Midsummer hotel.

To Lin Yi's surprise, the place where vice president Liu and Gou Jianren invited themselves to dinner was the midsummer Hotel, which is one of the most luxurious and high-end hotels in Nanyang. Maybe it's nothing for Lin Yi who regards money as dirt, but I'm afraid they have to be distressed about their social position.

"I didn't expect vice president Liu to invite me to such a place for dinner. I'm really flattered and terrified."

Lin Yi pretended to be shocked and said.

"Director Lin, a talented young doctor like you should find a high-end place to eat. It's a little cheaper on general occasions."

Vice president Liu is a fat old man. He has a big belly and looks at Lin Yi with a smile. He can't see any malice from his face. However, Lin Yi also knows that an old fox like vice president Liu has already reached the state of being happy and angry, which can't be compared by a small person like Gou Jianren.

"Thank Vice President Liu for his praise."

At the same time, Lin Yi began to wonder what means they wanted to use to deal with themselves?

The dishes were served soon. Lin Yi glanced at them and immediately knew the price of these dishes. Basically, he served whatever was expensive. He didn't believe that the two people would be so generous. After this meal, they would say less than tens of thousands of yuan. Did the two guys want him to pay the bill?

"Director Lin, there's another special dish here. I wonder if you're interested in trying it."

When gou Jianren saw that he had almost eaten, he said such a sentence. Before Lin Yi could react, he called out, "come in."

"What else do you have?"

Lin Yi picked his eyebrows. He didn't remember ordering any other dishes, but seeing Gou Jianren's obscene smile, he suddenly understood something. If he guessed correctly, this should be the ultimate goal of the latter.

In less than five minutes, seven or eight girls in exposed clothes came in. They were all in their twenties. They had a net red face. They were all very good and very provocative. Gou Jianren was very jealous.

"Three bosses, I don't know what to tell you?"

One of them asked Jiao Didi.

Gou Jianren swallowed his saliva, then looked at Lin Yi and smiled, "director Lin, this is the special dish I prepared for you today. These eight women are all princesses of an underground club in Nanyang city. It's not too much to describe them with one night's gold. Ordinary people don't have this opportunity to choose. Look who is satisfied?"


Lin Yi raised his eyebrows, and then did not refuse his "kindness". He pretended to look up and sweep his eyes around the princesses of the eight so-called underground clubs.

Gou Jianren thinks Lin Yi is confused by their beauty, but what he doesn't know is that Lin Yi's heart is muttering at the moment. She has cut her eyelids, straightened her chin, had her chest reshaped, and received hyaluronic acid... Everything that can be straightened all over her body has been straightened, and even three of them have infectious diseases. This kind of woman also wants to seduce me? Don't you think it's too funny? At least it has to be a pure natural beauty like yunshuang.

If Gou Jianren knew what was in his mind, he would probably spit blood angrily.

Who is yunshuang? The famous Bai Fumei in Nanyang City, the perfect lover in the eyes of countless childe brothers, where can these people in front of compare with it? It's not a level at all. Do you want yunshuang to seduce you?

"Director Lin, have a glass of wine first. This is red wine worth more than ten thousand. Generally, you don't have a chance to drink it."

Gou Jianren ordered a bottle of red wine, opened the bottle directly and impolitely, then poured Lin Yi a glass and handed it to him.

Lin Yi was not polite either. He took it directly, shook it slightly, smelled the taste of red wine, and his pupils shrunk. He immediately looked at Gou Jianren with a deep and joking look. This guy was so brave that he dared to give him medicine.

That's right. Lin Yi, as a master of medical ethics, just smelled it gently, so he could tell that the other party had given him medicine. Moreover, it was still a very strong kind of medicine. Although it was not fatal, it was enough to make people lose their mind.

"It's an excuse to invite me to dinner, order the most expensive dishes, drink tens of thousands of wine, then call eight top princesses in the Underground Club, and then give me medicine... Then I have to pay for all this. These things add up to at least hundreds of thousands. It's also very interesting for these two guys to play this kind of play."

Lin Yi was smart. After a little thought, he immediately understood the two people's ideas. He smiled immediately and didn't point it out. Suddenly, he seemed to find something. He pointed to one of the girls and said, "Dr. Gou, look at this. Is this big white leg long? Is it good-looking?"

Gou Jianren didn't react. Subconsciously, he turned his head and looked. So did vice president Liu.

At this moment, Lin Yi quickly poured the red wine in the glass to the two people, then picked up the bottle and poured it slowly, and said, "vice president Liu and Dr. Gou, I've finished my glass of wine. Why haven't you moved yet."

"Director Lin drinks so fast."

Dr. Gou and vice president Liu looked at each other. They were very happy. They felt that Lin Yi was really on the hook. They didn't wonder why there was more red wine in their cup, so they smiled and drank it.

"All eight of you come and sit down. These two are big people. It's good for you to serve them."

Lin Yi waved his hand and handed over the eight women to Dr. Gou and vice president Liu. Naturally, they laughed directly and thought that Lin Yi was a fool. Now they played with all the women. When they woke up, they found that they had to pay for all of them. It is estimated that they had a heart to spit blood.

The two wretched guys had a good time. Although they didn't do anything on the spot, their hands were not honest. Only Lin Yi sat quietly drinking and deliberately asked the waiter to bring a bottle of red wine. The name was more obscure. Gou Jianren and vice president Liu didn't think much, but they didn't know that this bottle was worth hundreds of thousands.

After drinking like this for about ten minutes, Gou Jianren and vice president Liu's faces turned red. The drug effect in their bodies had already occurred. Looking at the girl with exposed clothes in their arms, they couldn't help it anymore.

"Guys, I'll go to the bathroom first."

Seeing that the time was almost up, Lin Yi immediately stood up and made an excuse to leave.

Under normal circumstances, Gou Jianren and vice president Liu naturally could not let Lin Yi leave easily, but now, when the internal medicine took effect, they had lost their mind and naturally lost their normal reason. When Lin Yi opened the door and left, they heard the sound of clothes tearing.

"Ha ha, have fun, two."

Lin Yi smiled softly, full of drama.

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