Soon, the Wine Bureau was over.

They talked a lot. It seemed ordinary, but in fact they both had their own ideas.

Yunshuang wants to win over Lin Yi, but what is helpless is that Lin Yi is free and easy. He is not a person who likes restraint. Even if he goes to the hospital, he just wants to do things conveniently. As for money? It's not necessary. Yunshuang can see that Lin Yi is by no means a person who likes money.

"You drank a lot just now. Do you want to find a substitute driver?"

Yunshuang turns to look at Lin Yi and asks.

When they were drinking, the smashing of the car had been handled long ago. They didn't dare to disturb yunshuang, so they left silently. This also led yunshuang to suddenly realize the need to find a substitute driver when she walked out of the hotel. After all, they both drank a lot.

"No, I'll just drive slowly."

Lin Yi smiled. Drunk driving is naturally not a good behavior. However, it does not pose any problem for him. A little operation of the spiritual power in his body will dissolve all the alcohol.

About ten minutes later, they went back to Yun's villa.

To Lin Yi's surprise, Li Huanhuan didn't sleep, but watched a soap opera in the living room. The plot like mental retardation made Lin Yi a little embarrassed. However, the little girl watched it with interest. She probably hasn't seen such a novel before, so it's a little hot for three minutes.

"Lin Yi, where did you die this day? Did you forget your old love when you had a new love and throw Miss Ben aside?"

Li Huanhuan asked arrogantly.

Yunshuang blushes. What does it mean to have a new love and forget the old love?

"It's getting late. I'll go to bed first. By the way, the things you want me to investigate are still under investigation for the time being. There should be results tomorrow. I'll urge you as soon as possible and send them to you when you get off work tomorrow."

Yunshuang thought of something and suddenly said.

"OK, hard work."

Lin Yi nodded and watched yunshuang go upstairs. Then he took out a bottle of drink from the freezer and opened it. He sat next to Li Huanhuan and grabbed her shoulder impolitely. "You actually learned the word new love and old love. Your learning ability is good."

"Let go."

Li Huanhuan's beautiful eyes are cold. She really cares to keep such close contact with Lin Yi.

"You'll stay here for a few days. I may have something to do for a few days. I'll arrange it for you then."

Lin Yi knowingly released his hand, then meditated for a while and said.

The work of the hospital is just a cover up, but his real purpose is to find Tang Mengying. Nanyang city is too big. There should be many people who meet this condition. Thanks to yunshuang's help, otherwise, if he wants to find such a person, he will undoubtedly look for a needle in a haystack.

As for Li Huanhuan, he has other arrangements, but it's not time yet. He can't make a decision until he sees the protected object of his trip.

"I want to go to school."

Li Huanhuan suddenly pointed to the monitor hanging on the wall and said, "do you think this campus environment is very good? What a beautiful love it is. It's completely different from my previous life. I'm carefree every day... Tut Tut, think about it. I want to go to school."


Lin Yi was stunned for two seconds. These soap operas are really harmful. Generally, little girls in modern times may not be touched by them, because they all know that soap operas are deceptive. In reality, there is no such beauty, but Li Huanhuan is different. She was born in the hidden military world. Where has she seen these things? They are very attractive.

"If you want to go to school, that's OK. I'll find a chance to arrange it for you."

Lin Yi thought for a moment and nodded.

According to his calculation, Tang Xian's daughter should also be a student. She may be a junior in high school or she may have gone to college. If Li Huanhuan can be arranged in the past at that time, she can avoid a lot of trouble. Then she can take time to go to Paradise Island and Qinglong city. I don't know how Zhang man, Suya and zero are now.

"Well, now turn off the TV and go to bed. Watch it tomorrow."

Lin Yi picked up the remote control, turned off the TV directly and urged her to go to bed. "I know that as a practitioner, you won't be too sleepy even if you don't sleep for three days. But now that we live in this world, we have to follow the fixed habits. Don't be detected by people with a heart like superman. It's no good."


Li Huanhuan snorted, a little unhappy.

Lin Yi was too lazy to pay attention to her. When he returned to the room, he took out a slightly heavy crystal card from the heaven and earth bag and activated it with psychic power. This is a special version of the contact device in the hidden martial world, which can be used across borders, provided there is no barrier such as enchantment.

"Lin Yi? Have you found my daughter?"

Tang Xian was puzzled. When he found out that it was Lin Yi, he asked this question directly.

"Not yet. You gave me too little information. Nanyang city is too big. It has the same name and the same surname and the same age. I can find two or three hundred. It's very difficult for me. If I go to have a blood test one by one, I'll probably be regarded as a psychopath."

Lin Yi Tucao, "what else can you make complaints about efficiency?"


Tang Xian pondered slightly, "it's true. I'll teach you to burn the array disk. After you have the thousands of miles tracking array disk, you can automatically drag a drop of my blood to find your blood relatives. In this way, you don't need to have a blood test one by one. You just need to find the right person and have a test."


As soon as Lin Yi's eyes brightened, the old man didn't hurry to take out such good things and grind haw's wool.

"Burning array disk is not a simple project. First, you need to learn array, second, you need to learn the art of burning, and then you need to find appropriate materials. It is difficult to collect materials in the secular world. The easiest to find are imperial jade and red copper refined gold..."

Tang Xian said that he passed the means of burning the array disk to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi's mouth is full of imperial jade. It's not too valuable to describe it. As for red copper and refined gold, it should have appeared in the era of Qin Shihuang last time. Later, no one found it. If you buy it on the black market, it's also a sky high price.

"Lin Yi, you don't have to be distressed. I promise you that as long as you complete this task, you can't refuse the benefits and rewards I give you."

Tang Xian also knew that Lin Yi was in trouble and immediately began to seduce him.

"I hope so."

Lin Yi always thinks that this old thing is a pit, but now he is willing to come back, and there is nothing uncomfortable in his heart. As for money, Lin Yi never cares. Last time, yunshuang accidentally mentioned that many gambling quarries have been set up under the Cui family. He goes to touch it and may find the emperor jade.

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