It's not that he can ignore other leaders of the traditional Chinese Medicine Museum after he gets on the line of Lin Yi. Assistant Yang is not so arrogant.

The reason is that those people have determined that they will leave tomorrow. Although they haven't left today, they have begun to pack up their things. They want to leave the traditional Chinese Medicine Museum before leaving work today, and they will also officially leave. In this case, these people are no longer superior to assistant Xiao Yang. Anyway, they will not work together in the future, Why say hello to them?

"By the way, Dr. Lin."

Assistant Xiao Yang suddenly thought of something and whispered, "Liu Jin was beaten in the office just now. I heard that the reason is that he abused Dr. Wang. What do you think of this?"

Liu Jin?

Hearing the name, Wang Jiajia and ye Xinran both frowned. Originally, they found Liu Jin through the introduction of acquaintances. They thought they could ask each other to help, but they didn't expect... It was such a scum beast.

Now I heard that the fat pig abused other doctors and was beaten. The two girls hated Liu Jin more and wondered how such a person could exist in this good medical school?

"Fired, that's what yunshuang and I mean."

Lin Yi said faintly, "after you go back, write an announcement, and then get it on our official website. In addition, print it and paste it on the blackboard of the medical museum. It is said that Liu Jin openly violated the rules and regulations of the traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, causing adverse effects, and was dismissed as a warning."


Assistant Xiao Yang couldn't help taking a breath. This guy is really cruel.

Liu Jin believes that he came from the provincial capital and is going back soon, so some of his nature is exposed. But he can't imagine that Lin Yi dares to play so hard. In this way, it is tantamount to slapping Wei's group in the face of the provincial capital, and the Dean Xue Qian will be affected.

"Dr. Lin, what should the Dean say?"

Assistant Xiao Yang asked tentatively.

Xue Qian hasn't left yet. Naturally, he is the president of their traditional Chinese Medicine Museum.

"Xue Qian?"

Lin Yi glanced at him faintly. "If Xue Qian has any opinion, he will make another announcement that the president of Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum openly violated the rules and regulations and cultivated and promoted his confidants in the hospital, causing a bad impact. After discussion and decision by the board of directors, he will be dismissed and punished as a warning."


Assistant Xiao Yang was immediately stunned by Lei De's eyes and looked at Lin Yi with something incredible.

Xue Qian is the president of the traditional Chinese medicine hospital, and even in the provincial city hospital, he is also a highly valued talent. At the beginning, Wei Xuanxuan could get Xue Qian here as the president, so we can see that the Wei family attached great importance to him.

If Lin Yi really does this, I'm afraid the Wei family is bound to become a joke in the whole medical community.

"Dr. Lin, are you kidding?"

Assistant Xiao Yang thought it was exaggerated.

"Do you think I'm kidding?"

Lin Yi looked at him coldly.

Assistant Xiao Yang stopped talking. He had a hunch that the guy in front of him really dared to do so.

"OK, first arrange the internship work of Wang Jiajia and ye Xinran, and then Liu Jin's dismissal announcement. Finish these two things first. As for Xue Qian... If he doesn't say anything, it's OK. If he really dares to intervene, don't blame me for beating the Wei family in the face."

Lin Yi said carelessly, "the traditional Chinese medicine center has never been his Xue Qian's traditional Chinese medicine center. It wasn't before, and it doesn't matter in the future. Even if Xue Qian is a talent of the provincial capital Weishi group? I give him face. He's a talent. If I don't give him face, he doesn't even fart. Assistant Yang, what do you say?"

"Er... Dr. Lin, you're right."

Assistant Xiao Yang swallowed his saliva. "Well... If there's nothing wrong, I'll be busy first."

"Go, go."

Lin Yi waved his hand, watched assistant Yang go out, and closed the door.

After assistant Yang left, there was silence in the office. Wang Jiajia and ye Xinran looked at each other and shrunk their necks. I don't know why, they always felt that what they had just experienced was terrible.

Who the hell is this guy in front of me? Liu Jin was fired without saying a word. Even the Dean didn't pay attention. Shouldn't the Dean be the highest ranking person in the medical school?

"What's the matter with you two?"

Seeing that the two girls looked strange, Lin Yi frowned and asked, "Don't you have any dissatisfaction with the treatment? For enterprises, the difference between interns and temporary workers is not big. Naturally, it's impossible to give the salary of formal employees. Otherwise, it's unfair, but don't worry too much. As a local private enterprise and private traditional Chinese Medicine Museum in Nanyang, even interns, the salary is excellent, at least the best in the city. ”

"No, no, no, no dissatisfaction, no dissatisfaction."

Wang Jiajia quickly waved his hand, and immediately asked carefully, "Dr. Lin, what happened in your hospital? Dean..."

"Oh, you say this."

Lin Yi suddenly understood and explained, "Some changes have taken place in the shareholder level of the TCM Museum. The major shareholder of the TCM Museum, Wei's group, has withdrawn, while the president Xue Qian and others, who were originally members of the provincial capital Wei's group, have withdrawn their capital and left. They naturally want to go back. Soon, our whole hospital has nothing to do with Wei's group, and both sides operate independently."

"Oh, well, no wonder you said you had to recruit a lot of interns."

Wang Jiajia suddenly realized.

To be honest, she naturally can't understand the high-level things Lin Yi said, but it doesn't mean she doesn't understand what it means.

"I don't have to recruit a lot of interns, eh... I'm going to recruit a group of interns. It doesn't have much to do with this. The main reason is that I think the TCM Museum lacks vitality, so I plan to use some new people. Of course, in the core aspect, I still need to use old famous doctors. The existence of interns is to adjust the age ratio of the whole TCM Museum, not the hospital Not without these people. "

Lin Yi said.

After a large number of well-known doctors such as Xue Qian and Wang Weikang have left, the hospital still needs to use some old traditional Chinese medicine. His purpose of recruiting interns is not to let these people treat patients. Otherwise, I don't know how much trouble will be caused.

If it was in the past, Lin Yi naturally didn't bother to take care of these, but it will be different in the future. From now on, this traditional Chinese Medicine Museum also has half of its own, so Lin Yi can't take it to heart as before. He has to be active when he goes to work lazily every day.

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