"I can't imagine that Miss Lu is such a person who doesn't count his words. There are so many people here who have heard our gambling appointment. It's unreasonable for you to argue like this." Lin Yi pulled down the corner of his eye and said deliberately mischievously, pretending to be wronged.

"You, what are you talking about? Who doesn't keep his word? You haven't cured it at all, hum." In a hurry, Miss Lu kicked Lin Yimeng.

Lin Yi cried out in pain. Just now he was photographed by Liu Guoli and stood still. He was a little reluctant. This time, he was kicked by the big lady. He really couldn't resist.

Liu Guoli supported Lin Yi and asked with concern, "Dr. Lin, are you okay?"

"I, I, I can't." With these words, Lin Yi closed his eyes and fell back.

There was a sudden confusion in the ward. Everyone came forward to see Lin Yi's situation.

Miss Lu's face also darkened. She timidly pulled the dean's clothes and asked, "Dean, he, is he okay?"

The Dean didn't understand the situation, and his face was very anxious. "I don't know, Miss Lu, is your kick too heavy?"

"No, I've kicked people like this at ordinary times. I haven't seen anyone faint like him."

Miss Lu didn't believe it. She thought Lin Yi was deliberately pretending to faint to scare her, so she slapped Lin Yi in the face. "Hey, get up, don't pretend. I know you're okay. You just want me to cash the bet. I'll cash it when you get up."

But no matter how she called or played, Lin Yi still didn't respond.

"No, you get up. Don't pretend to be dead. You're so powerful. I kicked you for no reason and you fell down?" Miss Lu can't wake up Lin Yi. She's a little flustered. She's afraid she's really in some big trouble.

Lin Yi just said that the old man's illness can't be cured overnight. If he really has something to do, who will help her cure grandpa.

When Lu Mei was regretting, Liu Guoli suddenly remembered that a similar situation had occurred before, so she smiled and comforted Lu Mei and said, "Miss Lu, don't worry. It is estimated that Dr. Lin was tired. He had a similar situation before. After he cured the patient, he fainted."

"Really?" Lu Meimei thought Liu Guoli deliberately said these words to reassure her that she was no longer blaming herself.

"Really, let him have a good sleep and he will be all right tomorrow." Liu Guoli continued.

Lu Meimei believed what he said and watched the people help Lin Yi into the next room to rest. She stood at the door and looked for a while, then turned and left.

Lin Yi opened his eyes in ignorance and saw that everything around him was white. He propped up his body with his hands and tried to remember what had happened to him.

Looking at the display equipment here, I remembered that director Liu had invited him to the hospital to treat a patient. After treatment, he was very weak, and then he was kicked. I didn't know what happened later.

Lin Yi must have been kicked out. He complained in his heart. He didn't expect a little girl's film to kick me so hard. Lin Yi thought, rolled up his trouser legs, looked at the kicked meat and stroked it painfully.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in." Lin Yi said without raising his head. He now focuses all his attention on his legs.

"Hello, are you Dr. Lin Yi?" A somewhat low male voice sounded in his ear.

Originally, he thought it was a nurse delivering meals. As a result, it was a man. Lin Yi raised his head and looked at it.

The man is wearing a suit and tie, very solemn dress, full facial features and kind face.

Next to the man stood a woman with shoulder length hair and some curls. Although there were some wrinkles on her face, her elegant temperament still showed that she was born extraordinary.

Strange, why do these two people feel a little friendly? Where have you met? Lin Yi thought, and his thoughts floated away.

"Hello?" Seeing that Lin Yi didn't answer for a long time, the man reached out and shook in front of him.

Lin Yi came back, "ah, you, Hello, I, I'm Lin Yi, who are you?"

After thinking for a long time, I didn't remember where I saw them. I just said hello directly.

But the man didn't directly answer Lin Yi's question, "Hello, we're here to thank you for the old man you treated yesterday."

"Oh, you're his son? But it's not very similar." Lin Yi spoke directly.

The man was not angry and smiled. "It's not his son. We are all his younger generation. When we learned that he was hospitalized in an emergency, the doctors here have nothing to do, but you succeeded in saving his life. Thank you very much."

Lin Yi smiled politely, "where, where, has not been completely cured, but temporarily saved his life. There will be no danger of his life."

"That's great. I heard from the dean that they had nothing to do at the beginning. Without you, he would have been sentenced to death by now." The woman next to the man raised her mouth and said to Lin Yi with a smile.

"Here is a little meaning. I'll mend your body. I heard that you still need several stages of treatment in the later stage. I hope you'll take more trouble." The man said, picked up a pile of supplements and fruits on the ground and put them on the cabinet next to the bed.

"You are too polite. His family are not as polite as you." Lin Yi looked at those things and thought of Miss Lu's attitude yesterday. He couldn't help saying.

"He took good care of us before. We should do this little thing. It's not worth mentioning." The woman bowed her head humbly.

"There are not many people who know how to be grateful like you." Lin Yi feels particularly comfortable communicating with such polite people.

"Dr. Lin, we won't bother you. Have a good rest and we'll see you and the old man again later. In addition, please do your best to his illness. If you can, I hope he can recover." Although the man said pleading words, his tone made Lin Yi feel some command.

Is it my illusion?

But Lin Yi didn't say it. He still kept smiling. "It's our bounden duty to treat patients. I'm sure I'll do my best."

The man seemed very satisfied with Lin Yi's statement. After thanking him again, he walked out of the ward with the woman.

Lin Yi turned his head and looked at the things brought by men and women. They were all good goods, including valuable ginseng, deer antler and Cordyceps.

Look at their clothes and know that they are not ordinary people.

The door was knocked again, and a little nurse came in with food.

"Dr. Lin, did you wake up after smelling?" The little nurse teased Lin Yi.

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