Lin Yi hurried forward to help Aunt Li, but he was tired after using the shadowless needle. Lin Yi couldn't stand. Everyone came to help him when they saw him.

"Dr. Lin, are you okay?"

"Dr. Lin, you're not in good health?"

"Dr. Lin, please sit down and have a rest. Is it too hard to eliminate Gu?"


For a moment, everyone was concerned. Lin Yi nodded, smiled and waved his hand with some embarrassment.

Uncle Guo came forward and touched Lin Yi's hand: "you are too tired. Now the child is all right. Go back and have a rest."

Lin Yi smiled and nodded, "OK, I'll trouble you here."

Uncle Guo nodded and asked fang'er to take Lin Yi back to rest.

Before leaving, Lin Yi turned his head and said to Aunt Li, "your child was found to be early and treated in time. I've helped him remove the poison. I'll be fine after a few days' rest. I'll prescribe some medicine and bring it to you later. There's no problem taking it."

Aunt Li nodded movingly, "I didn't trust you so much before. Now I want to come. I'm really, alas, ashamed."

Lin Yi said nothing more, shook his hand, signaled goodbye, and then went back to Uncle Guo's house with Fang er.

Lin Yi wanted to go to his room. Fang Er hurriedly called him, "wait, I'll send you there after I put the master's medicine box."

"I'm not so weak. Just go back by myself. Wait a minute. If Han Ying comes back, just wake me up." Lin Yi smiled and refused Fang er's idea of sending him, but entrusted him with another thing.

Fang Er smiled secretly, "well, I'll call you later. Go back to your room and have a good rest."

Lin Yi waved and went back to his room. It really seemed that he was very sleepy for a time. He fell into bed. After a while, Lin Yi fell asleep.

When Lin Yi woke up, it was already dark. He thought it was late at night, but he was very hungry. He had to get up and go to the dining room. In this way, he would pass uncle Guo's room. Looking in from the outside, it was dark. Maybe he had slept. Lin Yi thought, so he didn't stop.

But when I came to the dining room, I saw that the light in the front hall was on. It was strange that who would be there at this time?

Lin Yi comes to the front hall with curiosity, but he sees both uncle Guo and Fang er.

"Uncle Guo, what are you doing here?" Lin Yi's sudden voice from behind startled them, and Fang Er trembled all over.

"Ah, Lin Yi, you wake up. How do you feel now?" Uncle Guo inquired with concern.

Lin Yi smiled and stretched. "It's all right. Have I slept for a long time? What time is it now?"

"I've been sleeping for some time. It's 8 p.m. now." Although uncle Guo said it calmly, his anxiety could be seen faintly.

"I've been sleeping for a long time. I just got up to watch this day. I thought it was late at night. It's OK." Lin Yi shook his head.

"Are you hungry?" Fang Er asked about the point.

Lin Yi scratched his head in embarrassment. "I'm really hungry. I'm just looking for food. When I see the light in this room on, come and have a look."

"Go, I'll get you something to eat." Fang Er gets up and takes Lin Yi to the dining room.

"Lin Yi." Uncle Guo called him.

Lin Yi turned around and looked at Uncle Guo with a puzzled expression, "what's the matter?"

"Forget it, you go and have something to eat before you come over." Uncle Guo waved again and motioned fang'er to take him down first.

Although Lin Yi felt a little strange, his stomach was beating drums all the time. He didn't think about anything else. He followed Fang Er to get food.

After eating three times five divided by two, Lin Yi patted his stomach with satisfaction and came to the room where the light was on just now.

"Uncle Guo, if there's nothing wrong, I'll go back first. You can rest early." Lin Yi said faintly.

Uncle Guo didn't answer. His eyebrows wrinkled and expanded for a while, as if something made him hesitate.

"Oh, by the way, is the child all right?" Lin Yi thought uncle Guo was worried about this. He just remembered it, so he asked. In fact, he knew very well that the child could not have anything to do.

"Well, it's all right. Aunt Li said she would like to thank you again for coming to see you tomorrow." Uncle Guo said, but his eyes kept staring at the direction outside the door.

"Don't be so polite. It's all right." Then Lin Yi will leave.

Finally, he remembered the important thing, "has Han Ying slept?" Lin Yi suddenly asked.

Uncle Guo's face turned to stare at him, his face turned white, then he was silent and lowered his head.

"What's the matter? I thought you were strange just now. What happened to Han Ying?" Lin Yi continued to ask, beginning to be a little restless.

Uncle Guo still didn't answer him, just sighed.

"I'm going to see her." When Lin Yi finished, he moved to Han Ying's room, but Fang Er stopped him.

"Lin Yi, don't go, Han Ying, Han Ying, she, she hasn't come back."

Lin Yi turned his head and looked at them with a look of disbelief. "It's so late, but she went out in the morning and hasn't come back yet?"

Uncle Guo nodded and finally said, "yes, she hasn't come back yet. At 6 o'clock, we went up the mountain to look for her, but we didn't find her and there was no trace to find. We can only come back and wait."

"More than two hours have passed since 6 o'clock. You've been waiting and haven't looked for it again?" Lin Yi's tone had some sense of blame.

"I really didn't find it, and I thought, in case she went somewhere else, I'm afraid she'll come back by herself, so we'll come back and wait." Fang er said anxiously.

"No, why didn't you tell me earlier?" Lin Yi tried to suppress his anger.

"You've been sleeping because you're tired after treatment. We don't want to disturb your rest and recovery. In case Han Ying didn't find it and you fell down because you were too tired, we didn't call you." Fang Er continued.

"No, I can't wait. I'll go up the mountain again." Lin Yi's tone was firm.

"There may be poisonous snakes and insects on the mountain at night. You are not familiar with the mountain road. What if something happens?" Fang Er is anxious to stop Lin Yi.

"I don't care. Han Ying didn't come back. I couldn't sit still when I said anything, and she shouldn't be familiar with the route. Although she ran several times more than me, she was a girl, especially when she met poisonous snakes and insects." Lin Yi doesn't listen to the advice and wants to go up the mountain again.

"That side, you accompany Lin Yi. I'll wait at home. If Han Ying comes back, I'll send a signal to inform you." Uncle Guo shook his head and said.

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