"No, he's good?" Han Ying looked incredulous, "look at him just now, as if we all owe him money."

"Don't say that, uncle Yongda. He just doesn't like talking and laughing. In fact, he is a good man." Fang Er looked at the distance and said faintly.

"It seems that there is still a story between you and him?" Lin Yi said what Fang Er thought at once.

Fang Er widened his eyes and looked surprised: "how do you know?"

"When you talk, you can see the emotion in your eyes." Lin Yi smiles.

"In fact, it's not just me. Uncle Yongda is actually very good to the children in the two villages. He and uncle Guo have some differences in ideas, but he never involves them in others." Fang Er looked at the distance and felt that his thoughts had drifted back to a long time ago.

"Tell me." Lin Yi said faintly.

"Say what?" Fang'er asked suspiciously.

Han Ying also looked at Lin Yi for unknown reasons.

"Tell me about you and uncle Yongda." Lin Yi said.

"Oh, there's nothing to say. It was a long time ago." Fang ER was suddenly a little shy.

"It's all right anyway. I think you've remembered it. Just talk about it." Lin Yi said carelessly while looking at the grass on the ground.

"Well, I'll tell you. Don't laugh at me like a girl. I remember such little things for a long time." Fang er said, turning his head to one side and not looking at Lin Yi and Han Ying.

The wind blew over the hills, and the flowers swayed with the wind. Quietly, they seemed to be listening to Fang er's story about him and uncle Yongda.

When Fang ER was very young, Miao village was not divided into two villages as it is now, but a big family. Everyone loved each other, United and friendly to each other.

One day, a group of people from the Central Plains came and said they needed Miao herbal medicine to save their lives. The leaders of the village held a meeting, because there were not so many people from the Central Plains in the Miao village. They were generally passers-by, and there were few people to stay. Moreover, according to the regulations of the Miao village, no outsiders were left.

In the village, uncle Guo and uncle Hui, the two largest leaders in the village, disagreed. Uncle Guo agreed to give them herbs and leave their injured in the village until they were cured; Uncle Hui disagreed.

Suddenly, the leaders of the village also divided into two factions. Uncle Yongda was on Uncle Hui's side at that time.

The people in the Miao village are a little conservative. Moreover, the understanding of the people in the Central Plains is cunning, greed and forgetting righteousness for profit. Therefore, when Uncle Hui proposed that all the people in the village vote together, few people stood on Uncle Guo's side.

Uncle Guo was weak and had no choice but to let the people of the Central Plains leave. But Uncle Guo couldn't bear them to return empty handed, so he quietly stuffed them with some herbs.

Later, the incident was discovered. Uncle Hui gathered the leaders of the village to punish uncle Guo. He thought that uncle Guo had violated the regulations of the village by giving herbal medicine to the people of the Central Plains behind everyone's back.

Uncle Guo has a good reason. He is a Miao doctor himself. He feels that saving the dead and healing the wounded is the bounden duty of a doctor. He can't die because he's not from the Miao village.

After listening to Uncle Guo's explanation, some people thought it was very reasonable, and some villagers stood on Uncle Guo's side.

Because of this, the Miao village was finally divided into two villages. Lin Yi and Han Ying lived in the village led by Uncle Guo. This village, regardless of the Central Plains and Miao village, will lend a helping hand whenever necessary. Moreover, uncle Guo's idea has always been to combine with the ancient medical skills of the Central Plains.

The other village is led by Uncle Hui. This village tries to be xenophobic and complacent. It will never be allowed to integrate with the Central Plains medicine.

At that time, uncle Yongda stood on Uncle Hui's side.

For a time, the relationship between the two villages was also very stiff. If they met occasionally, they would also cause fights.

The story of fang'er and uncle Yongda happened after that.

It was also on this mountain, but on that side. At that time, there was a boundary between the mountains. However, Fang ER was young and didn't know much. Moreover, he sneaked up the mountain to play. As soon as he got lost, he went to the other side of the mountain.

As he was walking down, there were some rare flowers on the mountain, which were in danger of being addicted to human blood. Seeing that Fang ER was about to be sucked away by the flower, uncle Yongda suddenly appeared, cut off the flowers in time and saved the young Fang er.

Although fang'er was severely taught by Uncle Yongda, he didn't tell it, which became a secret that only the two of them knew.

"If this matter is told, it may cause some unnecessary trouble. Uncle Yongda also wants to do more than one thing." Lin Yi guessed.

Fang Er nodded, "he should have considered this, but he really cares about me. He knows I'm from the next village. To tell the truth, he can ignore it. At that time, no adults did such a thing, but Uncle Yongda always took care of the children of the two villages."

"It seems that uncle Yongda's idea is very pure. Adults don't hurt children." Han Ying said.

"According to you, uncle Yongda is really a good adult." Lin Yi said.

The three of them have been walking slowly down the mountain. At this time, Lin Yi has an idea in his heart. He thinks that Han Ying's poisoning may be related to the fact that the village doesn't want to intersect with Zhongyuan medicine. However, at present, it's only his own guess, so he didn't say a word, and even Han Ying didn't tell him.

On the way down the mountain, Lin Yi felt that someone was following them again. However, he didn't say a word this time. Until he was certain, he suddenly shouted, "ouch." Follow the trend and fall.

Fang'er and Han Ying walked in front. Hearing Lin Yi's cry, they turned back and asked, "what's the matter?"

Lin Yi hurriedly replied, "it's all right. I tripped. Let's go. Let's go."

When Lin Yi shouted just now, he obviously heard a sound behind him. It was made after the grass was rubbed. Lin Yi saw that Han Ying and Fang Er didn't take his cry seriously. After moving on, he turned back to the place where the sound had just come out to check.

Pushing aside the grass, he saw a row of footprints retreating. Sure enough, someone was following them, which was very similar to the situation when he went up the mountain just now. However, it was Uncle Yongda just now. Who would it be now? Maybe it was Uncle Yongda. Lin Yi thought silently and walked down the mountain.

Returning to Uncle Guo's house, Lin Yi slipped into his room, took out the dark red blood he had previously obtained from Han Ying's body, and smelled it again, which was completely consistent with the taste of the bloodthirsty grass collected today.

Today's harvest is not small, but also learned some important clues from Fang er's mouth. Maybe everything is about to come out.

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