, he couldn't make a mistake. There was a bloody smell involved in it once; There is also the smell of ash, which has been involved in this smell.

He noticed that Han Ying's eyebrows tightened slightly and soon relaxed. It is estimated that Han Ying should also smell it. I don't know if she can remember what it is.

"Uncle Guo, are they dead?" Lin Yi's eyes shifted to the previous bottles and cans, which contained the poisonous insects taken out from Han Ying's body. At present, they all didn't move. A few days ago, they occasionally climbed in the bottles and cans.

"Well, yes, once the poisonous insects are removed from the human body and there is no blood for them to drink, they will die." Uncle Guo explained.

"Then they have no effect now." Lin Yi said something to himself.

Uncle Guo came to pick him up. "In fact, it has no effect since the day they came out. It's difficult to judge whether someone deliberately put the Gu or an accident by relying on them. If I don't use the exclusion method to find out that the Gu in Ying'er was an accident that day, I can find a way to raise them for a few days, but it's unnecessary to get the result."

Lin Yi nodded, smiled and said, "it seems that Miao Gu's knowledge is really rich and profound. I think I have to stay here with Han Ying and study it carefully."

"Yes, or you can go to the mountain with Han Ying tomorrow. First, you can know some basic herbs to be able to distinguish them. Then you can follow Fang Er to make an in-depth note of the Miao family's medical skills. Herbs are the foundation, and there are many ingredients for making Miao medicine, which are extracted from grass that can grow only in the soil and water of the Miao village."

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