"Lin Yi, did I do something wrong just now?"

After leaving Donghua Medical University, yunshuang sat in the car and thought about what had just happened. Seeing Lin Yi's dull look, she couldn't help asking.


Lin Yi was surprised, but he shook his head: "you didn't do anything wrong. What's wrong? It's just a small thing."

"But I clearly see you laughing."

Yunshuang frowns. If it's someone else, yunshuang doesn't care, but Lin Yi is different. Seeing that this guy is suspected of laughing at himself, yunshuang is obviously absent-minded and always thinking about what's going on and what he did wrong?

"Don't think about it. I just think you're fun."

Lin Yi was stunned and then said, "really, don't think about it. It really doesn't mean anything else."


Hearing the speech, yunshuang couldn't help blushing.

Yunshuang is not a little girl anymore. Although she has no experience with the opposite sex, it doesn't mean she doesn't know what the ambiguity is. Just seeing Lin Yi's calm appearance, she doesn't dare to say anything. Otherwise, what should she say? Let Lin Yi know that he has thought of some rotten things?

"I always feel like you're thinking something very evil."

Lin Yi looked at yunshuang suspiciously. There was something thoughtful in his eyebrows.

"Cough... I didn't. don't talk nonsense."

Yunshuang shook her head decisively, denied it and joked. How could she admit that she thought of those unclean things?

"Really not?"

Lin Yi's eyes seemed to have a meaningful color.

"Of course not."

Yunshuang shook her head and tried to keep her plain appearance. Then she turned to look out of the window and tried not to look at Lin Yi. However, what she didn't know was that her ears seemed to be dyed at the moment, which was always impossible to hide.

"That's a pity."

Seeing this, Lin Yi did not continue to force. Otherwise, it would be no good for him to annoy yunshuang.

"What a pity?"

Yunshuang couldn't help blushing and stared at this guy. Lin Yi is very serious on weekdays. Why is he so strange today? I really didn't see it.

"What do you think next?"

Yunshuang asks.

And try to change the topic. She doesn't want to continue to talk with Lin Yi about the topic just now. Yunshuang knows very well that if it is a business negotiation, she is very familiar with that routine, but if it is ambiguous, she is definitely not Lin Yi's opponent.

Even the one you don't even have to fight.

"What's next... I haven't thought about it yet. I'm wondering whether we should go back directly or go to the gambling quarry and antique street here first. It's said that there is a large antique city in the provincial capital, which looks very powerful."

Speaking of the casino and the antique city, Lin Yi's eyes brightened, as if he had found an organization.

However, yunshuang could not help shrinking her neck and her eyes were full of sympathy. Naturally, the sister could not sympathize with Lin Yi, but the bosses who were about to face Lin Yi's gambling stone shop and antique city. In the past, they were old drivers who killed passengers, but when Lin Yi went

The picture is too beautiful to see.

"Lin Yi, the provincial capital is different from other places, in which the interests of major forces are very complex. At present, we haven't even figured out the situation of Nanyang city. If there is some intersection of interests with the provincial capital, I'm afraid it will cause some changes."

Cloud frost whispered.

"You mean, if I play too high-profile in gambling stone square, someone will come to the door?"

Lin Yi raised his eyebrows.


Yunshuang nodded with a bitter smile.

If it's someone else, it's easy to say, but Lin Yi is different. People play with raw wool stones and all they play is luck. At most, it's luck plus a little technology. As for whether the technology is true or not, it has to be said.

But what about Lin Yi?

Yunshuang has seen the picture of Lin Yi's action with her own eyes. That guy is completely abusive. There is no comparability. This guy has never said anything about luck when playing gambling. He depends entirely on his absolute strength.

Even, he seems to have a pair of perspective eyes. He can not only see the jade in the stone, but also see the quality and value of those jade. This is the most incredible thing.

Yunshuang knows very well that gambling stone shop is basically a lot of tricky things, which is not fair at all. Its nature is no different from gambling life. If you play too much and don't have absolute luck and strength, you won't have any problem losing your money.

But if Lin Yi goes, he can play with a high profile... Yunshuang has no doubt that the bosses behind the gambling stone shop will definitely stare at him. After all, Lin Yi with this terrible ability is a living money printer, and it can produce hundreds of thousands, millions and tens of millions of super money printers at one time.

As for how the big people behind the scenes will win over

Hehe, in the face of absolute interests, no one can be indifferent. They can try their best to win over Lin Yi, but if the win-over is not successful, they can also use some shady means to attack Lin Yi.

Don't think it's impossible. Nothing is impossible in front of interests.

"In fact, this problem is also very easy to solve. It's just that you have entered a dead end."

Lin Yi listened to yunshuang's words, but he didn't give up the idea of robbery. Instead, he frowned and thought, and then said, "we can buy more at one time, and then transport it back directly by special plane. At that time, we'll find someone to mine it ourselves. As far as I know, there seems to be no requirement to mine raw wool stones on the spot. Am I right?"

"Well... If so, it's no problem."

Yunshuang thought and finally nodded.

Yes, gambling stone workshop does not have this provision. In the final analysis, gambling stone workshop just pulls some foreign raw materials and then starts to sell them. It does not stipulate that the purchased raw materials and stones must be cut on the spot.

It's just that many people will use a gambler's psychology to buy things, and then can't wait to cut on the spot, so it seems that everyone will cut on the spot after buying the original stone. Mengxin don't understand what's going on, but yunshuang's family has done a lot of jewelry business, and they have a lot of contact with this link.

Moreover, Cui's group, the biggest rival of Yun's group in Nanyang City, its biggest business is gambling stone square business.

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