Lin Yi naturally noticed the eyes of Xu Feiping and others, but he didn't care. Instead, he just smiled casually, looked up at the antiques in front of him, picked up a wine glass casually, looked up, put it down, and picked up a jade pendant next to it.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing Lin Yi's appearance, Xu Feiping was a little confused for a moment, but then he was relieved. It seems that Lin Yi is not the kind of person who knows much about antiques, but in this way, it's easy to do.

"Hum, just a layman, trying to compare with me?"

Xu Feiping sneered and didn't pay any attention to Lin Yi. In his opinion, even if Lin Yi has a different status or has a good relationship with yunshuang, it doesn't matter. As long as he can surpass him in antique identification.

Then, Xu Feiping began to identify, and the appraisers who followed him also said a word to Wang Tong, and then began to identify.

"This guy will regret it."

Seeing Xu Feiping's confident face, Wang Tong couldn't help shaking his head.

"Is that so?"

Yunshuang picked her eyebrow. She knew Lin Yi's ability, but only limited to medical skills and gambling skills. As for the identification of antiques... She didn't know much. Although Wang Tong told her a lot before, Lin Yi's opponent this time is also a famous appraiser in the antique industry. She competed with Appraisers for identification, which

In the past, the reason why she made this bet was just to give Xu Feiping some pressure. In addition, she had some blind trust in Lin Yi, and most importantly, she just wanted to express her value for Lin Yi, but now she wakes up and finds that her previous self-confidence is still too early.

"Uncle Wang, are you so sure?"

Yunshuang turned and asked.

"Of course, I'm very sure. The reason why you don't have confidence is that you don't know brother Lin's ability. Seriously, in the circle of antique identification, I haven't convinced anyone except brother Lin."

Wang Tong shook his head and said faintly.

"What happened?"

Shi Zhenxiang came over curiously.

Wang Tong told the story of the previous bet. After hearing this, Shi Zhenxiang was immediately happy. He looked at Xu Feiping with some pity and strangeness. "Now I finally know what it means that if you don't die, you won't die. Although Lin Yi is not an appraiser, as far as I know, he seems to have never made a mistake..."

Yunshuang was a little surprised. Then she thought of what Shi Zhenxiang said after recognizing Lin Yi, and immediately understood.

Previously, she didn't know what Shi Zhenxiang meant by asking for a pass. Now she knows that if Lin Yi really has this extraordinary identification ability, if he comes to the Yellow sparrow building for a visit, I'm afraid the exploitation rate of the genuine products will drop a lot. By that time

It is estimated that it will cause a great blow to Wang Tong's business.

"This guy... How many secrets have he never revealed?"

Yunshuang was very surprised. She looked at Lin Yi with an unusual color.

Wang Tong glanced at yunshuang and asked with a smile, "Xiaoshuang, what do you think of brother Lin?"

"What does Uncle Wang mean?"

Yunshuang didn't answer, but frowned.

"You are not young, and you can consider many things. Although brother Lin doesn't know where he came from, I can see that he is definitely not an ordinary person and can fully deserve you."

Wang Tong said faintly.

Naturally, others don't dare to say such words to yunshuang, but he is an old friend of Yunxing, so he has nothing to worry about.

"Uncle Wang, you think too much."

Yunshuang doesn't want to say anything more on this issue.

Also, what is age? If yunshuang remembers correctly, it seems that she is only 21 this year?

Yunshuang never thought about those things, but when Wang Tong said these things, yunshuang felt a move in her heart. It seemed that she really meant something, and then she didn't think about it any more.


Soon, three hours passed.

Yunshuang, Wang Tong and Shi Zhenxiang sat on the sofa not far away. Next to them stood several beauties in work uniforms waiting on them, adding tea and pouring water for them.

Yunshuang went to see Lin Yi from time to time at the beginning, but later she felt a little bored. Then she opened a work document she had brought with her very neatly and began to read it.

On the contrary, Wang Tong and Shi Zhenxiang get along quite happily, but they are basically business boasting each other, and they don't have much nutrition.

"Have you found that Lin Yi's way of selecting antiques is very strange?"

Shi Zhenxiang said suddenly.

"It's really very strange. I've studied antiques for so many years and have never seen this way. At first glance, it looks like a layman, but I can identify all true and false antiques. Even many things can only be identified with special instruments. It's really strange. I don't know how he did it."

Wang Tong nodded and felt very strange.

Because Lin Yi's method of identifying antiques is different from those professionals. He just takes it up and looks at it at will, touches it, and turns it around in his hand at most. Then he will determine whether the antiques are worth purchasing. If not, he will naturally put them aside, and those who intend to give them to the waiter next to him.

However, Xu Feiping and others not far away are different. They are not only experienced, but also have many special instruments. Some are carried with them, and some are brought in boxes by one assistant. They are the kind of... Very professional at first sight.

"No matter whether it's strange or not, it doesn't matter. It's OK to identify it anyway."

Wang Tong waved his hand at will and said without care.

"That's true."

Shi Zhenxiang touched his chin, thought for two seconds, and then nodded.

Wang Tong's words are reasonable. There is a good saying. No matter black or white cats, catching mice is a good cat. This is the case now. No matter how strange Lin Yi's way is, he can determine the authenticity and quality of antiques, which is the most important thing.

"Shopkeeper Wang, you seem to know him very well. Do you know the origin of this guy?"

Shi Zhenxiang asked tentatively.

Wang Tong's eyes narrowed slightly. Instead of answering him, he asked, "boss Shi, what do you do when you ask this question? You know, this kind of behavior of inquiring about people behind their backs is not authentic."

"I'm afraid that such a powerful man suddenly appeared in Nanyang city."

Shi Zhenxiang shook his head and sighed.

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