"I don't believe what you mean. You're a good girl."

Under yunshuang's angry eyes, Lin Yi sighed and eased his tone, but it seemed a little strange.

"What do you mean by that?"

Cloud frost asked faintly.

"I believe in you, but it doesn't mean I believe in the cloud family. I know that you are in charge of the cloud family at present, but I don't think you can represent others, especially your father Yunxing. As a big capitalist who has worked alone until now... I can't believe it."

Lin Yi shook his head. "In addition, there is the Wei family in the provincial capital. When Wei Xuanxuan came to me before, I knew that I was mostly involved in this muddy water, but I don't know whether this is what Wei Xuanxuan meant or... She didn't think of it. Wei Kong crane of the Wei family is also an old fox."

Hearing the speech, yunshuang was silent for a moment.

Although she is not happy with Lin Yizhi's suspicion of the cloud family, she will take it seriously. If she were herself, she would also question the cloud family. After all, she is a top-level rich family and is doomed to a new pattern and circle completely different from ordinary people. There are great differences in ideology and culture, and capital is everything.

"All right, let's stop talking nonsense. Let's talk. Come to me early this morning. What do you want to do?"

Lin Yi doesn't want to continue talking with yunshuang about the topic just now. He just wants to wake up. If the cloud family really has any different ideas, Lin Yi has no other way.

"It's about the Qin family. I'll go with you today... You're right. My father really doesn't want me involved, or the cloud family involved, but I think it's unfair to you."

Yunshuang took a deep breath, looked at him and said softly, "if it weren't for the cloud family, you wouldn't have gone to the Wei family in the provincial capital to treat Wei konghe. If you didn't go to the Wei family, you wouldn't be involved in this matter. In the final analysis, it has something to do with me, so I'll go with you this time as your girlfriend. Is that ok?"

Girlfriend's identity?

Lin Yi was stunned and looked at Xiang yunshuang strangely.

He didn't expect yunshuang to come here with such an idea. No wonder yunshuang would be so angry about his questioning attitude just now.

When I think about it, I go to others with the idea of putting all my eggs in one basket. As a result, the other party still doubts his character... Everyone has to be angry.

"In fact, you don't have to. I'm not as incompetent as you think. This may cause upper class social unrest in the whole Donghua Province, but it may not threaten me. Unlike you, you are also a member of the cloud family. Although the cloud family is a top rich family, you can look at the whole Donghua Province... Right? Once involved, it may not be a good thing."

Lin Yi sighed and felt that yunshuang didn't have to.

He is very confident and thinks that no matter whether he can cure the Qin family, no matter how many people want to be bad for himself, he will be fine with his cultivation, but what about the Yun family? It's not good for the cloud family to get involved. On the contrary, it may be involved. This is also the reason why the cloud bank is unwilling to let the cloud frost appear.

"But I think I have to be responsible to you.

Yunshuang stressed, "I pulled you to the cloud family at the beginning, and a series of things later have something to do with the cloud family. I can't leave you at this time, whether I can help you or not, but I won't hesitate when I should come forward."


Lin Yi feels strange when a girl says she should be responsible for herself, but she is more moved. Like what she thinks, yunshuang is really a good girl. Even though she is already a famous business genius in Nanyang City, in the final analysis, she is still a good girl who values love and righteousness, rather than a capitalist who calls interests more important than everything.

"Think about it?"

Lin Yi asked faintly, "are you sure you didn't drink too much?"

"Think about it. And I didn't drink."

Yunshuang nodded, "In fact, before I came here, I hesitated and didn't know whether I should be involved. If I was based on the principle of interests first, I shouldn't be here, but unfortunately, I was a person, not a machine, and didn't represent some kind of thought and idea. I also had my own persistence. When interests conflict with my original intention, what I want to choose is I myself, not interests. "

Listening to yunshuang's words, Lin Yi immediately understood that the girl had gone through countless hesitations and contradictions, but finally decided to follow her own heart. Even if it hurt her interests, she would never do anything sorry for her conscience.

"Actually, it doesn't have much to do with you. In the final analysis, we just get what we need. When I first came to Nanyang City, I really needed the help of local forces. It's normal to exchange my medical skills for help. As for the Wei family, it's not for the cloud family, but for the emperor jade. Therefore, for me, if you are involved now, it's equivalent to I owe you A love affair. "

Lin Yi stood up and shrugged, "but since you insist, I have nothing to say. It's too much to refuse again... Haven't you had breakfast yet? I'll make you something to eat."

"Guests are welcome."

Yunshuang just laughed and knew that Lin Yi had put down his prejudice against her.

As the youngest and most capable young man in Nanyang City, yunshuang has never been a girl who needs to be recognized by others. She has her own personality and ideas. When these conflict with others, she will never question herself for this. It can be said that she is very strong.

But I don't know why, when she stood in front of Lin Yi, she wanted to be recognized by the other party. Even when she couldn't get it, she felt very uncomfortable. This feeling was something she had never felt before.

Especially when Lin Yi finally put down his prejudice against her and really regarded her as a friend, yunshuang felt very comfortable. Maybe this is because... It's rare to meet someone who can become her friend.

Yunshuang is too short of friends. The other side of a strong woman is that she has no friends. Looking at the whole Nanyang City, there are not many who are qualified to make friends with her, and there are few who can smell the same. Lin Yi is one.

"That's all right. I'm good at cooking fried rice with eggs. Huanhuan often says that what I cook is much better than those takeout. Then make fried rice with eggs."

Lin Yi thought for a moment and said.

"Are you sure Huanhuan says you cook well?"

Yunshuang asked immediately. They looked at each other and immediately laughed.

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