It's strange that I think this man is so kind-hearted that I can't have seen him anywhere. Lin Yi touched his chin and thought carefully.

"Dr. Lin, we can't find anything wrong with our examination method, but he has been in a coma and his whole body is hot. There's really no way. Please show me what's going on?" Liu Guoli explained to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi came forward to feel his pulse, and then calmly checked it. Suddenly, his face changed greatly, "when did you receive this patient?"

Lin Yi's volume increased a little. After hearing the sound, the doctor sitting outside to participate in the consultation thought something had happened and rushed in.

Liu Guoli saw something wrong with Lin Yi. He also noticed something big in his heart. He said timidly, "last night, last night."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Lin Yi scolded angrily.

"It was late at night when I picked you up yesterday. I think you have gone to bed, so I didn't bother you." Liu Guoli said truthfully.

"Didn't you check him after yesterday?" Lin Yi asked sternly.

Liu Guoli and all the doctors nodded slowly.

"No wonder you couldn't find anything wrong when you checked him yesterday. If you checked him today, you would see the problem." Lin Yi rolled up his sleeves and put his hand on the patient's nostrils.

"His organs are slowly failing, and his breathing is gradually weakening. Fortunately, I should be in time. If it's later, I'm estimated that I can't get back." Lin Yi shook his head with a heavy tone.

"Yes, Dr. Lin, we just know that you are a skilled doctor, so we went to ask you for help."

"Yes, Dr. Lin, only you can cure him now."

"Dr. Lin, this patient is very special. You must find a way to cure him. However, based on our understanding of you, you should have no problem."

For a time, the ward became lively. Everyone praised Lin Yi one after another. Some didn't even see Lin Yi's face. They just heard his legend and appreciated him.

At this time, the door was pushed open again and an old man with silver beard and white hair came in.

Seeing Liu Guoli's face startled, he hurried forward and said, "Dean, you're coming."

Others greeted him one after another.

As the crowd moved, Lin Yi looked at the old man. It turned out that he was the president of the central hospital.

The old man approached Lin Yi slowly, smiled and said to him, "I've heard that Guoli said that there was a strange young man of ancient Chinese medicine in the city. When I saw him today, he really had an extraordinary atmosphere."

"Dean, you flattered me. I just did my part to do what I should do. Those names are all for everyone's face." Lin Yi said modestly.

"I've heard about Dr. Sun and Dr. Wang for a long time. I've lost the face of our central hospital and let Dr. Lin worry about them. I'm the president, and I live up to the expectations of the people." The Dean suddenly mentioned Lin Yi's marriage with Wang Dong and others a long time ago, which made Lin Yi feel a little embarrassed.

"Dean, it's all in the past, and it has nothing to do with you. It's their own character. You don't have to blame yourself. We'd better hurry to treat the patient. I think he's very dangerous now." Lin Yi skillfully turned the topic back.

The Dean nodded, "please Dr. Lin for this." The dean said this and called everyone back to give Lin Yi enough space to treat the patient well.

Lin Yi took out his exclusive secret needle from his bag, prepared to check the patient's condition in detail, and then found the entry point.

The silver needle was already in hand. Yungong entered the needle and was ready to insert into the patient's shenting point. Suddenly, a violent wind blew in, and Lin Yi's hand was held and could not move.

Lin Yi looks back, yo, another familiar face.

"What are you doing?" A sharp female voice sounded.

"Beauty, I thought you just couldn't drive. Your eyes are not very good. I'm treating the patient." Lin Yi said with a smile.

"Use this needle? Are you bluffing me? I don't think you're seeing a doctor, you're dying." The woman didn't let go of Lin Yi's hand and said to Lin Yi viciously.

Lin Yi smiled helplessly, "girl, do you know what this needle is? If you don't know, I advise you to go back and read more books and don't delay me here."

"Yes, yes, Miss Lu, Lin Yi is a famous doctor. Many patients who were sentenced to death by us have survived under his hands."

"Miss Lu, you'd better not delay Dr. Lin. it's a long time. It's not very good for the patient."

The dean and Liu Guoli were startled by the beauty who was suddenly killed. After listening to her argue with Lin Yi for a few words, they learned that she questioned Lin Yi's medical skills, so they calmed down and came forward to speak for Lin Yi.

"It's Miss Lu, isn't it?" Lin Yi raised his eyebrows. "You heard that. They all call me a miracle doctor. They are all the leaders of the municipal hospital. What else do you have to worry about?"

"By you? You deserve to be called a miracle doctor? I don't believe it anyway." The beauty known as Miss Lu turned her head and looked like she didn't admit defeat.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, the delayed time is the patient's. I have plenty of time to spend with you. You like to hold me, and I can stay still." Lin Yi glanced at his hand and blinked at the beauty.

Lu Meimei also realized that her hand had been holding Lin Yi's hand tightly since just now. She suddenly bounced away like an electric shock, and then said bitterly, "I think you're a smelly hooligan. You're not like a miracle doctor. No, I can't take this risk. You must change a doctor for me."

The dean and Liu Guoli were embarrassed when they heard this. The Dean looked at Liu Guoli and Lin Yi and approached the beauty, "Miss Lu, we really have no way. Otherwise, you can sit and have a look first. If there is any problem, we'll stop immediately?"

Beauty Lu tilted her head and frowned. "No, I can't joke about Grandpa's life. I've seen his shamelessness just now. I never believe he has this ability."

No wonder I just came in and felt that the patient lying in bed had a good face. Isn't it 7 points similar to the beauty in front of me? It was ye and sun. Lin Yi thought to himself.

"It turns out that Miss Lu doesn't really believe in my medical skills, but is holding a grudge. There's no way. Dean, director Liu, please ask for another expert. It's only because I accidentally offended Miss Lu." Lin Yi pretends to put away the silver needle and is ready to leave.

"No, no, no, Dr. Lin, you must have had some misunderstanding before. Just say it and resolve it. Why take it seriously." Liu Guoli stops Lin Yi.

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