Lin Yi came to the ticket office and bought two direct tickets to Shangdu. The driver and rat eye took them to the security checkpoint.

"Brother, I really don't know when I can meet you this time. I hope brother must take good care." Rat eye hugged Lin Yi tightly and said excitedly.

"Brother, I wish you and your sister-in-law a happy life." The driver should be more straightforward than the rat eye. He just patted Lin Yi on the shoulder.

"All right, brothers, see you later."

Lin Yi takes Han Ying's hand and disappears at the security office.

Han Ying was nervous and excited when she got on the plane. It was her first time to fly. She felt fresh and exciting.

Look at Lin Yi again. He's much calmer. People who don't know think he's a frequent flyer.

"Brother Yi, aren't you afraid?" Han Ying asked tentatively.

"There's nothing to be afraid of. The safety factor of the aircraft is very high. Don't be afraid." Lin Yi comforts Han Ying, but holding her hand is obviously much tighter than before.

"Have you ever been on a plane before?" Han Ying felt the force on Lin Yi's hand and continued to ask.

Lin Yi shook his head. "No, I've only seen it on TV. If I hadn't come to Shangdu, I wouldn't have the money to fly." Lin Yi said with some self mockery.

"I thought you were an airplane professional when you looked so calm." Han Ying looked at Lin Yi, holding her hand tightly, and returned with the same strength.

Lin Yi felt Han Ying's strength, smiled awkwardly, and then relaxed a little.

The radio began to broadcast the precautions. The plane was about to take off. The steward walked back and forth and reconfirmed whether all passengers' seat belts were fastened.

The plane began to slide. Lin Yi's heart mentioned to his throat. After all, he had not sat before. Fear is certain, but in order to appease Han Ying, he can only disguise his fear. He kept holding Han Ying in his hand and whispered in her ear, "don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm here."

After the plane really flew up, Han Ying seemed more calm than before. She patted Lin Yi's clenched hand, "brother Yi, I'm not afraid. It's okay."

"Hold it, hold it, don't worry, I'm here." Lin Yi comforted Han Ying regardless of what she said. In fact, he was comforting himself when he took a plane for the first time.

After the plane flew smoothly, Han Ying slowly released Lin Yi's hand and opened the light shield.

"Wow, it's so beautiful. We're flying in the sky. Brother Yi, look, look." Han Ying shouted a little excited, then pulled Lin Yi's clothes around and forced him to see the scenery.

Lin Yi held the handrail tightly and could see that he was still a little nervous.

He turned his head to Han Ying's side and looked out of the window half open and half closed. In an instant, he was attracted by the picturesque scenery and forgot his fear.

"It's really beautiful. I've only seen such scenery on TV before." Lin Yi couldn't help sighing.

Lin Yi and Han Ying settled down by the scenery and began to communicate and chat happily. Time passed unconsciously.

Soon, the voice of the steward came from the radio. The plane was coming and the plane was about to descend.

The plane went down bit by bit, and finally heard a "click". When the plane touched the ground, Lin Yi felt that his heart had completely settled down.

Lin Yi and Han Ying leave the airport, take a taxi and fly back to Xuanfeng hall.

The car stopped on the street outside the familiar alley. Lin Yi helped Han Ying get off the car, then took her hand and walked inside.

"Elder Feng, we're back." Before he reached the door, Lin Yi shouted.

A white haired old man immediately appeared at the door. When he saw Lin Yi and Han Ying, he was surprised and then excited.

Some voice choked and said, "Ying'er, you're back."

"Master." Han Ying is also a little excited. She rushes forward and hugs Feng Yixu. Her tears flow out involuntarily.

Lin Yi couldn't see such a sensational scene. He hurried forward to comfort them and said, "Oh, it's all back. Elder Feng, Ying'er, don't be sad. You should be happy. Why are you crying?"

"Ying'er, how are you? I heard from you earlier that you have recovered. Let the master have a look." Feng Yixu took Han Ying to the side, took her hand and wanted to diagnose her personally.

"Master, brother Yi treated me. What else do you worry about?" Han Ying retracted her hand and said very shyly.

Feng Yixu looked at Han Ying and Lin Yi, then smiled and stroked his beard. "It seems that your relationship has improved by leaps and bounds this time when you go to Miao village. Has it already been that?"

Feng Yixu looked at Lin Yi with a smile and winked at him very childishly.

Lin Yi immediately understood what he meant and said to him with the same smile, "elder Feng, this is not what you have always wanted."

Han Ying looked at the two of them and immediately blushed on her white face. "Master, don't make fun of Ying'er."

"Ying'er, come here." Feng Yixu waved and let Han Ying come to her again.

"What's the matter?" Han Ying timidly stepped forward and asked for no reason.

Feng Yixu raised her right arm and rolled up her sleeve. Han Ying already knew what Feng Yixu was confirming, but she had no time to stop. Just now she didn't let Feng Yixu diagnose and treat her. She was worried that this would be seen, but the result turned out like this.

"Ha ha, Lin Xiaoyou, you are finally enlightened this time." Feng Yixu rolled down Han Ying's sleeves and said with a laugh.

Lin Yi asked vaguely, "what do you mean, what enlightenment?"

"Nothing, nothing. Let's take things back and put them away first." Han Ying interrupts Lin Yi's dialogue with Feng Yixu, and then walks to the inner room with some shame.

Lin Yi is also naive and ready to follow her with something.

"Lin Xiaoyou, I already know. You should be better to Ying'er in the future. If you bully her, I won't agree." Although Feng Yixu was smiling, his tone was very serious.

"Elder Feng, of course I will be nice to Han Ying. If she doesn't bully me, thank God. How dare I bully her." Lin Yi said with some grievances.

"Hey, today is different from the past. Now Ying'er is your person and her identity is different. In short, you should treat her better than before." Feng Yixu stressed.

"That's right, but how do you know?" Lin Yi's words were not straightforward. He winked at Feng Yixu and made his eyes.

Of course, Feng Yixu understands what he means. This is an exclusive eye contact for men to talk about private topics.

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