"OK, I promise you, but I hope you will keep your word." Lin Yi took out the silver needle, held it between his fingers, stared at Xiong Hui and said.

"OK, come here and stab in front of me. As long as you stab, I'll let people go right away." Xiong Hui nodded to Lin Yi and motioned him to go in front of him.

Lin Yi began to move forward. Uncle Guo suddenly grabbed him: "Lin Yi, have you thought about it? It's not fun?"

Lin Yi nodded. "Don't worry, uncle Guo. I know what I'm doing. I'd rather hurt myself than Han Ying."

"What a beautiful love. Come on, boy. I promised you for your love." Xiong Hui urges Lin Yi.

Lin Yi smiled to himself. It seems that the people in Miao village are really honest. Do you really think he will do it honestly? Just give a needle and play a play. When the other party releases Han Ying, he will give the needle immediately.

Lin Yi applauds his wit. No wonder they always say that the people of the central plains are cunning. Lin Yi also understands it.

Lin Yi stood still in front of Xiong Hui and raised his hand with a silver needle. When he was ready to pierce his waist, he was called to stop.

"Wait." Xiong Hui shouted suspiciously.

"What?" Lin Yi also looked at him suspiciously.

"No, No." Xiong Hui shook his head and said slowly.

"What's wrong, what's wrong?" Lin Yi also shook his head and continued to ask with a face full of question marks.

"Just now I saw that the silver needle you pulled out of my brother's body popped out of his back. Why are you stabbing yourself now? No, no, you're not playing any tricks?" Xiong Hui became suspicious and asked.

Lin Yi pretended to be calm and looked helpless. "There's no trick. No matter where he stabbed, as long as he stabbed the corresponding acupoint, he would have the same sense of paralysis. I also want to stab my back, but my hand is short and can't reach it."

"Then I'll come and tell me where to go?" Xiong Hui said that he would stretch out a hand to seize the silver needle in Lin Yi's hand.

"Hey, you don't know acupoints. You stabbed me to death later. My life is not so cheap?" Lin Yi couldn't help taking a small step back.

"That won't work. You have to stick in the same place as my brother so that I can know you're not playing tricks." Xiong Hui's stubbornness makes Lin Yi's teeth itch.

If Lin Yi gives a needle to his back, no matter which acupoint it is, Lin Yi may not be able to use his physical strength for the time being, because many acupoints on his back control his whole body. If he really does that, Lin Yi can't guarantee that he will be able to fight the enemy in a moment.

"Why? No? I knew you wanted to play tricks." Xiong Hui said with a smile.

"No, I'm thinking about how to insert the needle accurately. This needle is different from ordinary medical skills. Once there is a deviation, the consequences will be unimaginable." Lin Yi explained.

"Don't be wordy. Either do it quickly or let me take the girl away." Xiong Hui obviously has no patience. He spent too long here with them.

Lin Yi's eyes closed and his heart crossed. Just now he laughed at the honesty of the people in the Miao village. It seems that it's not as simple as he thought.

He raised his hand again, put his backhand behind his back, touched it, and then prepared to put the needle.

Everyone's eyes focused on Lin Yi's hand and watched his hand slowly fall. Uncle Guo and fang'er looked worried and worried; Xiong Hui and his two brothers looked excited and proud.

Seeing that the needle was about to fall, Xiong Hui's plot was about to succeed. Suddenly, a force attacked Xiong Hui from behind and pushed him out.

Because it was a sneak attack, Xiong Hui was unprepared for it, and the knife in his hand naturally bounced out, away from Han Ying. Han Ying took the opportunity to run to one side.

Lin Yi's hand quickly turned and flew towards Xiong Hui's back. The silver needle was firmly inserted into it. Then he heard Xiong Hui scream.

All this happened so fast that others around didn't understand the situation. Obviously, looking at the silver needle falling down Lin Yi's back, how did Xiong Hui fall to the ground?

However, Xiong Hui is not the one who easily recognizes the plant. He stares at Han Ying angrily and tries to catch Han Ying again.

But Lin Yi saw through this motive. Lin Yi took out two silver needles and stopped him. The two needles were to be inserted into his legs. He screamed again.

Then it was completely spread on the ground and couldn't move.

The two previous Zhongzhen brothers had recovered a lot at this time. They came to Xiong Hui with some difficulty and shouted "boss, boss", but Xiong Hui didn't have the energy to pay attention to them anymore. He just kept moaning.

With a sigh of relief, uncle Guo went to Han Ying and helped her up: "Ying'er, are you okay? Are you scared?"

Han Ying shook her head. "I'm fine, but my body has been buckled in one action by him. It's a little stiff."

Uncle Guo nodded, turned back and asked Lin Yi, "what about you, are you okay?"

Lin Yi also shook his head, "it's all right. It's him." Lin Yi pointed to Xiong Hui on the ground and said.

The man who just pushed Xiong Hui from behind stood aside silently. Lin Yi suddenly remembered him and walked over.

"Uncle Yongda, thank you for today."

Uncle Yongda still shook his head at Lin Yi with a serious expression like he had met for the first time. "Don't thank me. I just don't want him to hurt innocent people."

"Yongda, I didn't think it was you. If it weren't for you, we would be lying now." Uncle Guo came forward, patted uncle Yongda on the shoulder and said.

Later, Lin Yi asked about the eavesdropping outside Han Ying's room and whether uncle Yongda had tipped them off that night.

He didn't admit it at first. When Lin Yi analyzed it for him, he nodded in silence.

"Uncle Yongda, we've been in Miao Village twice. If it weren't for you, it might have been bad." Lin Yi thanked uncle Yongda again.

"Although I don't like contact with people in the Central Plains and don't want you to come to our Miao village, I don't want to kill casually. I heard them discuss releasing poison before she was poisoned, but I don't know I'm going to deal with you." Uncle Yongda said, pointing to Han Ying.

"Later, Han Ying was poisoned. You knew, didn't you?" Fang Er came forward and asked. His love for uncle Yongda had long been shown. Coupled with Uncle Yongda's great help this time, he felt that uncle Yongda was "in Cao camp and in Han".

Uncle Yongda nodded, "yes, so after that, I often followed them quietly and listened to them."

"Then why did you spy on us outside Han Ying's room?" Lin Yi asked.

"I'm not watching you." Uncle Yongda defended.

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