At this time, Lin Yi also had some movement. He turned over. Maybe the wet ground made him feel something wrong. He opened his eyes and looked around vigilantly.

"Are you awake?" Han Ying's gentle voice sounded in her ear.

Lin Yi straightened up and turned to look at Han Ying. His face looked like a new daughter-in-law who had just passed the door.

Lin Yi's mind flashed through the scenes of last night. His face suddenly turned red. He put aside his eyes and dared not look into Han Ying's eyes again.

"Brother Yi, why are you still shy." Han Ying teased.

"Ah, I'm not. By the way, why are you here?" When Lin Yi's mind turned, he felt that changing the topic was the best way and the best way to resolve the inexplicable embarrassment of the moment.

"I was chased and killed and hid here." Han Ying didn't think Lin Yi was changing the topic, but felt that he was understanding the specific facts.

"Being chased?" Lin Yi thought something was wrong. "Why are you chasing you?"

Han Ying shook her head. "I don't know, but it seems that I didn't recognize the wrong person. The goal is me."

Lin Yi thought for a moment, "is it related to your last Gu attack?"

Han Ying shook her head. "I don't know. Why do you say that?"

"When you left yesterday, didn't Aunt Li's child get sick?" Lin Yi looks into Han Ying's eyes and plans to analyze it step by step.

Han Ying nodded, "I know. You went to see it. What's the disease?"

Lin Yi said solemnly with a sudden expression: "it's not a disease. The child was poisoned by Gu. Although it's not as serious as you, it's really poisoned by Gu from its characteristics."

Han Ying was surprised. "When I came here, uncle Guo told me that in fact, every family in the Miao village can make and solve Gu. This is their unique skill, but they won't let their children encounter these things before they are minors, so the Gu situation in the Miao village almost doesn't exist."

After listening to Han Ying's words, Lin Yi got important information. "Yesterday, after I gave the needle, I was very tired, so I went into the house to sleep. After waking up, I heard that you hadn't come back and were busy looking for you. So he ignored the matter and didn't ask Uncle Guo. According to you, the child's poison may also be in the plan of that group."

"Which group?" Han Ying asked.

Lin Yi looked into Han Ying's eyes, "that's the group who want your life."

Han Ying was startled. She felt as if she had been pinched by someone. She couldn't help but step back.

"Who the hell is it? I didn't get angry with people here. Why did they kill me?" Han Ying couldn't believe it.

"I don't know the specific motive yet, but I think their goal is really you. First, they can't kill you, and then they directly use the plan of luring the tiger away from the mountain to kill you." Lin Yi touched his chin and analyzed.

Han Ying's expression also became serious, "if their goal is me, if they know I have nothing, will there be another time?"

Lin Yi nodded. "There's no doubt about it. They must have back moves waiting for us."

"Wait, did you mean to lure the tiger away from the mountain?" Han Ying suddenly thought of Lin Yi's analysis and asked.

Lin Yi looked a little anxious. "Yes, they should know that I saved you, and they know that uncle Guo can't do anything about this kind of poison. Only I came out, so they will give the child this kind of poison, delay me to save the child, and take the opportunity to kill you."

"But how did they know you would go? What if you went up the mountain with me yesterday?"

"I believe they know that this kind of poison can only come from me. Uncle Guo, they can't help sending someone up the mountain to find me. However, what you said is also reasonable. It seems that they also made a bet. If you followed me yesterday, they wouldn't be able to start yesterday." Lin Yi said.

"But I still can't figure out who it is and why?" Han Ying frowned and thought seriously.

"Don't think about it. We'd better go back first. Maybe someone will know what's going on after we go back." Lin Yi looks at Han Ying and comforts her with a smile.

"Have you cleared away the snake venom in my body? I won't come again today." Han Ying blushed and didn't say anything more.

Lin Yi finally changed the topic and was pulled back.

"No, it's all right. Go back and drink more water. If you have fever again, use cold water to cool down." When Lin Yi finished, he turned around and handed Han Ying a hand. "Let's go. It's almost dawn. Let's go out."

After thinking for a while, Han Ying carefully put her hand in Lin Yi's hand and followed Lin Yi out.

"Ah!" Han Ying yelled, and Lin Yi turned to ask her what was wrong.

"I don't know where the herbs picked yesterday were lost?" Han Ying said somewhat dejected.

Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh, why should I? Just pick up the herbs when they are lost. Scare me. You have nothing to do. You like to be scary. You should change it."

"Yes, I change." Han Ying said coyly.

Lin Yi looks at Han Ying's shy appearance and can't believe it. Is this the same Han Ying he knew at the beginning? Once a girl is with a man, will her character be greatly reversed?

Lin Yi is actually a little proud. It's not what she wants in the future. She won't go west if she wants to go east?

Lin Yi thought and laughed unconsciously.

"What are you laughing at?" Han Ying asked without knowing why.

"Nothing, nothing. Let's go." Lin Yi put away his smile and led Han Ying back.

This is the other side they can't come to. Lin Yi decides to take Han Ying back to the top of the mountain, cross the border and go back by the way, so as not to cause trouble for uncle Guo and them.

When he came to the top of the mountain, Lin Yi looked at Han Ying, who was slightly panting, and asked with concern, "how about you? Are you tired? Do you want to have a rest?"

Han Ying shook her head. "No, let's go first."

Lin Yi thought for a moment and thought that what she said was right. The border network was right in front of her.

Lin Yi pushed Han Ying over first, and then jumped over by himself.

After looking around, it is estimated that it will be only 5 or 6 o'clock at most. Everyone is either sleeping in bed or cooking at home, so there is no one else on the mountain except them.

Lin Yi was relieved. At the thought of seeing him cross the border network yesterday and Fang er's nervous and distorted face, Lin Yi was not very comfortable. If he really added any trouble, he would be sorry. But yesterday, there was an emergency. If he really listened to Fang Er, it didn't pass. It is estimated that Han Ying is still dealing with the state of poisoning.

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