"Very good, very good-looking."

Lin Yi touched his nose and immediately changed the topic without a trace. "Time is almost up. I'm a little hungry. Let's go out for dinner first?"


Yunshuang nodded and didn't tangle with Lin Yi on this issue. After all, the future is long and there is plenty of time in the future. As for now, it should be a better start.

At this time, Lin Yi's mobile phone suddenly rang. He picked up his mobile phone and looked at it, and immediately frowned slightly.

"What's the matter?"

Seeing this, yunshuang couldn't help asking.

"It's Qin Xiao's phone. It seems that this guy knows we're coming to the provincial capital."

Lin Yi Yang raised his mobile phone and said helplessly.

Qin Xiao, the prince of the Qin family, one of the four families in Donghua Province, is the eldest son of the third generation. It can be said that he is quite powerful.

The last time Lin Yi and yunshuang came to the provincial capital together, Qin Xiao took the initiative to come to the door and discussed with Lin Yi to deal with the Wei family. At that time, Lin Yi didn't want to agree, but unexpectedly, Qin Xiao took out something enough to impress him, that is, the ancient scroll of medical ethics, the treasure of the Qin family.

There are 124 ancient medical scrolls in total. Last time, Lin Yi only got four odd volumes, and there are 120 volumes left. Originally, Lin Yi was still thinking about what he should do to let Qin Xiao send all the remaining ancient scrolls. Unexpectedly, he couldn't wait for himself to speak. He was impatient to come to the door for convenience.

"It's normal. Anyway, the Qin family has always been one of the four families in the provincial capital. Now, they are facing the situation of being besieged on all sides because of the matter of master Qin. At this time, any disturbance in the provincial capital may be aimed at the Qin family. We didn't cover up when we came. I believe someone informed the Qin family when we first arrived It's too late. "

Yunshuang was not surprised. She smiled and shook her head. "What I didn't expect is that Qin Xiao would call you so soon after learning that you came to the provincial capital. I don't know what the guy is up to."

"What kind of person do you think Qin Xiao is?"

Lin Yi asked.

"I don't know. After all, I don't know Qin Xiao well. I just met him a few times. Qin Xiao is elegant, open-minded, broad-minded and has the style of a gentleman, but it's uncertain what his real character and conduct are. It's the so-called... We must be careful."

Yunshuang frowned and thought, then shook her head.

She didn't make some words too absolute, worried about affecting her image in Lin Yi's mind.

However, the Qin family is one of the top aristocratic families in Donghua province and inherits the ancient family. Qin Xiao, as the eldest of the three generations of the Qin family, must be a man of the city government who can live safely to this day. This kind of person has no profit and can't get up early compared with profiteers. Now contact Lin Yi, I'm afraid it may not be a good thing.

"Well, it doesn't matter. The soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. If Qin Xiao has a good nature, I can still consider making friends with him, but if the thoughtful generation dares to calculate us, don't blame me for being impolite."

Lin Yi chuckled and didn't pay much attention to it.

"It's really boastful. If outsiders listen to it, you'll offend the eldest young master of the Qin family."

Hearing what Lin Yi said, yunshuang couldn't help laughing.

"You're not an outsider."

Lin Yi said casually.

As a result, yunshuang's face turned red after hearing this sentence.

You're not an outsider

That's a little ambiguous.

Lin Yi didn't see yunshuang's strange expression. He directly stood up and went to the window to answer the phone. Pretending to be surprised, he said a few words to Qin Xiao, and then hung up.

"What did Qin Xiao say?"

When yunshuang saw Lin Yi coming back, she immediately asked.

"This guy is really well-informed. He not only knows that we have come to the provincial capital, but also knows where we live clearly, even including Huanhuan and Mengying's admission to Donghua University..."

Lin Yi threw his cell phone on the bed and suddenly sneered, "sure enough, the local snakes in the provincial capital are still a little capable, but I just hope these people can be safe and don't worry about us. Otherwise, if I dare to take me as an ant, I'm afraid I have to play the trick of killing chickens and making an example of monkeys."

"That's why I didn't rush into the provincial capital. Shopping malls are like battlefields. If only some small enterprises enter the provincial capital, it's nothing. But our cloud group has a market value of more than 100 billion, and it's basically all physical industries. If we enter the provincial capital market, I'm afraid we will be excluded by all forces."

Yunshuang shook her head helplessly, which was no accident.

Many top forces in Donghua's real estate industry have territorial awareness, and the interest space of the provincial capital business district has almost been excavated. In this life and death place where local people are fighting, if a large foreign group suddenly wants to settle in, it will immediately let all forces join hands to crowd out, which is also the reason why yunshuang did not rashly enter the provincial capital.

"Therefore, we need a strong local force to escort us, and we also need to show absolute strong strength and clear goals. At that time, there won't be many people who dare to continue to provoke us."

Lin Yi also thought about these early. Therefore, he just smiled and said meaningfully, "there is a very good choice right now. If we can grasp it, the alliance defense between the local forces in the provincial capital will be vulnerable."

"Qin Xiao? Qin family? I'm afraid it won't be easy."

Yunshuang frowned slightly. "The Qin family itself is already unstable. Now the Qin family is still alive, so the Qin family can support it. But once the Qin family dies, the whole Qin family may not be able to protect itself and can't escort us. Moreover, the Wei family, one of the eight small families, is friendly with the Qin family. The Qin family may not make friends with the Wei family for us."

"I didn't say Qin Xiao. I said Qin Xiao's fiancee. Do you remember?"

Lin Yi said if he had a point.

"Qin Xiao's beautiful fiancee... Lin Manyu?"

When yunshuang's eyes brightened, she also thought of some rumors.

The Lin family behind Lin Manyu, looking at the whole Donghua Province, is actually not too strong. There is a gap compared with the eight small families. However, behind the Lin family, there is a master family. That is the real behemoth, comparable to the transcendent existence of the four big families.

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