Lin Yi still attaches great importance to Xue Qian. Speaking of it, he is a very good manager.

Perhaps, Xue Qian's medical skills are still far behind those of Wang Weikang and Qian Yonglin. However, in terms of management, the latter two may not be as good as Xue Qian. It can be said that this is a person. According to Lin Yi, since Xue Qian came to Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, he has only been hired at a high salary, which has nothing to do with Wei group.

"Do you think Xue Qian will stay or choose to leave?"

Wang Weikang did not answer, but said to himself, "but you can basically see that if the cloud family and the Wei family officially break up, it is impossible to support the Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum solely with the strength of the cloud family. Even if the Wei family does not target, it is impossible. In this case, do you think Xue Qian will choose to stay or leave?"

After listening to this, Lin Yi couldn't help but be slightly stunned, and then clearly nodded, "yes, yes, in this case, smart people will choose to leave. Well, it seems that we can only choose to find a qualified manager again."


Hearing this word, Wang Weikang felt something wrong, but he didn't think much about it. The two talked a lot again. This exchange may be the last exchange between the two before they parted. Wang Weikang didn't ask about medical affairs, but just regretted Lin Yi's choice.

After dinner, they left.

Lin Yi calls Tang Mengying and learns that she and Shu ran haven't had dinner yet, so she makes some dishes at Tingyu building and takes them back. It's reasonable that Tingyu building can't accept such a request. After all, as a high-end hotel, they are not allowed to make such a price reduction of takeout. However, Lin Yi has a black gold card for taking care of his family. Under such circumstances, The rain tower can only choose to listen.

"Wow, Lin Yi, you are really good enough. You can get takeout temporarily in the Tingyu building. You know, if you want to eat in the Tingyu building, you need to make an appointment in advance."

Shu ran was surprised and felt that Lin Yi had some magical powers. After all, even she couldn't do such a thing.

"I'm just lucky to meet an acquaintance. Well, you should eat something quickly and don't take it too seriously. With our strength, we are basically sure to win the championship. Even if we can't win the championship, the top three are no problem and meet the conditions for starting."

Lin Yi smiled casually. He saw that Shu ran was still doing analysis. He took several thick books and wrote and drew there, recording a lot of things that Lin Yi couldn't understand.

But Lin Yi feels that this girl doesn't have to fight like this. After all, it doesn't have anything to do with Shu ran. It's just because of her own reasons.

Although shuran has recovered well recently, he still can't be too tired. Otherwise, it will have a certain impact on his body. In Lin Yi's opinion, treatment is the most important thing for shuran. As for the studio, there's no need to worry too much for the time being.

"Absolutely not. We must win the championship. Otherwise, my efforts will be wasted?"

Shu ran Dudu said, "moreover, don't think I'm working so hard for you. We're not familiar with each other. I originally had the idea of entering the e-sports industry. In the past, I had to give up because of my poor health. Now my health is expected to recover, and there's still such an opportunity. I'm sure to seize it."

Although winning the municipal competition is not big news in the e-sports circle, it is at least a glorious debut experience. As a tactical analyst of the champion team, Shu Ran's starting point is much higher than that of ordinary E-sports practitioners.

Of course, shuran wants to enter the e-sports industry, not because she wants to make money, but simply because she loves her heart. This sister herself likes playing games and doing game analysis, but she can only give up because of her body. Now she has a chance, she must seize it.

"It sounds good."

Lin Yi nodded thoughtfully and immediately asked, "what about your debut? With your game skills, it should be difficult to debut, so you can only choose tactical analysts. Are you going to continue to take them, or..."

By them, Lin Yi naturally refers to Jiang Xin, Jiang Tong and Mi Jing.

As for himself and Li Huanhuan, they will not participate in the later professional competitions. They said frankly that playing games is just a pastime and a thing to pass the time. As for going to professional level in the future, it is obviously impossible to play games without good medical skills? Lin Yi can't do such a thing.

"What do you think I should choose?"

Shu ran asked.

"I don't think you will choose them."

Lin Yi smiled. Although he didn't want several people to be separated, out of rational thinking, he felt that Shu ran should not walk with Jiang Xin and others after the municipal competition.

"Yes, in fact, the game skills of the three of them are OK, not too bad, but... All three of them are still students, and their main time has to be used for learning. There is little time they can really use in the game. Instead of slowly writing with them, they might as well choose the real E-sports team. You know, every tactic in this industry Analysts, but they are all babies. "

Shu ran smiled.

"Yes, it is."

Lin Yi nods. Shu Ran is right. The rarity of tactical analysts is almost the same as that of the high star king with more than 90 stars. It is a rare kind, and not everyone can take it. Although Shu Ran is young, she obviously has this talent. If she continues to stay in the studio, she will be a little inferior.

"You won't play games with Huanhuan?"

Shu ran asked.

"Play, but I'm sure I won't participate in this kind of competition again. At most, it's just amateur play. It's just pure interest."

Lin Yi smiled. Of course, they can't play games all day. He doesn't care. Anyway, it's boring to go to work now. It's good to play and kill time, but it's hard to say in the future. Once the TCM Museum starts to rectify, he must go to the front stage. He's busy. As for Li Huanhuan, it's just three minutes hot. Now he's interested, He may not be interested in the future, and he can't force each other.

"That's a pity. A king of 100 stars, a king close to 100 stars, tut tut tut......"

Shuran is not surprised, just a little sorry.

"Well, not to mention this, I'll give you a massage after dinner. Anyway, I'm bored."

Lin Yi's words made Shu ran think a lot

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