"Actually, I'm curious. What have you two experienced?"

In the hotel suite, Wei Xuanxuan didn't get through to Lin Yi, so she drove over directly. When she saw Lin Yi open the door, she entered the room and saw yunshuang lying on the bed in her pajamas

Wei Xuanxuan took a breath. She felt as if she knew a big secret, and it was still an unknown secret. Would she be killed?

"Don't think about it. It's just a massage."

Yunshuang immediately explained, "I felt a little sore when I was shopping in high heels yesterday, so Lin Yi gave me a massage. It would be better... Hmm? Hey, what's your look?"

"It's all right. I think it's good."

Wei Xuanxuan nodded and gave her a look that you feel happy, and she didn't believe yunshuang's explanation at all.

Seeing Wei Xuanxuan's ambiguous attitude, yunshuang's old blood doesn't know whether to spray out.

"Miss Wei, if there's nothing important, please go to the living room and wait for a while. It's a coincidence that you're here. I haven't finished massaging her yet."

At this time, Lin Yi came out and said.

Hearing the speech, Wei Xuanxuan was stunned, glanced at yunshuang quickly, and then looked at Lin Yi. It didn't look like a disguised expression. She couldn't help but wonder, "isn't it? It's really a massage?"


Lin Yi shrugged. "It's not a massage in the morning. What do you think we're doing?"

"Hehe, I thought you were interested early in the morning, so I'm going to have another one."

Wei Xuan smiled.

I'll wipe it.

Yunshuang suddenly widened her eyes. Unexpectedly, Wei Xuanxuan had the potential to be the king of dirty demons. Wei Xuanxuan had never said such a thing on weekdays. Of course, on the one hand, they seldom chat and chat, on the other hand, it is because

"Well, if you go on, I won't hinder you."

Wei Xuanxuan shrugged, "but you'd better hurry up. I haven't had breakfast yet. Give you half an hour to massage, take a bath, wash, dress, make-up and tidy your hair. Should it be enough?"

Cloud frost has no expression.

If she is an ordinary girl, it may take longer, but yunshuang obviously doesn't need this. She always arranges the time properly from school to graduation. For her, the most important thing is undoubtedly the time.

As for makeup?

That doesn't seem to be the point, does it?

Not to mention that Miss Yunda herself is naturally beautiful, not to mention that she has no intention of finding a boyfriend and doesn't need to please the opposite sex. Does she still need to study what makeup is appropriate?

About ten minutes later, Lin Yi came out of the room and closed the door for yunshuang. Seeing that Wei Xuanxuan was sitting on the sofa in a daze, he immediately walked over, smiled and asked, "what would miss Wei want to eat this morning?"

"Can you... Don't call me Miss Wei?"

Wei Xuanxuan didn't answer Lin Yi, but directly put forward her own opinions like a conditioned reflex. I hope Lin Yi doesn't call her in this way. It seems too strange. Although they are not too familiar friends, it shouldn't be too much to shout Xuanxuan?

Or does Lin Yi always complain about the Wei family, which makes this complaint fall on her head?

"Er... OK, I'd better call you Xuanxuan."

Lin Yi was stunned and nodded immediately. His previous name was Miss Wei, which really meant to re divide the relationship, but since Wei Xuanxuan said it so directly, Lin Yi didn't give face.

This is not just a question of address, but the relationship between the two sides. Xuanxuan is always much closer than Miss Wei.

"I know you have a great opinion on my grandfather's arrangement, but this is what he means, not mine. I've thought about it carefully. If I had known the original thing, I would never leave for Nanyang."

Wei Xuanxuan whispered, "now the current situation in the provincial capital is turbulent. No one will know who will laugh last. My grandfather is called an old fox by many people, but I think you are not simple."


Lin Yi looked up at her.

"So, no matter what the final result is, I hope we can become friends. Maybe I can't help you, but I will try my best to prevent some things from happening and won't deal with you. Is that ok?"

Wei Xuan whispered.

At the moment, she is not as mature and generous as she used to be. She has a royal sister fan, but she is a little pitiful.

This is not a deliberate act. For Wei Xuanxuan, she really doesn't have many good friends to live with. However, the process of getting along with Lin Yi makes her feel very comfortable and happy. She doesn't want to lose a friend like this.

Of course, this doesn't mean that Wei Xuanxuan can't do without Lin Yi, but in the final analysis, it's still because of her own reason, which leads to a rift in the relationship between the two people. Wei Xuanxuan feels sorry and will naturally find a way to repair it.

"Be a friend? I'm afraid it's hard."

Lin Yi blinked and finally couldn't help smiling bitterly. In the current situation, Wei kongho wants to take advantage of him, but isn't Lin Yi going to join hands with Qin Xiao to pit Wei kongho?

Wei Xuanxuan feels sorry now. She thinks that Lin Yi got into the muddy water because of the Wei family and herself. But what if he finally rode on the head of the Wei family?

I wonder if Wei Xuanxuan will feel sorry at that time, and whether she is willing to continue making friends with Lin Yi?

"Yuxuan, I also want to make friends with you, but maybe you will consider whether to make friends with me soon."

Lin Yi sighed, shook his head and didn't say much, "well, let's not discuss this for the moment. By the way, what would you like to eat in the morning?"

"Everything I eat is the same. Let's go with you."

Wei Xuanxuan is obviously not very interested in the topic of what to eat. She shakes her head and skips it directly. While they are chatting, yunshuang has come out of the room. At the moment, she has already dressed up, but her style is different from that of the female president in the past. With some girl like feelings, Lin Yi is very impressed.

"Finally... Have you changed your dress?"

Wei Xuanxuan took a deep look at yunshuang. Out of the woman's keen intuition, what Wei Xuanxuan could feel was that something must have happened, for example, between yunshuang and Lin Yi

Maybe these two people can really walk together.

Wei Xuanxuan couldn't help thinking of yunshuang's decision to come to the provincial capital with Lin Yi. She was a little complicated.

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