Yunshuang asks Lin Yi how much money she can be worth. It's not that the sister likes money, but that she is very curious about it.

However, Lin Yi didn't tell her that yunshuang felt a little sad and funny because of her full appetite. No matter when she was at school, in the company or at the intersection, how many people dared to talk to themselves like this?

The guy in front of me dared, not only dared, but also made himself helpless.

What yunshuang doesn't know is that Lin Yi doesn't deliberately hide her, but even Lin Yi doesn't know. The reason why she can determine the value of this thing is not only based on basic experience, but also because of intuition and comparison.

Lin Yi's memory is very good. He can easily remember the value of all the antiques he tested. It can be said that he has selected more than 60 antiques this time. The value of this censer alone can catch up with at least half of the present. If you wang Tonggang took the censer away, even if Lin Yi doesn't care about money, he has to feel distressed at the moment.

"Shopkeeper Wang, what do you mean?"

Seeing Wang Tong's practice, the most ugly face at the moment is undoubtedly Xu Feiping and others.

They were the people who helped Wang Tong choose antiques. However, Wang Tong just thanked them casually. However, when yunshuang promised to let him choose several antiques, he was happy and seemed to make a lot of money. Isn't this slapping in the face?

"Master Xu, I just like these gadgets. I don't care if they are true. Anyway, they are worth millions. I don't care too much."

Wang Tong shook his head. This is not too offensive. At least it does not insult the ability of Xu Feiping and others. It is possible to cooperate in the future. Otherwise, if you tear your face like this

Anyway, businessmen have great interests. When they are not sure that they can get 100% interests, it is best not to offend people easily. Wang Tong knows this very well. Although he intends to make friends with Lin Yi, he doesn't want to offend Xu Feiping and others unless they find death.

Wen Yan, although Xu Feiping and others still don't look good, they can't help it. After all, they are just Yunxing looking for Wang Tong for appraisal. After all, they are not the same level as Wang Tong. People don't need to give them a good face at all.

Even if Wang Tong has a bad attitude towards them, they have to complete this task. Otherwise, as long as Wang Tong speaks ill of Yunxing, they can't get along in Nanyang city.

"Well, if there is no problem, now we need to invite someone to identify with professional equipment. They are not far from here. They are members of the antique Association opposite our yellow finch building. They are the most fair and fair and have an excellent reputation. Please invite them to do the identification. You should be assured."

Shi Zhenxiang said with a smile.

Because of their special business in Huangque building, they are close to the experts of the antiques Association on weekdays to help identify the buyers who come here to select antiques. Of course, these people are not charitable and need to pay certain fees. However, for these rich and powerful buyers, these fees are a drop in the bucket, It's nothing at all.


Yunshuang nodded. Although she didn't understand these things, she didn't have to worry too much. After all, her status was here. Unless Shi Zhenxiang was tired of living, he should also know what would happen to offend the cloud family.

Naturally, Wang Tong and Xu Feiping have no opinion. Even as experts, they know how pedantic and stubborn the antiques of the antique association are. It's no joke to let such a group of people commit perjury.

Besides, what does the antique Association make money on?

It depends on credibility and fairness. If there are even inside stories, the antique Association simply doesn't have to mix up and dissolve directly. After all, once credibility is lost, it will never be there again.

After less than five minutes, several old men from the antiques association had come. Although they were in their fifties and sixties, they were in good spirits. They were dressed in simple clothes, and Tang costumes were also very common.

Of course, there may be some people who like this kind of clothes, but more likely, they wear this kind of clothes in order to establish a more specific image. After all, these antiques are ancient things. They look more formal in ancient plate clothes.

Although this is only a change in clothes, it is a very common thing in the current society. Apart from others, it is like those companies that clearly do not have much business, but require employees to wear suits. At least it seems formal.

Lin Yi was not interested in these. He just glanced at these people at random, then took back his eyes, sat on the sofa like an invisible person, and casually asked the maid next to him to pour a cup of coffee. As for the exciting moment in front of him, he ignored it automatically.

Seeing this, Shi Zhenxiang and Wang Tong are somewhat speechless.

Their purchase volume this time is full of nine figures, which can be said to be a very large transaction. If it were not for the rarity of the things this time, and they were dug out of the tomb of an ancient aristocrat, they would basically be 100% determined to be genuine. Wang Tong would not spend so much money on these at one time.

Shi Zhenxiang is the same. Although these things have been sold, in theory, they still belong to him, but they don't belong to him. However, Shi Zhenxiang is still curious about how much value these things can be mined, and whether they can make money or lose money.

Human beings are always curious about the unknown, although these unknown things may have nothing to do with themselves, and this is the origin of gossip. At the same time, Shi Zhenxiang wants to know whether Lin Yi can continue his myth.

Just seeing Lin Yi's appearance that he didn't care about, he was speechless for a while. Did this guy know the result from the beginning? Isn't that possible? Unless this guy is a real God.

"Well, masters, let's start now."

Shi Zhenxiang shook his head and stopped thinking about Lin Yi. Instead, he looked up at the masters of the antique Association who had finished the professional equipment in front of him, smiled, nodded and extended an invitation.


The members of the antique Association nodded, and then took the antique selected by Xu Feiping to the table, which made Xu Feiping's heart lift up.

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