"Tell me your name first, or else." Lin Yi sat on the chair in the waiting area outside and tilted his mouth. "I won't cure it."

This did not scare Lu Meili, but rather frightened Liu Guoli.

"Dr. Lin, Dr. Lin, this is no joke. You'd better treat the chief first and then fight with Miss Lu." Liu Guoli approached Lin Yi and whispered in his ear.

"Director Liu, don't worry, I'll cure it." Lin Yi patted Liu Guoli's hand and whispered back.

Lu Meimei is very angry. If he doesn't tell him, he really doesn't care. What should he do? He's not from the central hospital. There's really nothing he can do.

"Rogue, listen clearly. Miss Ben's surname is Lu Yiran. Is that ok?" Lu Meimei said slightly angrily.

"Lu Yiran, happy and contented, wonderful." Lin Yi stood up slowly, analyzed the happy name of landing, and then slowly walked into the ward. Before closing the door, he turned his face and gave her a wink, "don't worry, your grandpa can talk to you today."

Before Lu Yiran could say anything, Lin Yi closed the door.

Next, there was another anxious wait. Lu Yiran and Liu Guoli were walking back and forth outside. The nurse on one side advised them to sit and wait, but they couldn't sit still.

Lu Yiran is the granddaughter of the old leader. It is natural that he cares about the old leader's body and can't rest at ease; Liu Guoli was appointed by the president to guard the old leader, and he was the one who strongly recommended Lin Yi. He wanted to guard here and harvest all the news at the first time.

Lin Yi approached the old chief. His face was ruddy, but he was still in a coma. He had to use a shadowless needle today.

Lin Yi quickly inserted the needles into different acupoints, and then exercised his power to make the needles play a role in the old leader's body, aiming at his declining organs to restore their function.

Sweat permeated Lin Yi's whole body again, but it was obviously much better than yesterday. After all, it had been treated once, and the organs that had fallen asleep had been summoned once.

But today takes longer than yesterday, and the effect is naturally better than yesterday.

After Lin Yi took out the needle in the old leader's body, first his fingers moved slightly, then his eyes slowly opened, and he only heard his weak voice asking, "here, where is this?"

"Old chief, this is the hospital." Lin Yi also calmly replied.

"Ah, I'm sick again?" There was a dull light in the old chief's eyes.

"Don't worry. There are people waiting to see you outside. I'll call them in." Lin Yi patted the old chief's hand, then dragged his tired body and opened the door of the ward.

Lu Yiran rushed up, "how, how?"

"Go and see for yourself." Lin Yi doesn't want to talk much. Let her witness it with her eyes.

Lu Yiran approached the hospital bed and saw the old man with his eyes open and trying to squeeze out a smile on his face.

"Yi, Yi Ran, you're here." The old man reached out to touch her.

Lu Yiran was so excited that tears could not be controlled and fell out.

"Grandpa, Grandpa, just wake up. You're scared to death and happy." Lu Yiran held the old man's outstretched hand and shouted.

"Silly girl, there's nothing to be scared of. People will face death when they are old. Darling, don't cry." The old man's rough big hand rubbed Lu Yiran's face back and forth.

Lu Yiran reached out and wiped away his tears. "I don't cry. I should laugh. Grandpa is all right now. I should laugh."

Liu Guoli looked at the old chief's mental head, which was obviously different from before. He turned to Lin Yi and said, "Dr. Lin, it's hard. Today is better than yesterday." He was referring to the situation of the old chief.

Lin Yi nodded. "Yes, there will be the last treatment tomorrow. When it's done, it will be completely cured." Lin Yi spoke in a low voice. He could feel his fatigue.

As he said, he made grandpa better every day. Although Lu Yiran was still a little unconvinced and didn't want to honor the gambling agreement he had made with him, he was already grateful to Lin Yi.

Lu Yiran asked the old chief to have a rest first. He would bring food to see him later. Then he greeted Lin Yi and Liu Guoli out of the ward together.

Liu Guoli said he would report the situation of the old chief to the president. Let's go first.

Lin Yi had planned to return to his room to rest, but Lu Yiran stopped him.

"Hey, rogue doctor, I didn't expect you to be really good." Lu Yiran said as he walked. His tone had changed a little for Lin Yi.

"What rogue doctor, it's not polite of you to say that to me." Lin Yi pretended to be angry and said.

"I wouldn't call you that if you were as serious as when you treated patients." Lu Yiran said with a smile.

"I'm a man with boundless mouth. I like to joke, but I don't want to use hooligans to describe me." Lin Yi explained with a smile.

"It's up to you to clean it up. If you want me not to call you that, you have to make achievements." Lu Yiran still refused to let go.

"I'm a rogue doctor. You're a cheeky lady." Lin Yi won't spare her either.

"Where did I cheat?" When Lu Yiran heard the nickname, he stamped his feet angrily and turned to yell at Lin Yi.

"When I cured the patient, you promised me a condition. Since yesterday, you have been pushing away and want to go back." Lin Yi said.

"Our bet is to cure it. Now it's only half cured. Where is it? If Grandpa is all right tomorrow, do what you say." Lu Yiran was so angry that he said "what to do with Lin Yi", which was picked up by Lin Yi.

"Well, what you said, you can't go back on it this time. If you go back on it, I'll beat your ass in public?" Lin Yi said with a bad smile.

Lu Yiran regretted when he finished. He seemed to have been beaten by Lin Yi's routine and said such words.

"Rogue doctor, I won't give you that chance." Originally, she had raised one foot slightly and planned to kick Lin Yi so that he would stop talking so recklessly. However, thinking of Lin Yi who fainted directly when she was kicked the day before yesterday, Lu Yiran slowly put down her foot, but she still didn't admit it.

"If you give me a chance, I'll know tomorrow." Lin Yi turned his back to Lu Yiran and reached out to her to say goodbye.

On the third day of treatment, Lin Yi got up early in the morning. Before Liu Guoli and Lu Yiran appeared, he came to the old chief's ward, took out a silver needle and began treatment.

It turned out that Lin Yi was going to surprise Lu Yiran so that she could chat with the safe old leader when she came. In this way, he had more conditions for negotiation about their gambling.

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