"Help me."

Seeing these people coming, tension seemed to have found some Savior, and immediately shouted to the security guard with an excited face.

"You are..."

Hearing the voice of tension, the security captain immediately wondered. He always felt that tension seemed familiar, as if he had seen it when, but the guy was beaten so that his mother didn't know him, and the security captain couldn't recognize him for a moment.

Just now, when Li Huanhuan was doing it, he said hello to his face. This is also the reason why tension looks so bleak. Not only that, there are two footprints clearly visible on his cheek, which is very obvious.

"I'm tension."

Tension said with a broken face.

At the same time, tension felt a sharp pain coming from below. He looked down, and then his face became pale.

"Tension? Manager Zhang? Are you..."

The security captain was surprised. He found that the person in front of him was tension. In Xingyu KTV, tension's position was much more popular than his security captain. Moreover, this guy had something to do with a leader above, and he didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of him.

"These three people caused trouble and provocation in Xingyu KTV and beat President Gao of Shenghua real estate. The situation is serious. You should subdue them quickly."

Tension didn't have time to explain what was going on. He pointed angrily at Lin Yi, Li Huanhuan and Tang Mengying and shouted at the security captain.


Hearing the speech, the security captain was a little embarrassed.

Tension and elevation are two guys. The security guards know everything. It's estimated that they were beaten like this by the other party because they saw the two girls look beautiful, say something unclean, or even start their hands and feet. Speaking of it, it's really no wonder.

However, after all, this tension is also a figure with a head and a face in Xingyu KTV. Now being beaten here can be described as beating the face of Xingyu KTV. If you forget it, once it comes out, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of trouble, and the consequences can't be borne by a small security guard.

Therefore, the security captain did not know what to do for a time.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi was immediately happy. Unexpectedly, the security captain was quite conscientious. He knew that the identity of tension and elevation was unusual. He didn't immediately listen to their command to deal with himself.

"Are you really blind? Don't hurry. If you let people go, I'll definitely let you go today."

Seeing that the security captain didn't listen to his orders at all, tension immediately got angry and shouted, "also, quickly arrange an ambulance for us."

"Manager Zhang, I'll call you for an ambulance now, but as for what happened here today, I think it's better to communicate with the leaders above first."

The security captain thought and said immediately.

His eyes looked at the bloody place between the two legs of tension and elevation, and he couldn't help shivering. His eyes looked at Lin Yi with something strange. In his opinion, it should be Lin Yi, not the two girls, who started to deal with the two dead fat people.

The security captain felt that the young man looked gentle and elegant, but he was really cruel, and this part was very deadly for men, but it was good. Tension and elevation were two animals in clothes. In this way, there would be no need to touch women in the future.

But I'm afraid this young man will be unlucky. Unless he has a strong background, the tension and elevation will certainly not let him go.

"You're looking for death."

Hearing that the security captain didn't give face, it seemed that he didn't intend to avenge him. Tension's face immediately became more ugly. "Wait for me. I'll soon let you roll up and leave and get out of here."

"Manager Zhang, you'd better take care of yourself first."

The security captain said faintly, and then he was ready to call an ambulance.

"Wait a minute, but I'm just kicked into a eunuch. I can't die for a while. There's no need to call an ambulance in such a hurry. Let's deal with the matter first."

At this time, Lin Yi's calm voice suddenly sounded.

As a doctor, he can see at a glance that although the injury of tension and elevation is very serious, there is no danger to his life. Therefore, he doesn't have to call an ambulance in such a hurry. Instead of grinding haw with these two guys, he might as well find a way to solve the matter first. Lin Yi doesn't have so much thought to write with these people.

"Sir, I don't know what you want to do?"

The security captain looked up at Lin Yi, frowned and said, "the tension and elevation have a background. I believe you should know that unless you can hold their background again, it will make things bigger and be harmful to you."

His remark was a kind reminder.

"Of course I know, but it's just two dead fat pigs. I don't care."

Lin Yi shook his head and immediately said faintly, "you find a way to inform me of the senior management of Xingyu KTV. The higher the grade, the better. At that time, I will naturally have a way to solve this problem."

"Yes, sir. Just a moment, please."

Seeing that Lin Yi was so calm and calm, the security captain knew that this guy should not be an ordinary person. Even if he didn't say more, he nodded, turned and walked out.

Tension looked at Lin Yi in some doubt and asked, "boy, who are you?"

"I'm afraid it's a little late to ask me who I am. In a word, I'm the one you can't afford to offend."

Lin Yi smiled gently, "dead fat pig, it's not that I despise you. If you knelt down and begged for mercy and rolled out just now, I wouldn't bother to see things like you, but now... It's too late for you to regret. Today I'll let you know what happens when you pretend to offend such a big man."

Tang Mengying stood behind him, nibbled her lips and looked at Lin Yi, who was domineering and leaking. Her heart was a little complicated for a time.

She found that she couldn't understand Lin Yi. This guy was gentle and knowledgeable in front of her, but when she met villains, he behaved more terrible than these villains, like a man eating tiger.

And Li Huanhuan. When she first met, she just felt that the girl was very immortal. However, now she found that her understanding of the girl was too shallow. The other party not only had strong force, but also was very cruel. It was definitely not that kind of airs.

"What's the origin of these two people? They just met me by chance. Now they have such a good relationship with me. What's the purpose?"

Tang Mengying thought a lot at once.

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