Looking at Han Ying's eyes full of trust in him, Lin Yi feels even more defeated by her.

"What are you looking at? It's not cured yet. Do you think I'm kidding you?" Seeing that Lin Yi kept talking about curing the two brothers on the ground, he was stunned and didn't start. Xiong Hui was anxious and roared. The knife in his hand also leaned towards Han Ying.

"I'm preparing. Don't worry, don't get excited. Your knife is very dangerous. Stay away from her." Lin Yi raised a hand and signaled that he would not mess around.

"Stop talking nonsense and do as I say. If they can't be cured, the girl will be buried with them." Xiong Hui said with a sly smile. It seems that he doesn't seem to be joking. Moreover, they originally intended to kill Han Ying. If they get angry, they can really do anything.

"I did what I said, and I hope you can do what you promised me." Lin Yi said that, squatted down and began to pull out the needle for the two middle needle brothers.

Obviously, the two brothers were hit by Lin Yi's shadowless needling technique, which is usually used to save the dead and heal the wounded, but in such a critical situation that requires force, it is more than enough to ensure peace.

When Xiong Hui appeared in front of Lin Yi with the two brothers just now, Lin Yi's needle had already been hidden in his fingers. As soon as the first uncontrollable brother rushed, Lin Yi's silver needle flew into his body and hit Dazhui point on his back, and he couldn't move.

The brothers in the back are the same. However, Lin Yi is naughty and gives the brother a little thought. At first, Lin Yi dodges left and right, making him mistakenly think he has a chance of winning.

Then when he approached Lin Yi, Lin Yi's needle was accurately inserted into his acupoints. His hands and feet were paralyzed and fell to his knees.

In the eyes of Xiong Hui and others, these are the so-called "magic tricks". On the one hand, they don't see Lin Yi's techniques clearly. He is too fast; On the other hand, there is no acupuncture in Miao medicine. Their knowledge is too closed.

Lin Yi pulled out the silver needles in the human bodies of the two middle needles with internal force as slowly as possible, but because they were not good, Lin Yi started very hard. The silver needles were inserted too deep and forced too hard. Even if they were pulled out, they would feel paralyzed for a short time.

"Well, they're all right." Lin Yi shows Xiong Hui the two silver needles he pulled out. "Now you can let Han Ying go."

"You're lying. Why can't they move freely?" Xiong Hui looked warily at the two brothers, then at Lin Yi, and stepped back.

"Didn't I just say that? They got my silver needle. The silver needle is inserted into the acupoint, which will cause a sense of paralysis. It won't be all right for a while." Lin Yi explained.

"No, you can't find someone to send them back to me. I'll take this girl away. I won't believe you until they are completely well. You people in the central plains are very cunning. I won't easily believe you like Lao Guo."

When Xiong Hui said these words, the knife in his hand had not been loosened. It was tightly close to Han Ying's neck all the way. I felt that if he was a little careless, Han Ying's beautiful white neck would be pulled out with a red blood mark.

"No! Han Ying, you can't take it away!" Lin Yi stood up and resolutely opposed.

Uncle Guo also stood up and said, "the needles have been pulled out. What are you worried about? You have done such a wrong thing this time, and now you don't know how to repent."

"I didn't do anything wrong. Besides, which ear of you heard that I promised to exchange terms with you? It's necessary to cure my brother, but the girl's life is now in my hands." Xiong Hui began to deny.

Lin Yi stopped talking, stepped back a little, came to Uncle Guo and whispered to him, "Uncle Guo, I don't think Xiong Hui will easily let Han Ying go. We have to find a way."

Although he was talking to Uncle Guo, Lin Yi's eyes kept staring at Han Ying and the trend of Xiong Hui's knife.

Uncle Guo also whispered: "Xiong Hui has always been able to say and do, and he is a person who recognizes death. He will not give up easily for what he believes."

"Then can we only be hard?" Lin Yi frowned slightly and hesitated.

"Don't act rashly first. Think about the probability that Han Ying will be hurt. We can't let Ying'er get hurt, otherwise everything we do today will be blind?" Uncle Guo calmly analyzed.

Lin Yi's heart was a little flustered at this time. He had never been so upset even when Jiang Xiaolin was kidnapped before. Maybe he never thought that he would have this day, neither advance nor retreat, and it was difficult to make a decision.

The two sides were in such a stalemate. Seeing that the two Xiong Hui people who had just knelt on the ground were gradually recovering, some parts of their hands and feet could twist slightly. If they were all right, it would be more difficult to rescue Han Ying.

Lin Yi whispered to Uncle Guo, "no, I can't wait. I'll try."

Uncle Guo nodded. "I'll talk to Xiong Hui and distract him. You look for opportunities and go directly when appropriate."

Lin Yi said "um" and took a few steps back, but it didn't seem unnatural.

"Xiong Hui, you let the child go. I'll arrange for them to leave Miao village tomorrow. Is that all right?" Uncle Guo said to Xiong Hui.

"You just muttered for a long time and discussed such a plan?" Xiong Hui said with a contemptuous look.

"This is the best way, isn't it? You just don't like them coming to Miao village to learn Miao medicine. Then they will be married after they leave. Why do you have to be so bloody?" Uncle Guo's very ugly face made him look old.

"It's good to do so early. I didn't give you a chance. At that time, it's good to leave after solving the Gu. I have to keep it." Xiong Hui seems dissatisfied with Uncle Guo's proposal.

"You let her go now. Everything is easy to discuss. We'll treat everything today as if it hadn't happened, and they'll treat it as if they hadn't been to Miao village." Uncle Guo continued to persuade and wanted to wait for Xiong Hui to soften his heart.

But in vain, Xiong Hui didn't do what uncle Guo thought. The knife edge was still close to Han Ying's little meat. "It's too late. I let the girl go. The boy didn't fly two needles for me right away. I'm not so stupid."

Xiong Hui really guessed Lin Yi and uncle Guo's ideas thoroughly, and they really planned to do so.

After listening to Xiong Hui's words, Lin Yi stopped moving. Even if he didn't find the gap, he was told by the enemy what to do next? Lin Yi is in trouble.

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