
Lin Yi's words made Liu Jie's face a little ugly.

Young owners of the top giants in Nanyang city?

Those are all high-ranking people. What qualifications does he have to know?

Not to mention that he is a younger generation of the Liu family. Even the owner of the Liu family is nothing in front of that kind of character. Lin Yi's words make Liu Jie feel that he is laughing at himself, but what qualifications does this guy have to laugh at himself?

"It seems that you really toast and don't drink. OK, wait for me."

Liu Jie knows that Lin Yi probably won't admit counseling today. He thinks about it. Although he is a little armed, this guy in front of him is also a practicing family. If he really wants to fight, he may not be able to beat each other. However, what about the practicing family? In the face of absolute forces, even Lian Jiazi is still vulnerable.

Liu Jie deeply knew the truth that heroes don't suffer losses at present, so he didn't want to face Lin Yi. He had an idea and suddenly said, "do you dare to compete with me?"


Lin Yi is a little confused. He doesn't know what the little mole ant in front of him wants to do.

"Yes, you look like this. You should be majoring in martial arts. It's unfair for one of my students to compare force with you. Dare you compare something else with me? If you lose, stay away from Tang Mengying from now on and don't enter Nanyang No. 1 middle school again, dare you?"

Liu Jie said provocatively.

"Sounds interesting."

Lin Yi shrugged. "If you lose, I hope you can stay away from Tang Mengying. Don't be boring like a brown sugar all day."

He didn't mind comparing with each other. Although he could easily make the guy kneel down and beg for mercy if he wanted, Lin Yi thought it would be boring.

Although his force is powerful, and he can also use some power, this is not a long-term plan. If he uses force to solve problems, life will be meaningless. Since Liu Jie wants to compete with him, Lin Yi wants to see what he wants to compete with.

"Than basketball, dare you?"

Liu Jie asked coldly.


When Liu Jie said he wanted to compete with Lin Yi in basketball, all the students around him immediately began to talk.

Lin Yi's ears heard clearly. According to these students, Liu Jie in front of him seemed to be the little prince of basketball in Nanyang No. 1 middle school, that is, the person who played basketball the best. It is said that he was valued by the municipal basketball team, but he didn't finish it because he was young and still in school.

However, although Liu Jie failed to join the municipal basketball team, he can be valued by the other party, which indirectly shows his excellent talent and skills. Compared with those ordinary people, this kind of person is completely ordinary.

Liu Jie can't beat Lin Yi by force, so he wants to use what he is best at to deal with Lin Yi and let the other party know his strength.

"Lin Yi, don't promise him."

Tang Mengying whispered, "no one is Liu Jie's opponent in terms of playing basketball in Nanyang No. 1 middle school. If you play with him, you basically have no chance of winning."

"It hasn't started yet. How do you know there's no chance of winning?"

Lin Yi's mouth was slightly hooked. He didn't care very much. He took out his mobile phone, took a look at the time, and then said faintly, "there are six minutes left for class. Let's make a quick decision. I don't want to waste too much time competing with children like you."


Liu Jie was furious.

This damn guy should look down on him so much. In that case, he will let this guy know his strength.

Six minutes is enough.

"Lin Yi, you..."

Tang Mengying is a little worried and wants to say something.

"Don't worry. I'm just playing with him anyway."

Lin Yi waved his hand and walked towards the basketball court.

The little prince of basketball in Nanyang No. 1 middle school wants to play basketball with people. It spread quickly. People around him gathered to see who it is. Even Liu Jie dared to challenge. Don't you know Liu Jie's talent in basketball?

"You go first."

Lin Yi shrugs and doesn't bother to compete with Liu Jie. Since the other party wants to compete, he will completely beat this guy in the field where the other party is best at. He wants to see what else this guy has to say at that time.

"Very good."

Liu Jie was also welcome. When he played basketball, he jumped directly and shot.


Basketball hits the basket and goes straight into it.


Some of the girls watching the play around are screaming. They are almost Liu Jie's fans. They are very happy to see Liu Jie's first-class basket.

Although Liu Jie is one of the campus bullies, he is not awed by everyone. He is not the second generation of ignorant dandies. On the contrary, he is also very capable, especially in various sports. He is almost proficient in basketball, which is the best one.

Many girls at this age like the so-called prince charming.

Although Liu Jie is not a prince charming, or even just an old driver who wanders around the flowers at a young age, it is this kind of rich and forced youth that attracts the attention of many girls. This is the so-called... Brain powder.

"What are you doing?"

After shooting, Liu Jie frowned and looked at Lin Yi strangely. He didn't expect that the other party didn't intercept, but let himself shoot. It's very strange.

"I'm watching you pretend to force."

Lin Yi shrugged, then walked slowly forward, "now you've finished pretending to force, so next, it's time for me to play. If you want to intercept, I hope you can be more serious, and maybe you can have so... A little chance."

Hearing the speech, Liu Jie's face suddenly cooled down.

"Watch it, pupil."

Lin Yi sneered. As soon as the basketball started, before Liu Jie reacted, he threw it directly. With a bang, the basketball entered the basket and the court was suddenly silent.

Lin Yi's position was ten meters away from the ball frame, but he didn't even need to dribble. At the moment of starting, he shot directly, which made Liu Jie unable to react at all.

"Oh, you should not be optimistic about it? Then next, you look good."

Lin Yi's mouth was slightly hooked, and his body flashed. It seemed as if he had changed into an illusion. He grabbed the basketball, shot at it, then grabbed it and shot again.

Three pointer.

Three pointer.

Another three-point.

"The game is over. Do you have anything else to say?"

Lin Yi's voice is very calm. However, Liu Jie's face has become very ugly.

This is a sling, a sling for red fruit.

He didn't have time to respond, so he was completely beaten in the face by the other party's fancy operation.

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