"Mr. Yun is joking. I'm afraid you'll lose your position as president after you go."

Lin Yi shook his head.

"It doesn't matter. As long as you have the ability, what's a mere President? Maybe I'll share some of your shares. At that time, not only will the company be yours, but also me..."

Yunshuang's slender snow-white jade fingers draw a circle on Lin Yi's chest, which is meaningful.


Lin Yi didn't expect that he was molested in the early morning.

"Well, I'm kidding you. Since you have confidence, seriously, when Wang Ping asked you to give a class, I didn't think so much. I didn't expect you to associate so many things in such a seemingly ordinary lecture. It can be imagined that once you really do it and succeed, it will cause an earthquake in the field of traditional Chinese medicine."

Yunshuang exclaimed: "you gave me such a surprise in the early morning. Originally, I was still worried about the current situation of Yunshi group. Now it seems that my original decision may be right. The traditional Chinese Medicine Museum and you may really be my wisest decision."

"What happened to cloud group?"

Lin Yi was a little surprised. Listening to yunshuang's words, it seemed that the current situation of Yunshi group was not better. He suddenly thought of a news he had seen on TV. Although it was not Yunshi group, it was a similar problem related to the whole industrial chain.

"These industries in which Yunshi group is currently involved are basically entities with traditional business methods. Now the Internet is gradually emerging, and the traditional entity industry is greatly affected. More than 60% of the businesses of Yunshi group, including jewelry stores, are in deficit. Fortunately, I am in charge of Yunshi group now, not my father. Otherwise, I really feel bad Worry about whether the cloud group can last another 20 years. "

The cloud frost sighed.

"With the rise of the Internet, new things replace old things, new industries replace old industries, and new generations replace the old generation... This is an inevitable thing."

Lin Yi took a deep breath: "I looked at it before. In all businesses of Yunshi group, investment in real estate projects is too heavy, and real estate now seems to be in full bloom, but there are symptoms of sunset. If you are a jewelry store, you should consider the combination of offline and offline. In addition, I suggest Yunshi group to participate in more... Internet industry."

"Do you mean that Yunshi group needs transformation?"

Yunshuang could not help frowning.

"In fact, you already have the answer in your heart, don't you?"

Lin Yi shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "I can see that you have already made a decision in your heart, but you can't be cruel for a while, but what I want to say is that as an entrepreneur and a capitalist, you need to be crisp and clean, not women's benevolence and Yu Yu Yu."

"You're right."

Yunshuang took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "in fact, your idea is almost the same as mine. However, Yunshi group has basically taken shape from having nothing 20 years ago to having 100 billion assets. It is not easy to make changes or even complete transformation under this situation. If you don't pay attention, 100 billion empire will be destroyed."

"So, it's up to you to decide. For you, I'm a friend. For Yunshi group, I'm just an outsider and have no qualification to intervene. It's already a lot of talk just now. Other things... Need your own judgment and decision."

Lin Yi smiled: "the only thing I can do now is to try my best to make this big plate of Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum well, so that you don't worry about it. I can't help you in other areas, but... But I'll try my best to help wherever I need it."


Yunshuang pursed her mouth and remained silent for a long time. Just as Lin Yi turned to leave, she suddenly heard a sentence behind her: "Lin Yi, if I fail and have nothing, will you support me?"

"I'll find a way to set up a large company and hire you as president. Well... It's no less than a large company of cloud group."

Lin Yi turned his head and said with a smile, "of course, if you're talking about the kind of breeding method like a canary, then... There should still be hundreds of millions a year?"

While talking, Lin Yi swept yunshuang's body without any concealment.

It is already very obvious what is going on with this second method.

Yunshuang blushed. Unexpectedly, he intended to tease him, but he teased him.

"It's late. Shall we go downstairs for breakfast? We'll go directly to Donghua Medical University later."

Yunshuang looks at Lin Yi for a moment, and finally takes the initiative to give way, and then changes the topic.


Lin Yi readily agreed.

While they went downstairs to have breakfast together, there were some contradictions and quarrels in the office of the Department of traditional Chinese medicine of Donghua Medical University.

"President Wang, I have heard of Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum. It is said that it is a large-scale traditional Chinese Medicine Museum with an investment of tens of billions. It has great ambition. Before, there were Wang Weikang and many old doctors, and the inside information is strong. But now, Wang Weikang and others have left, and even the Weishi group in the province and city have withdrawn their capital. The so-called large-scale traditional Chinese Medicine Museum is just an empty shell Why should we cooperate with them? "

A middle-aged man in his forties said coldly.

As a well-known school with a long history, the middle-aged man has a sense of superiority. In his opinion, today's Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum is not qualified to cooperate with Donghua Medical University.

"Director Li, this is my decision. It has nothing to do with you."

Wang Ping glanced at the middle-aged man, but he couldn't help sneering in his heart.

Donghua Medical University?

This is a very good brand. It sounds like that.

However, most, or even more than 80% of Donghua Medical University are western medicine, and only traditional Chinese medicine, one is because there are too few students, the other is because the establishment time is too short to achieve any significant results, resulting in the reluctance of the upper class to invest in this area.

Wang Ping knows that Donghua Medical University is a good brand, but the Department of traditional Chinese medicine of Donghua Medical University... Who has heard of this?

I'm afraid even some pheasant universities are more famous than their traditional Chinese medicine department?

Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum lost Wang Weikang and others. It is true that its strength has greatly decreased. But the problem is that if the strength of Yunxing traditional Chinese Medicine Museum has not decreased too much, it can not suppress Tianyang traditional Chinese Medicine Museum. Therefore, it is urgent to find some partners. What qualifications do they have to cooperate with others?

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