Lin Yi and Han Ying smiled at Fang Er, trotted two steps and followed him closely.

When he reached the top of the mountain, Fang er said excitedly to Han Ying and Lin Yi: "look, there are many rare plants here."

Lin Yi followed Fang er's direction and did see many flowers and plants he had only seen in books before.

"In addition to herbs, there are many strange flowers and plants here." Lin Yi couldn't help sighing.

In front of him was a flower with teeth, which would open its big mouth from time to time to attract some insects and ants in front of it; Next to it is a grass with a leaf as big as a plate. Three disk-shaped leaves flutter in the wind, which is very eye-catching.

"Yes, there are many rare varieties in Miao village that you don't know. The soil on the other side of the mountain is different from that here. Some plants that don't adapt to the climate here can also feed there." Fang er said proudly.

"Really, take us to have a look." Lin Yi was a little excited and ran to Fang ER and said.

Fang er's face sank when he heard this.

"Why, is it difficult? Is it dangerous?" Lin Yi sees Fang er's change.

Fang Er shook his head. "Yes, it's inconvenient for you to go there."

"Why?" Lin Yi asked. He didn't understand.

"Because we are outsiders." Han Ying helped Fang Er answer Lin Yi's words.

"What do you mean?" Lin Yi needs to explain in more detail.

"The other side of the mountain faces another village, which is more exclusive than the village where Uncle Guo is. People who are not in the Miao village are not allowed to step into their area, so we'd better stay here." Han Ying said bitterly.

"It seems that you have made this request before?" Lin Yi asked speculatively.

Han Ying nodded. "Curiosity is too strong, but there is no way. We should act according to other people's rules in other people's places."

"But the mountains are shared by all the big guys. Why should they go and not you?" Lin Yi asked angrily.

"I think you've made a mistake. Fang'er, they can enter at will and can't go. Only me and you, we are outsiders relative to their whole Miao village." Han Ying explained it again very speechless.

"Oh, so it is. Alas, what a pity. Can you go and collect some for us?" Lin Yi threw a wink at fang'er.

When he met Smith before, Lin Yi also said that he was a medical addict. Now Lin Yi is more like using a beautiful man's trick in order to see those rare species he has not seen.

Han Ying shivered beside her.

"It's no good. To collect those treasures, we must first get the collective consent of the leaders in the Miao village, first write an application, and then hand it over layer by layer. Finally, the leaders hold a general meeting to discuss and pass it." Fang'er stood up and said that there was nothing he could do about Lin Yi's idea.

"It's so troublesome. My God, we're about to catch up with the election conference in the Central Plains." Lin Yi slapped himself on the forehead and decided to give up his idea.

"You'd better recognize the plants and herbs on this mountain first." Han Ying looked at Lin Yi and hit him. "I've been here for a few weeks and haven't recognized them all."

"It seems that this is also a good place. OK, let's go." Lin Yi regained his fighting spirit.

The three of them were looking for herbs they didn't know and some plants they hadn't seen in the Central Plains. Fang Er became the most knowledgeable among them, because he had grown up and played here since childhood. There was nothing he didn't know.

"You see, this is bloodthirsty grass." Fang Er picked up a plant and said lightly.

As soon as Lin Yi heard the name, he immediately jumped to Fang er from the other side, took the plant in his hand and looked at it carefully.

Smell it with your nose. Sure enough, it's the familiar smell.

Han Ying also came over and nodded to Lin Yi, indicating that it was the bloodthirsty grass she had seen before.

"This plant usually doesn't grow next to asparagus?" Lin Yi seemed to ask casually, but he had some specific feelings.

"Yes, the properties of the two grasses are very different, and once the herbs are discovered, they are cultivated in pieces in the later stage. One kind of grass should be surrounded by the grass itself, and there will be no other grass." Fang Er explained to Lin Yi and them very seriously.

Lin Yi and Han Ying also listened very carefully, nodding and communicating from time to time.

"But one of the characteristics of bloodthirsty grass is that after picking it, it can be thrown anywhere. As long as there is soil, its roots can stretch out branches, re plunge into the soil, and then grow." Fang Er continued.

Lin Yi suddenly understood what was going on with the ashes.

Someone must know that Han Ying would go to the mountain to pick asparagus that day and leave a bloodthirsty grass nearby. In this way, when asparagus meets bloodthirsty grass, it attracts all kinds of poisonous things, and then smoothly enters Han Ying's body. In order to destroy the evidence, burning it is the most effective way.

It's just that the ashes that haven't been completely cleaned up have become the key for Lin Yi to find the truth.

Han Ying saw Lin Yi staring at the bloodthirsty grass in a daze and called him twice. He still didn't respond. Han Ying looked at the grass in his hand again. Maybe he found something, which can't be found by Fang er.

So Han Ying ran to Fang ER and talked with him about other herbs while glancing at Lin Yi with Yu Guang.

Lin Yi regained consciousness and was surprised to find that he had been wandering for a while. Looking back, he found that Han Ying and Fang Er had gone far. He trotted two steps to catch up with them, and the three walked together again.

"Who?" Lin Yi felt that someone was following them, and he shouted vigilantly.

"Ah, anyone?" Fang'er looked in the direction Lin Yi looked, "no one, do you see anything?"

In fact, Lin Yi didn't see any specific images, but with his years of martial arts cultivation and his sensitive facial features, he felt that someone was following them. Even if he didn't deliberately follow them, there must be others nearby.

"I didn't see it." Lin Yi shook his head and said.

"Then you shout." Fang'er gave Lin Yi a white eye and laughed that he was too suspicious.

"Are you people in the central plains all like this, because the situation of life is too dangerous." Fang Er asked with a smile.

"Maybe, but I don't think your Miao village is too safe." Lin Yi waved the grass on his hand, "I feel that no matter where he goes, he is in danger of being poisoned at any time, even if he doesn't touch anything." Lin Yi smiled back.

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