"Lin Yi, is the girl named Shu ran really hopeless?"

On the way back, Tang Mengying couldn't help asking.


Hearing the speech, Lin Yi seemed to have some doubts. He turned his head and looked at her. Suddenly he understood something. He couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

"What are you laughing at?"

Tang Mengying frowned. There was nothing wrong with what she said. It seems that she didn't think it was funny, but why did this guy shake his head while laughing? Was he wrong?

"Mengying, I never said that the girl didn't save her."

Lin Yi said carelessly.

"So you mean, she's still saved?"

Tang Mengying's eyes brightened.

Shuran is not only beautiful, but also has a good temperament. She gives Tang Mengying a good impression. Therefore, Tang Mengying doesn't want the other party to die of illness. If she can be saved, it is naturally the best thing.

"Of course, of course."

Lin Yi nodded, but then said something that surprised Tang Mengying. "But what does it have to do with me? Do I have to save her just because she is saved?"


Tang Mengying was speechless.

She wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say when she looked at Lin Yi's natural appearance. She just suddenly felt that Lin Yi's attitude was too cold and heartless?

"As a doctor, the first and most important thing is the state of mind. Life, old age and death are the norm of life. No one can be exempted. What a doctor can do is to treat diseases, but not to satisfy everyone."

"However, as a doctor, if you want to be excellent, you must constantly treat different patients. In this process, someone will die because they can't be treated. At the beginning, you may feel remorse and think that if you can be more powerful, you can save a life."

"However, after a long time, more and more patients will be treated, so they will become numb. They will no longer have their original enthusiasm. They will feel that life and death is just going through a process and filling in a form. It's no big deal."

Lin Yi said casually.

"I still can't understand."

Tang Mengying shook her head honestly.

"It's normal that you can't understand it now, but I think you should understand it in the future. Then you will understand everything."

Lin Yi shrugged and didn't want to say too much to Tang Mengying on such an issue. Anyway, after the other party becomes a qualified doctor in the future, everything will understand.

As for now, even if he talks more, what's the meaning? Tang Mengying has never experienced it after all. At most, she listens to it as a story, but it has no effect. Lin Yi is not a person who likes doing such things. It's very boring.

"But I think it's a human life anyway. How can you treat it with this indifferent attitude?"

Tang Mengying continued.

She doesn't understand that the girl named Shu ran, although she said she should still live for a few years, with her physical condition, maybe when something unexpected happens suddenly, she will be cool directly.

Since Lin Yi has a way to treat the girl's disease, why not make it clear and let the other party accept his treatment. In this way, can't he save another person?

"What you said is very reasonable."

Lin Yi nodded, but then the conversation turned, "unfortunately, what I hate most is this attitude. What does it mean to be so-called and what does it mean to be indifferent? Do you have to tie everyone's lives to yourself?"

"If I were so great, I should have been tired of saving people from illness rather than driving here."

Tang Mengying was speechless.

"Mengying, you should understand one thing. I'm a doctor. The doctor's duty is to treat patients and save people, but it's not service. It's not deliberate to find a way for patients to come to me for treatment."

Lin Yi shrugged and said casually, "I've said what to say. If the girl is smart enough, she will naturally seek medical treatment from me. But if she is not smart enough, it's a pity that she missed a chance to recover. However, what impact does this have on me?"

"Did you give her a hint?"

Tang Mengying was stunned.

"Millions of medical fees, isn't that a hint?"

Lin Yi shook his head and didn't want to say more. I believe Tang Mengying's intelligence should soon guess what he implied.

"I see. The reason why you put forward millions of medical fees is actually a hint that Shu Ran has great medical skills, because if you don't have a real doctor, you will never dare to offer such a price. Otherwise, it will only become a joke."

Tang Mengying's eyes lit up and suddenly understood.

But then Tang Mengying frowned again, thought of something, and asked, "but what if Shu ran thought you were talking big, and then left you aside?"

Tang Mengying suddenly feels that this kind of thing is very possible. After all, Lin Yi is so young that even top doctors such as Wang Weikang and Qian Yonglin think there is no way. Why should people believe that Lin Yi has this ability?

"Then she can only wait to die."

Lin Yi said casually.

Tang Mengying was stunned and didn't respond for a long time.

"As I told you earlier, I'm a doctor, but I'm not a practitioner in the service industry. I wouldn't say to shuran, please find me for treatment. I can cure you. My medical skills are great. Those medical professors are not qualified to compare with me... Hehe, that's not the attitude of treatment, that's neuropathy."

Lin Yi said sarcastically.

Tang Mengying thought a little and suddenly understood.

If Shu ran believes in Lin Yi's medical skills, he will come to him for treatment. But if he doesn't believe it, no matter how much he says, it doesn't make any sense. On the contrary, the more he says, the more he will make the other party suspicious and think Lin Yi may be a liar.

It's so strange these days. You take the initiative to send it to the door enthusiastically. No one believes it. You will only feel whether you are trying to get any benefits from the other party. But if you ignore people coldly, the other party will feel that you are so different and must have the capital to stand out from the others, so it's right to find you

As a doctor comparable to a miracle doctor, Lin Yi naturally has his own pride. He can't take the initiative to deliver it to the door. If the other party believes it, he doesn't mind treating the disease, but if he doesn't believe it... There's nothing to say.

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