These two guys are too sick, aren't they?

Seeing this scene, the three teammates were stunned and made exclamation marks one after another to express their shock.

This is just the beginning. They have killed the enemy. You know, this is not a drone attack or a king abusing bronze. This is a real high-end King's game.

It is reasonable to say that this kind of competition basically does not have the possibility of second killing opponents, but these two guys did it.

"You are archers."

Originally, I was going to kneel and want to cry. If I remember correctly, the shooter should be developed in the early stage and rise in the later stage, right?

But when... Is this crispy shooter so powerful?

"Oh, I'm a master."

Lin Yi's eyes narrowed slightly. The opponent's speed of killing his opponent was not much worse than that of himself. He deserved to be the closest to himself among all the shooters in the national uniform. It seems that Lin Yi should take it seriously. Otherwise, he might not be as good as the other party.

"Come on, two big guys. I'll pinch your legs."

The tank respectfully pinched the flattering typing.

However, Lin Yi and Zhou Tianxing directly ignored it.

About fifty minutes later

Yes, that's right. The game that could have been played in more than 20 minutes was delayed to more than 50 minutes. It's not that the opposite side is too strong or his teammates don't cooperate, but that the output gap between Lin Yi and Zhou Tianxing is too small, so he deliberately lengthened the front.

When Lin Yi has obvious advantages, Zhou Tianxing will deliberately fight. When Zhou Tianxing has obvious advantages, Lin Yi also does the same. The coquettish operation of these two guys is really stunned passers-by.

Until finally, the opposite side was angry and directly clicked to surrender and admit defeat, the game finally ended.

Finally, Lin Yi killed 47 and Zhou Tianxing killed 39. However, in terms of maximum output, Lin Yi was slightly lower than Zhou Tianxing by 0.5%.

You know, at the beginning, they agreed to the output rate of the game, not the number of kills. In other words, Lin Yi lost the game.

"You won, very powerful."

Lin Yi replied, touching his chin, his eyes showed a kind of thoughtful color.

He didn't want to cheat. Although he said that if he wanted to cheat, the other party couldn't help it, because although Zhou Xingchen killed more, in the final analysis, there was a big gap in the number of kills compared with Lin Yi. There were eight heads, which can't be ignored by anyone.

However, Lin Yi doesn't mean to cheat. On the one hand, it's not necessary. After all, it's just a game. In fact, winning or losing won't lose anything. But if you cheat, it's a matter of character.

"It's not a win. I'm just opportunistic. You pay too much attention to the number of kills and single shot interception, but you ignore that this is a team game. Although I don't have as many kills as you, I have more than a dozen assists than you, and the dragon is also played by me. I can see that your technology is much better than me. Even if it's a tie this time, I have something to do. I'll fight again next time I have a chance."

A long string of messages came from the stars on Sunday, and then got off the line.

"Hehe, this guy is quite interesting."

Seeing the long string of news sent by Zhou Xingchen, Lin Yi was stunned at first, and then smiled. Originally, he thought that the strongest national uniform shooter squeezed by himself would have any opinion on himself because of this relationship, but he didn't expect that the other party was so modest and polite from beginning to end. Even if he won himself, he didn't have any complacency, Just briefly explained the reason, and agreed to compare again next time.

Obviously, although the words of the stars this week are modest, they are also a proud person in their heart. They feel that their dangerous victory is meaningless and can't tell the real victory or defeat. Even in the eyes of outsiders, Lin Yi is obviously much better than him.

Because Lin Yi has taken a full eight heads more than him, but his only advantage over Lin Yi is the 0.5% output rate. The public will notice the leading eight heads at a glance, not the tiny output rate... Although they do compare the output rate.

Obviously, in the view of the stars this week, although he did beat Lin Yi according to the competition rules, this victory was meaningless. He also wanted to win a more advantageous victory, so he agreed with Lin Yi to continue the competition next time.

This is a guy who is proud, unwilling to admit defeat, but unwilling to win easily. Lin Yi is still very fond of this kind of person, because he thinks that since he is a genius, he should be proud. This kind of pride is not always on his lips, as if everyone knows that he is very awesome, but psychologically, It is a kind of pride and pride from the depths of the soul, and it is also a super self-confidence almost like faith.

"I don't have much time next. Let's talk about it when I have a chance."

Lin Yi replied. No matter whether the other party can see it or not, he directly withdrew from the game. Oh, by the way, when Lin Yi replied, he used his email, because if instant messaging goes offline and goes online again, he can't see the message. This kind of thing is portable and fast, but it also has the problem that it can't be stored.


When Lin Yi quit the game, he found that someone sent him a message. Because Lin Yi adjusted the game mode, the information of other software could not be seen at the first time. He had to quit the game before he could see the prompt. When he opened the message, he found that it was more than ten minutes ago, and the person who sent the message was an Lili who was still chatting before.

When Lin Yi opened it, he saw a long series of questions and was immediately happy. He looked at the questions carefully, meditated a little for a few seconds, and then dialed an Internet phone to the other party.

At the same time.

Dormitories of Junior Girls in Donghua Medical University and Department of traditional Chinese medicine.

Ann Lily was still depressed. Why didn't Lin Yi reply to her? It's been more than ten minutes. Is there a delay? Or don't you want to talk to yourself? Or... Stumped him?

All kinds of speculation flashed in her heart. An Lili's depression was also seen by a roommate. The other party also made fun of whether she had a male god who fell in love at first sight, so she was in a daze.

Ann Lili didn't answer each other, sighed, threw her mobile phone aside, and then opened a book to study by herself. As a result, at this time, the voice of the Internet phone suddenly rang. She glanced casually and found that it was Lin Yi's phone. Her heart jumped.

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