Everyone's eyes fell on Xiong Hui.

"Now he has been hit by my shadowless acupuncture, and his whole body can't move. What are you going to do? I'd like to hear your internal disposal." Lin Yi's tone is obviously ironic. He has felt that uncle Guo and they can't give any substantive treatment.

"Lin Yi, this matter is also a major event in the stockade. Several leaders are not present now. I think it's better to let everyone know and discuss together. What do you think?" Of course, uncle Guo also heard Lin Yi's dissatisfaction. However, there are some things. Indeed, he can't be the master alone.

"OK, we'll wait here and invite all the leaders." Lin Yi walks to Han Ying, holds her to a seat, and looks at Uncle Guo and them with a fake smile.

Uncle Guo only asked fang'er to invite the other leaders in the stockade. Fang'er nodded and ran away like flying.

Uncle Yongda is not the leader of the village, but he also participated in this matter. Moreover, he is a person in the village headed by Xiong Hui. He also wants to know what will happen to Xiong Hui in the end, so he stayed and didn't leave.

Han Ying came over to thank uncle Yongda. Uncle Yongda still had that stereotyped face and shook her head. "You're welcome. I didn't want to save you in such a direct way. I warned you on the mountain that there would be danger. I want you to leave this place quickly."

Han Ying's beautiful face showed dimples, "Uncle Yongda, although you say so, I know you don't want us to be in danger, so you should thank you."

"Forget it, you children are also persistent. They ignore the warnings of us old people. They all said there was danger, but they still want to go to this mountain. I happened to have something to do that day, and I didn't expect you to act alone. As a result, alas." Uncle Yongda's tone was full of regret.

It seems that what he said was that Han Ying was chased and killed by Xiong Hui and others on the mountain.

"Uncle Yongda, it's not your fault. Originally, they did wrong, but we have to hide. Don't you think it's like the world is upside down? The bad guys are walking sideways, but the good people have to hide." Lin Yi said sarcastically again.

"In fact, brother Hui is not a bad man, but his ideas are stubborn and extreme, but there are not a few ideas of his school in the village, so..." Uncle Yongda said no more.

But both Lin Yi and Han Ying understood what he wanted to say. They looked at each other, shook their heads and said nothing more.

Soon, fang'er came in with some old people who looked about the same age as Uncle Guo and uncle Yongda.

"What's going on? Fang Er just said half and didn't say half. We were confused." An uncle with some gray hair came in and said.

"Uncle Li, don't worry. The master will tell you in detail later." Fang Er accompanied him, smiled awkwardly and said.

When he came in, he saw Xiong Hui lying on the ground. The old man named Uncle Li was stunned. "Well, what's the situation? What's the matter with Xiong Hui?"

Uncle Guo invited them to sit aside, and then told them the whole event in detail. Listening to Uncle Guo's story, some old people looked dignified, some old people looked surprised, but some old people seemed to know it.

Uncle Li is the latter.

He stroked his beard, looked at Uncle Guo and said, "Xiong Hui mentioned it to me once before. At that time, although I didn't support or participate, I didn't object."

"No objection? Is it really appropriate for you to acquiesce in their killing?" When Lin Yi heard this, he blew up again, stood up and shouted at Uncle Li.

"You people from the Central Plains came to our Miao village to learn Miao medicine. The purpose could not have been very simple. Moreover, Xiong Hui only said to scare her away, not that it would hurt her life." Uncle Li seemed to take it for granted.

It seems that Xiong Hui mentioned it to many people in the village. Although they didn't explicitly say that they would kill Han Ying, they all knew that Han Ying would be in danger. After Han Ying was injured, none of them stood up and mentioned it.

The closure of the Miao village has created an innate hostility towards the people in the Central Plains. Although uncle Guo is an open-minded person who is willing to accept new foreign things, he still has a root of exclusion in his heart.

When Lin Yi thought of this, he immediately felt that after this thing was over, he must find ways to change their views and ideas about the Central Plains, and let them know that if their Miao medicine was combined with the ancient Chinese medicine of the Central Plains, its effectiveness would be greatly improved.

"Brother Yi, brother Yi." Seeing that Lin Yi's thought didn't seem to be here, Han Ying poked him with her hand.

He turned his head and looked at Han Ying, "what's the matter?"

"What's the matter with you?" Han Ying is worried about Lin Yi. Lin Yi's conversation with the people in the Miao village just now has a thorn in every sentence. She can hear it, not to mention those people.

Don't forget that they are still in other people's territory. Don't show your edge too much.

Lin Yi saw the worry from Han Ying's eyes, "it's okay, don't worry." Lin Yi patted Han Ying's hand.

"These things are meaningless now. Let's talk about how you plan to deal with him." Lin Yi points to Xiong Hui again.

Xiong Hui was righted by his two brothers at this time. The pain was gone. To be exact, he could not feel it. Because of the role of the silver needle in his body, his body was paralyzed and could not move, but his mouth could still speak.

"I'm planted in your hands today. Suit yourself, but I'm not satisfied. I didn't do anything wrong. It's for the good of the whole Miao village. Look at this boy's technique. Any poison may not be able to deal with him. When he steals Miao medicine, how can we stand in society in the future?" Xiong Hui incited the people sitting there with words.

Some of the older leaders nodded and felt that what he said was somewhat reasonable.

Of course, Lin Yi also saw it. "What you said is nonsense. Western medicine has been popularized in our country. Many people choose to see Western medicine instead of traditional Chinese medicine. Should we drive them out like you?"

"I don't listen to your crooked theories and heresies. In short, I didn't do anything wrong. What you people in the Central Plains want to do is your business. Our Miao village will never communicate with westerners." Xiong Hui finished and turned his eyes horizontally, as if he was still reasonable.

"In the end, who is a fallacy? We will naturally know in the future. You can kill one Han Ying today, but you can't have hundreds of Han Ying coming tomorrow. Can you kill them all?" Lin Yi asked.

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