"Dr. Lin is a big man comparable to the chief doctor. He can't do such work. We ordinary doctors can only do it."

A doctor pretended to sigh.

Hearing the speech, the others immediately laughed, but there was no jealousy in Lin Yi's eyes except respect and awe.

It's not how good the mentality of these people is, but because they want to compare.

If Lin Yi is just a little better than them, maybe they will be a little hostile to Lin Yi and compete, but the results show that Lin Yi is far better than them by more than one or two points. It can even be said that neither of them is at the same level.

Wang Weikang once said that Lin Yi's medical skills are no worse than him.

Although many doctors don't believe it or think it's incredible, this at least shows that Lin Yi's medical skills are far from comparable. Otherwise, no one will spend millions on him, and he is very satisfied with it.

"Whether I will come to see a doctor or not depends mainly on my mood. If my interest comes occasionally, I may come out to see a doctor, but even if I'm not interested, I'm not short of money anyway."

Lin Yi spread his hands and said seriously.

Hearing the speech, many doctors suddenly looked stiff. Looking at Lin Yi with a serious face, 10000 grass and mud horses rushed through their hearts. There was a big gap between them. They were assigned to come for treatment. Although they earned more than in the hospital, they still had a commission, but they were also tired to death.

In the hospital, when they earn a commission, the treatment threshold is still very high, but it is different here. Because they take the impulse route, the number of patients they treat in a day is more than three times that of the past. This impulse... People's physical strength can't support it.

It can be said to be painful and happy.

But Lin Yi is different. When they think that others earn much more than them, they lie in the medical school every day. It is said that every day is to look at the information, and then they can play games for a day. Even there is a beautiful woman around them. This life

Compared with their current work, they feel a little egg pain as long as they compare it a little.

Perhaps this is the legendary gap between gold collar and blue collar.

These doctors are familiar with Lin Yi. Although they don't know what kind of luxury house each other lives in, the Bentley car worth millions is very conspicuous, and the treatment threshold of others... All this shows that the other party is really a person without money.

"In that case, we look forward to when Dr. Lin is in a good mood and can come and show his hand."

A middle-aged doctor shook his head reluctantly. He felt inexplicably familiar with Lin Yi's behavior of judging his mood to decide whether to take action. I remember that this was not the case with others in the most half of the month when he went to work. Even whether he went to work on time depends on his mood, not to mention treatment.

At this time, many people from the opposite hospital came towards this side.

Lin Yi's perception was very sharp. He noticed the scene at a glance. Seeing that they were all young people, he immediately asked, "Dr. Xu, these people should be the students of the provincial capital college of traditional Chinese medicine?"

Lin Yi saw at a glance that these people not far away were almost in their early twenties, and their temperament was very like students. They had not experienced this complex society. When he thought of the connection between Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum and the Provincial College of traditional Chinese medicine, he immediately guessed that the opposite party should be students of the Provincial College of traditional Chinese medicine.

"Yes, it's them. A group of people don't have good medical skills. They are domineering one by one. They have a big shelf."

Dr. Xu glanced, his face slightly cold. Obviously, he didn't catch a cold with these people.

"Now in this impetuous society, people born in this famous university have some arrogance. After all, they have not been out of the society. They don't know the cruelty of this society. They just think that because there is a good university, they can stand high and don't pay attention to everyone."

In this regard, Lin Yi just smiled and didn't think there was any accident. "However, after they got out of society, they knew the cruelty of this society. Today's Provincial Capital College of traditional Chinese medicine doesn't hesitate to cooperate with private enterprises in order to ensure the employment rate. These students know nothing about it and don't know what it means. It's really... Young."

Hearing the speech, Dr. Xu looked at Lin Yi. Originally, he was really angry with these domineering students, but then when he heard Lin Yi's words, he immediately wanted to understand. A smile appeared at the corners of his mouth and nodded, "that's right. It's too young."

These students think that they come from famous universities such as the provincial capital college of traditional Chinese medicine and will be able to find good jobs after graduation, so their attitude is somewhat superior.

However, what they don't realize is that the provincial capital college of traditional Chinese medicine is indeed a famous university, but so what? In terms of employment rate, it is not warm, but in terms of the employment rate of this major... It seems that there is not even 10%.

What does that mean?

On average, there are 100 graduates from provincial colleges of traditional Chinese medicine, and there are not even one tenth of the students who enter the traditional Chinese medicine industry. It is estimated that even half of them can serve as formal doctors. When it comes to the employment rate, it is really not very good-looking.

This is why the famous Donghua University, which enjoys a high reputation throughout China, has to cooperate with Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, break away from its neutrality and become enemies with several rich families.

The reason why the Provincial College of traditional Chinese medicine does this is naturally to improve the employment rate. The traditional Chinese medicine system of Donghua province is a big market, which needs countless excellent traditional Chinese medicine to rise. The Provincial College of traditional Chinese medicine is obviously aware of this, so it is excited.

In the industry, there is a lot of discussion about the practice of the provincial capital college of traditional Chinese medicine. The most discussed topics are still those old topics, and the students in these colleges not only know nothing about it, but feel that entering such a school is superior to others, which is really ridiculous.

"Are they here for medical treatment? Have these people graduated? Can medical skills cure diseases?"

Lin Yi suddenly thought of what Dr. Xu just said: medical skills are not very good.

This also shows that Dr. Xu has seen the scenes of these students' treatment. For a time, Lin Yi was a little confused. Traditional Chinese medicine is broad and profound. Even those graduates, after entering the traditional Chinese medicine hospital or the traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, have to follow the old doctors to start learning practical experience. Should these students have not graduated yet, but can they also treat their diseases?

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