After a round of fancy show off.

Lin Yi began to prepare a medicine bath for Shu ran. The medicine bath was not a very pleasant thing. It took more than two hours to decoct the medicine alone. Finally, the medicine bath was black. Although it had been filtered for a long time, it was not so acceptable for a clean girl to take a bath... I always felt that it was not so acceptable.

Of course, these are not Lin Yi's business.

After preparing the medicine bath, Lin Yi directly connects to the wireless network of Shu Ran's home and starts playing games. As for the key to the sister's medicine bath, Tang Mengying has to work harder. I believe that with her eloquence, it should not be a problem.

"How long does the medicine bath take?"

Shuran asked lazily.

"It takes about half an hour. It's just a game. You play it yourself first. When I finish playing two games, I'll call you out."

Lin Yi moved a chair and sat outside the bathroom. Although there were beautiful women taking a bath inside, the animal didn't feel at all. What's more, it played a game at the door of the bathroom.

"Why two games? One game in the high-end game can play for at least half an hour. If you play two games, I can't soak for an hour?"

Shu ran was a little unhappy and felt that Lin Yi's attitude at the moment was obviously perfunctory.

But this guy took the money, okay? Don't you feel sorry for your conscience when you receive such a large amount of diagnosis money and treat your patients with such a perfunctory attitude?

"What you said is only for ordinary experts, but you probably haven't contacted the hundred star king? Do you know that if the hundred star king comes to play the low star king, it's no different from Xingyao playing silver. Neither of them is of the same grade. You can't solve a game in 15 minutes."

Lin Yi said carelessly.

As the king of hundreds of stars, Lin Yi also has his own confidence. In terms of single competition, Lin Yi is not joking. Now there are very few people in the whole national service who dare to compete with him and can compete with him. Unless he meets the king with more than 70 or 80 stars, Lin Yi is basically abusing vegetables in playing games.

However, how can the existence of that grade be said to be met?

At least when Lin Yi plays the trumpet, the possibility of meeting that kind of character is very low and probably does not exist. After all, there are only thirty or fifty national clothes in total. It sounds like a lot, but this is based on an extremely large base.

"That's what you said. I'll give you half an hour. If you can't finish the two game game, you're bragging."

With a sigh of relief.

Lin Yi didn't bother to pay attention to her, but continued to play games. If he didn't play games, it was really boring to stay here. Soon, the two games passed. Lin Yi glanced at the time and said carelessly, "you can come out. The two games have a total of 29 minutes. What else do you want to say?"

"You shouldn't have shot six points?"

Shu ran questioned.

The so-called six point shot means that he can admit defeat six minutes after the start. What is comfortable is that Lin Yi can end the game in such a short time. Did he admit defeat automatically in six minutes?

"I play in qualifying. Even if I want to shoot six points, my teammates will certainly not agree. After all, they are different from me. As the king goalkeeper, it's very difficult for them to get a star. It's not like I play casually."

Lin Yi responded calmly.

Hearing this, Shu ran suddenly didn't know what to say.

This guy is hateful. He says that he is a king goalkeeper. Yes, for the 100 star king, the low star king really has nothing to see. It's the same as Xingyao's treatment of silver and gold. It's not a grade. Naturally, it's just a casual fight.

However, this guy speaks in such a calm tone, which is a little too... Does it mean something? Is this a low star king or a star shining slag who can't even go up to the king?

"Well, hurry out. It's more than nine o'clock now. I have to do acupuncture for you. It's ten o'clock when I go back later. I've never been back so late."

Lin Yi was too lazy to talk nonsense with the sister, and hurried.

"It's late. It's the same as having a wife waiting for you at home... Eh? Wait."

Shu ran suddenly realized something and immediately asked, "Lin Yi, have you been married long ago?"


Lin Yi was stunned. This girl's association ability is too rich, isn't it? I just want to go back early. When I get to this sister's mouth, I have a wife waiting at home... Where is this?

"Isn't that so? I heard that most successful men have their own masters. People like you... Well, those who are so skilled in medicine should have been married? Also, are you 40 or 50 years old in real age, but you have a good face? I recommend it."

Said a lot with a sigh of relief.

Lin Yi was speechless.

Do most successful men already have a master?

Miss, who did you listen to?

According to what Lin Yi knows, at present, most people who can succeed in their careers in their twenties basically spend all their time working and working hard? Most of them don't even have girlfriends. It's very far from getting married.

Also, Lin Yi is only in his twenties, okay? Speaking of it, I'm almost the same age as this sister. I'm only a few years older. What's the real age? It's already 40 or 50 years old. Just have a good face?

Well, based on his current cultivation accomplishments, if he really wants to keep his face, he can keep his appearance in his twenties at the age of 40 or 50. This is certain, but it is clearly something in the future, not now.

"Miss, you can really think of it."

Tang Mengying couldn't help laughing. Lin Yi is really a successful man, but this guy is only in his twenties, okay? And most importantly, according to Tang Mengying, this guy doesn't even have a girlfriend, let alone a wife

But it's right to think about it. This guy likes to hate people so much. Generally, few girls can stand it, even though this guy is really rich and powerful

After a round of laughter, shuran finally came out after wiping his body, wrapped in a bath towel, lying lazily on the bed, and his eyes were almost unable to open. "I'm so sleepy every time I take a bath. Brother, can you hurry up? I'm almost asleep."

"It's all right. You won't be sleepy when you see such a long needle later."

Lin Yi smiled mysteriously. The smile made Shu ran shudder. "Don't be nervous. It hurts. I'll be light."

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