"Young master Guo, you..."

The hotel manager wanted to explain something else.

Unexpectedly, one of the young people suddenly became angry, slapped the hotel manager to the ground, and then said coldly, "Remember your identity. You're just a manager of the rain tower, but you're not qualified to talk to us. Do you know who we're going to entertain here? The second young master of the Wang family, if you annoy him, he can let you pack up and leave with a word. Believe it or not?"

The second young master of the Wang family?

Hearing this, the hotel manager was dumbfounded.

The Wang family is also a powerful family in Nanyang city. Although it can't be compared with the top giants such as the Yun family, the Cui family and the Gu family, it is also second-class. Even the top giants should pay attention to it. He is just an ordinary manager of the listening to the rain building. If he annoys the Wang family, they just need to talk to the big people behind the listening to the rain building and fire him in a word.

"Well, that's it. I don't want any unhappiness to happen again. Now, take someone to clean up here. Young master Wang will arrive soon. I don't want any unhappiness to happen again. Otherwise, you don't have to be a manager."

A proud young man headed by him said coldly, "also, my surname is sun and my name is sun Xuelin. You should have heard my name?"

Sun Xuelin?

The hotel manager was slightly stunned. Then his face changed and nodded respectfully. "I've heard of young master sun's name. Looking at the whole Nanyang City, everyone knows it. Naturally, I've heard of it. Since young master sun came, I'll arrange it now. Please wait a minute."

Sun Xuelin snorted coldly and immediately stopped talking. He looked like President Gao Leng. He was very awesome.

The hotel manager hurried to the three of Lin Yi and urged, "should you have almost eaten? Please leave as soon as possible. You must have heard what young master Sun said just now. Please give young master sun a face. Don't make it difficult for me."


Hearing the speech, Lin Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, flashed a cold light, and immediately said carelessly, "this manager, if I remember correctly, there should be no rules for driving guests away in the listening to the rain building? Even if there is, we haven't been an hour since we sat down. Are you sure this is in line with the rules of the listening to the rain building?"

It's not easy to invite Tang Mengying to dinner and draw in each other's feelings. Unexpectedly, he encountered such a bloody thing, which made Lin Yi's mood not very good. However, he didn't break out directly, but decided to give Tingyu building a face. I hope they can handle it well, otherwise

"Listen to the rain building naturally has no rules to drive away guests. However, at this moment and then, this private room has been occupied by distinguished guests as early as yesterday. Now the three belong to occupying other people's private room time. According to the rules of listen to the rain building, this is also illegal. Besides, sun Xuelin and young master sun are waiting outside. Even if you don't give me the face of listen to the rain building, but young master sun's Do you have to give face? "

The hotel manager said impolitely.

People who can sit here for dinner are definitely not ordinary people, and the hotel manager knows this in his heart. However, compared with Lin Yi and others, he wants to curry favor with sun Xuelin. As long as he can serve sun Xuelin well, even if the upper level of the hotel knows about it, he will never blame him for it.

"I don't know who sun Xuelin is, and I don't want to give him face. It's natural for me to spend money to eat here. Can't I let him out just because others want to use the private room? As for whether the private room has been wrapped by others, it doesn't matter to me. It should be your negligence to listen to the rain building. If you stand here again and mess around, I won't give you any more We'll face up to the rain. "

Lin Yi didn't look at him. He pointed to the direction of the door. "Now get out of here. Don't come in without my permission."


The hotel manager was immediately angry.

Although he behaved like a pug in front of sun Xuelin, in front of Lin Yi, who had no identity background, he was consciously superior. Hearing Lin Yi's words that didn't give face at all, the hotel manager's face sank a bit.

"Lin Yi, or we'll forget it. Anyway, we're almost done eating."

Seeing this, Tang Mengying hurriedly said, "because it's against people, it's more or less impossible to make a mistake. Moreover, sun Xuelin sounds like a cow. It's better to do more than less..."

From the attitude of the hotel manager, Tang Mengying can tell that sun Xuelin, whom he respectfully calls young master sun, should not be an ordinary person. If he offends just because of this little thing, he can't make it, and the gain is not worth the loss.

Tang Mengying suggested that Lin Yi calm down. As for Li Huanhuan sitting next to her, she said indifferently, "whatever he is, sun Xuelin and Wang Xuelin, we just don't give him face. I'll see what he can do and have the ability to fight with his aunt."

Tang Mengying was speechless.

What Lin Yi said is true. This sister really has no other ability except fighting. A good and proud young lady can't learn anything. She can't learn to fight, and her Kung Fu is so powerful. She can be called a professional martial arts expert.

"Forget it, according to Mengying, it's better to have one thing less than one thing more. Let's leave now. Anyway, we have almost eaten. Moreover, we are not interested in continuing to eat when disturbed by this uninteresting guy."

Lin Yi shook his head and said nothing to the hotel manager.

After that, he picked up a paper towel to wipe his mouth, and then got up and left. As for Tang Mengying and Li Huanhuan, they also hurriedly followed.

"Then thank you three."

The hotel manager took a swipe at the corners of his mouth and immediately sneered. He thought that Lin Yi and the three were just pretending to be calves. He said he didn't know sun Xuelin and didn't need to give sun Xuelin face, but his body didn't honestly get out of the way. He saw a lot of such people, so he was happy. In fact, he was a soft bone and didn't have half his ability.

However, the hotel manager will not find scolding to show his thoughts. In his face, he respectfully invited the three out.


At this time, a proud voice shouted at them behind.

"The man can go. The two beauties stay. It's just that this time I invited young master Wang. I forgot to call two beauties. I'm really sleepy. It's God's will to have someone send pillows."

Listen to this guy's meaning, it seems that he likes Tang Mengying and Li Huanhuan, and ordered the two women to stay to drink with young master Wang.

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