"Xiao Ying, did you hear that? This woman has such a bad attitude when talking to me. She's also shady, but she flatters and gains a sense of common ground when talking to Lin Yi every day. It's simply immoral."

Li Huanhuan snorted. She didn't like yunshuang and felt that yunshuang had a problem doing everything.

And Tang Mengying?

The sister neither nodded nor denied. She bowed her head and ate her own food, just like a hungry ghost reincarnation. She turned a deaf ear to what Li Huanhuan said.

As a smart sister, Tang Mengying knows that she must not make a statement at this time. Otherwise, she will not have her own good fruit to offend anyone, and she will immediately become temporarily deaf.

"I say you two are really interesting. You pinch each other as soon as you meet. Tut tut tut."

Lin Yi seemed to shake his head helplessly, and then the conversation turned, "you too, Xiaoshuang. You are all great people who are independent. You even have the same experience with a child. What do you think is good for you? They all say that it's no big deal whether you fight or not."

"You're right. It's my fault."

Yunshuang blinked, then nodded knowingly, looked at Tang Mengying, said with a little sincerity, "Huanhuan, it's my fault. I shouldn't care about you."


Li Huanhuan snorted, ignored yunshuang, but muttered, "I always feel something wrong."

Tang Mengying nearby almost choked when she heard what Lin Yi and yunshuang said. Now she finally understands why Lin Yi can stand Li Huanhuan's temper.

Feelings are not whether people can stand it or not, but basically directly regard Li Huanhuan as a child who has not grown up. In the face of such a little girl with a little miss's temper, isn't it too considerate to be angry with others?

This is why Li Huanhuan didn't understand for a while, but when the sister understood, I'm afraid it's not so easy to let Lin Yi go.

A meal passed quickly.

After dinner, Tang Mengying naturally cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks. Although she had no obligation to do this, there was no one else in the villa. On weekdays, only she, Lin Yi and Li Huanhuan lived in the villa. The nanny didn't exist.

Let Li Huanhuan clean up the dishes?

Hehe, Tang Mengying doesn't dare to have this idea. I'm afraid it's not enough to buy a thousand bowls for such a young lady who doesn't touch the spring water.

As for Lin Yi? That's even worse. In Tang Mengying's opinion, Lin Yi is such an excellent man, and he usually works very hard. Besides, he helps himself so much, how can he watch each other do such a thing?

Naturally, Tang Mengying is very conscious and active to do some housework. Anyway, she does it at home. She is very experienced.

"Lin Yi, the special plane is ready. We can start at any time. When are you going to go?"

After eating, yunshuang asked.

"Is the old man of the Qin family dying?"

Lin Yi did not answer the question.


Yunshuang choked. Although Lin Yi spoke so directly every time, yunshuang was often choked.

"This is not true. Although the news of critical illness has been spread, it is not that there will be an accident these days. If this is true, the whole business district of Donghua province has long been in riots. It will not be as calm as it is now. Of course, this calm is only calm on the surface, but it has already been surging in the undercurrent."

Yunshuang pondered a little and immediately said.

"Well... That's good."

Lin Yi nodded and immediately glanced at Li Huanhuan, who was sitting cross legged on the sofa watching TV. "Huanhuan, I'll go to the provincial capital. It may take me a few days to come back. You stay at home these days. Remember to be obedient and don't run around, you know?"

"You know, don't talk so much, OK?"

Li Huanhuan said impatiently.

Hearing the speech, Lin Yi was immediately happy. Does this sister want to be so fashionable? Now she can even speak English, but Lin Yi believes that most of the sister will also speak a few words. After all, for her, English is boring and has little practical significance. Naturally, she won't learn.

After Tang Mengying came back from washing the dishes, Lin Yi gave her a few instructions, and then drove away with yunshuang.

Of course, Lin Yi took her, but actually yunshuang drove with Lin Yi. After all, this guy is so lazy. Since there is a driver in front of him, why should he drive himself?

Moreover, he can take a good look at beautiful women in the co pilot, but if he drives, he can only look at the road. Lin Yi naturally knows how to choose to make himself most comfortable.

Fortunately, yunshuang doesn't know what this guy thinks. Otherwise, God knows how yunshuang will look at this guy in front of him.

Soon they arrived at the airport. After arriving at the airport, Lin Yi learned that this is a private airport, and the big owner behind the scenes is the cloud family. No wonder yunshuang said he could get a special plane. It turned out to be so.

"I've never heard of you before."

Lin Yi was a little surprised. Although he knew that the Yun family was the top giants in Nanyang City, he didn't expect that the other party could get this private airport. After all, for the mainland, most airports and airliners are still state-owned, while there are very few private airports.

"In fact, the airliner business is not a key point in all the businesses of our cloud family. At the beginning, we spent a lot of money to get it, but later we found that although it is a good business, it is impossible to expect it to get rich. Therefore, it is not very concerned. After all, our cloud family is in the rising period, not the stable period, and rapid cash flow is more stable than a stable one The source of income should be important. "

Yunshuang smiled and said.


Lin Yi understands that yunshuang's words are euphemistic, but the meaning is self-evident. To put it simply, the cloud family doesn't like such a small airliner business, so it hasn't been mentioned much. However, in Lin Yi's opinion, this business doesn't seem to be so good for nothing. If you change him, there are still many ways to improve profits.

Of course... Everyone has their own views and ways of thinking. Although Lin Yi has different ideas, he doesn't say it. After all, even if he can improve some profits, yunshuang doesn't like this business. Even if it is improved a little, it's still the same. It's uncertain when he will pack and sell. Why do he bother to talk more?

After the VIP passage, a plane flew towards the provincial capital. Lin Yi looked out of the window and looked calm. This was his second visit to the provincial capital.

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