Han Ying had no way out, and her fear had been revealed on her face. She suddenly felt the sulfur powder in her bag. She was afraid and almost forgot that she had brought these things with her.

Han Ying opens the sulfur powder and sprinkles it on the ground, but she doesn't know that this is a specially trained snake. Sulfur will work on it, but it will be photographed later.

The snake suddenly jumped up and took a bite on Han Ying's arm. Han Ying cried out in pain, and then threw the snake to the ground.

The sulfur powder just now worked.

The snake began to shake around. It seemed as if it was weak all over. It didn't have the activity just now. Its head swayed and drooped.

Maybe there was sulfur powder around. The snake began to crawl slowly towards the hole. After a while, it disappeared.

At this time, Han Ying has been bitten by a snake. The two tooth marks are very obvious and a little deep. Han Ying holds the other hand tightly with one hand, pulls a piece of cloth from her clothes and binds it to her arm, so that the blood will not flow so fast and the poison will slowly soak into her body.

After a while, Han Ying's whole body began to get cold. She had no time to take into account the spread of the wound and poison. She rubbed her hands on both sides to keep herself warm.

In this small cave, she didn't know how long the time had passed. She didn't dare to go out just now, but now she can't go out. She was injured on her foot and poisoned by snake venom. She fell on the stone steps vaguely, waiting for someone to find her and save her.

Fang ER and Lin Yi went up the mountain and looked for it next to each other. Even a little deeper grass was not spared, but they still didn't find anything, not even the trace of Han Ying's visit.

Finally, he reached the top of the mountain. Because he kept looking for it, Fang ER was a little tired. He found a stone pier and sat down to have a rest.

When Lin Yi saw it, he didn't care about him, but looked for it everywhere.

The light of the flashlight is very limited, but Lin Yi still chooses the carpet search that doesn't let go of every place.

"Forget it, there's nothing here. Before you came, I came with Shifu once." Fang Er didn't want Lin Yi to waste his efforts, so he told him.

"No, I won't stop until I find it. Don't worry." Lin Yi refuses Fang er's suggestion and continues to look for it.

Finally, at the other end of the border network, Lin Yi saw a small rag, very small. In the night, even with a flashlight, Lin Yi could not see clearly, but Lin Yi had an intuition, that is Han Ying's.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi wants to cross the border network and take a closer look, but as soon as he puts his foot on, he hears Fang er's urgent dissuasion.

"You're crazy. You can't go here. If you're found, it's hard for the master to say."

"Do you see there? There's a piece of rag. I always think it fell from Han Ying. I have to check it." Lin Yi gets rid of Fang er's blocking hand and insists on crossing over.

"You must be mistaken. Han Ying knows this rule. She won't go there. It may be some other cloth. We'd better look elsewhere." Fang Er pulls Lin Yi again and doesn't let him climb up.

"If you let go of me, what if it is? If she encounters any danger here, she can't control any rules in case of urgency. I can't care so much now. It's important to save people. If I don't find Han Ying over there, you can kill or cut as you like." Lin Yi finished saying that. Without waiting for Fang er's reaction, he jumped and turned over.

Anyway, he has some martial arts accomplishments. This small net is too easy for Lin Yi.

Fang Er didn't go there. He shouted at the net: "Lin Yi, you checked it. If you're not sure it's Han Ying's cloth, come back quickly. It's bad to be found in a while."

Lin Yi ignored him, but went straight to the rag he saw, picked it up, carefully touched it, looked at it, and then recalled the clothes Han Ying wore when she left today.

Maybe it was her. Lin Yi thought and walked down the mountain.

"What are you doing? Come back." Fang Er lowered his voice and shouted. He was afraid of being found. He was worried. Lin Yi didn't listen to himself and went to the mountain on his own.

"I'm going to find Han Ying. As you said, you've looked for Han Ying once on the mountain over there. I haven't got anything. Since I found a clue here, I won't go back until I find Han Ying." After that, Lin Yi went on.

"Even if you want to go there, you should come back first. After discussing with the master, you should come back first. Hey, do you hear me?" Fang ER was still shouting, and his voice was getting louder and louder. At this time, he couldn't care to be heard by others.

Lin Yi didn't look back or answer again. A voice in his heart kept saying that Han Ying was here.

He continued walking, but he didn't see anything about Han Ying again. The flashlight carefully searched for the smallest place, but he still didn't find anything.

Isn't it really here? What's wrong with my intuition? Lin Yi began to doubt himself, but he still tentatively called Han Ying's name, worried that if she was unconscious, she might wake up when she heard her cry.

Lin Yi walked along the road and called Han Ying's name. No one responded, but he didn't give up. Anyway, he broke through and was not afraid to make more noise.

Han Ying is now in a semi coma in the cave. The side effects of snake venom make her feel hot and dry again. She has a feeling she has never had before, which drives some abnormalities in some parts of her body.

Vaguely, she heard someone calling her name. When she heard it again, it sounded like Lin Yi.

He came. He finally came. Han Ying was filled with joy. Although she was faint, she still knew what kind of situation she was in. Hearing Lin Yi's voice, she felt hope.

However, at first she thought she was dreaming, because the voice broke several times. Slowly, the cry became closer and closer. She felt Lin Yi was outside the cave.

"Brother Yi, I'm here." With all her strength, Han Ying roared out. She hoped Lin Yi could hear her voice, but it seemed too small and empty.

There was no response, and she let out another strong cry.

After the time was still for a few seconds, a male voice shouted at the hole: "is it you? Han Ying, is it you?"

He heard it. He heard it. Han Ying was very excited and her mind seemed to be clearer. "Yes, it's me." Her voice was weak, and her response had used up all her strength.

Lin Yi was thin and shrunk a little. He was just ready to enter the cave. He squeezed in reluctantly. He saw Han Ying with a red face and constantly fiddling with her clothes. Her eyes were half open and half closed.

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